Best way to clear out gunner-support in left covered tunnel

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by vermifax, August 31, 2010.

  1. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    What's tying them up exactly. Some of their turrets die?
  2. Show me the Bacon

    Show me the Bacon New Member

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    There is a (very) low edge to the side of the tunnel, which if properly aimed, can allow the Assaults grenades to bounce back into the tunnel to help harass the campers, and upgraded bomb or charge are great for ringouts (and heavy damage from the bomb also).
  3. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    If they're sitting around watching the tunnel so that they can do all those nasty things you mentioned (slams, sniping, whatever), then they're tied up.

    If they're not there doing that, then you can come out and blow up all the bots that spawn in that lane (lane pushing at the source), blow up or hack their turrets, and basically leave their base wide open on that side.
  4. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    My strategies work; I know because I do it all the time. The best way is to run behind them as a gunner and get two free kills. Sometimes I kill the gunner first and sometimes I heal the support first.... it depends on the situation. Did you know the gunner deals damage faster than 1 support can heal?

    Alright if none of those worked, try this: hack the left rocket turret with a level 1 hack. Ta-da.

    If you combine this with an airstrike on the edge of the doorway (not in the tunnel) you can keep the gunner from killing the turret.
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    It gets really nasty when there's a sniper in there with them, for freeze traps everywhere.

    The best solution is probably to have a gunner go in through the back and mow everyone down.

    Bouncing a bunch of shurikens around the tunnel can help soften them up and cause a large amount of distraction.
  6. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    I usually end up playing assault on that map and this is exactly what I do. Another tactic I use is to throw the bomb to the right and stick it on the wall. Do not set it off. Keep it there and lots of times the enemy players will know better than to try and get by it. Position yourself so you can see the radius but also watching your back at the same time. You can effectively shut that side down completely. Also works when they are above the tunnel.
  7. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    The only way I was able to beat this the other day was to have me and my assault buddy throw things in the doors.

    I was playing Sniper so I chucked a level 3 Flak into the middle of them, when they moved away from it he hit them with C4 to ring them out. Bouncers also work pretty well if they decide to go after the guys in the tunnel.
  8. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    A sniper assisting them can be a nightmare. My team of randoms was getting owned last night by support/gunner in tunnel, sniper on roof, tank on the opposite gantry, with an assault flying/running too, all good players. It took me WAY too long to realise that meant their base was undefended. I sneaked off and started wrecking their turrets and cleared a path for our bots, but they managed to get our moneyball before our bots got the shields down.

    So my tip: run off and wreck their base.
  9. ornithopter

    ornithopter New Member

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    When I play support on LazeRazor, I like to run off to the far end of my base's tunnel and throw up a firebase to discourage the other team from using this strategy. The outside wall curves inward at the end, and if you put the firebase up against the wall right there, the wall shields it from snipers at the far end of the lane, but it can still cover the bot lane around the bridge to the right of the tunnel (maybe just if it's hacked?). Plus, the wall shields it from sight, so you'll likely get some kills/assists off distracted pros. (And that's where the lane curves into the center of the arena, so there's usually a lot to distract pros in that area.)

    It won't stop anyone determined to set up shop in your tunnel, but it'll discourage a lot of PUG players, and slow down anyone else. Remember to check the color of the firebases's HUD indicator every once in a while, and you can use it as an early warning system.
  10. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Idk if it was mentioned because it's late and I didn't read the second page, but you can always fully upgrade your passive as a gunner so your mortars split into 3, and long-range mortar them. The splash damage is pretty far for just a normal weapon, you'll make them scramble or pound them to death eventually! He wont be able to heal the turret and the guy, so one will go eventually. I mean if they're super good he might, but you'd keep them almost completely tied up until help came. Especially if you have Gold Rate Of Fire!
  11. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    A good support player can usually keep this tactic busy and mostly harmless until someone can help flush them out (with any of the above strats).

    Upgrade the rocket turret that looks in that door and keep it hacked.
    Get a lazer blazer at the front of that side to keep bot numbers in check.
    Put a shaved ice in the spot next to the door.

    If they step into the opening, they eat rocket. Plus, now they're chilled, so when they try to back off, they eat another rocket. If your support is keeping that rocket turret over healed, it will take a combo of air strikes AND mortar to kill the turret in most cases, and that means someone else can go in for the kill or even one of them dieing trying to kill your turret.

    Also, a gunner that spools up his gun will win about 90% of the time against a gunner that has no spin even with full overheal and support pumping heal into him (at least until RoF starts working on heal gun). I've cleared that tunnel a few times as a gunner by doing this. Timing is key. :)
  12. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    This happend to me just the other day with TWO supports, gunner and an assault. I was gunner and would go right above the door and slam at the entrance. I ring-outted 3 at once with just one support left who i managed to gun down before his firebase got me. You can slam and get just inside the door and it will hit anyone inside there and then just get on the jump pad real quick to rinse/repeat if anyone is left.

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