Buff Scramblers IMO

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Wile E Coyoteee, August 31, 2010.

  1. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Every other bot for every class can be devastating when used at the right time. As an assassin I can spawn gremlins that're invisible and get kills and assists like crazy. I'll start with around $500, and by the time I'm done spending the money I got from kills/assists/streaks from those gremlins, I'll have spent around $1000 sometimes.

    Tanks and Gunners get bots that wreck other bots if I'm not mistaken, can grapple people for half their life (also putting them at risk for outside fire while "stunned" from the grapple), and are the most heavily armored of spawned bots.

    Assaults can spawn little bees that're hard to hit and can sneak up on you and do high damage (I think assaults spawn those, right?).

    Supports can spawn gap-shots that are mobile long-shot turrets.

    Snipers spawn $10 gifts to the opposing team (Scramblers). LoL. In theory they're great, they drain skills. But they move so unbelievably slow coupled with being very lightly armored, that they're effectively useless. Please either buff their armor, or movement speed. I've been spawning them all day, and out of 4 hours of play now, I've had 1 kill (which came because there was a major cluster of both team's bots and the assassin didn't see it creeping), and 1 assist. That's just today, and before that I've never had either one from a Scrambler spawn ever.

    Just for testing purposes today, I didn't start spawning them until I had at least $800, and I spawn them all in a row, sometimes even on opposite sides to make sure it wasn't 1 guy just killing all of them. Even the last game I just played, I spawned 10 of them with $1000 while the other team was occupied near their base (which means they were hassled by our team and our bots would've provided damage and visual shields until the scramblers got close), and only scored that 1 kill, the first ever after all this time. In another game I got an assist. For that much money spent, you'd expect at least some kind of result. Even if people wanna cry teamwork (even though every other spawned bot kills, and even though kills are part of that teamwork), it's an invalid argument because the scrambler simply never lives to even come remotely close to touching a pro. Hell they don't even get near other bots most of the time, they're too slow to even get to a bot-battle. And if you cough in it's direction, it explodes.

    In my opinion it's very underpowered compared to other classes spawned bots.

    Buff plz kthx :cry:

    [EDIT]: "Yeah, like Snipers need ANOTHER thing to help them get kills and assists, lmao.".. You can say that about every single class. Every class is a pro death machine if you use it the way it's supposed to be used and you're good skill-wise. And, everyone else's spawned bots are much more effective even though their pro classes are just as deadly as a sniper when used properly.
  2. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    More movement speed would be cool. They are a pain in the *** in Blitz, though.
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Yeah I don't think they need more armor, but they do move so incredibly slow... it can be annoying when they drain your skills, but usually your main weapon can take them out before they can actually hurt you. I wouldn't mind a speed boost for them at all.

    P.S. I main an Assassin. Just saying that so people know I hate Snipers and can still sometimes agree with them lol
  4. SHAP00PI

    SHAP00PI New Member

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    I agree completely, as a sniper main I 100% never spawn my bots, in an ideal situation they would be lethal (because of the fact pros can't use they're skills), but if you have any competent enemy pros, snipers especially, they'd be lucky to make it out of your home third.

    A cool addition or buff would be to allow them to drain health also, not quickly but gradually, that would make pros back right up, pushing them to their base, it'd be a really cool harassing bot like gremlins or buzzers, however I also agree with a speed increase, just to bring the scramblers in line with other spawn-bots.
  5. bigmac93

    bigmac93 New Member

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    Yes they need a buff. Currently as my reactions stand:

    Gremlins - Guys watch out there some gremlins around
    Gapshots - They got a gapshot somebody get it before it does some damage
    Bouncer - !@#$ guys, bouncers!
    Buzzers - Frickin' buzzers, can somebody get em off me?
    Scramblers - Who's low on cash? They got some scramblers.

    I want to say %$@# guys! Scramblers! Keep your distance!
  6. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    ^ Yeah, that pretty much sums it up right there. It's a shame, especially because they look so cool! :cry:
  7. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    I've died more from slim bots than I have from scramblers.

    I guess it's sad that I have ever died from a slim bot...
  8. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Agreed. I say give them more health or let them go airborne like buzzers. :)

    They are pretty much useless the way they are now. Biggest waste of $100 in the entire game imo.
  9. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    LOL that's true c4! When I think about it, I've been killed by a slim bot about 4-5 times (I play alot), but never once have I ever been killed by a scrambler. Infact I've only had a scrambler ever get to me twice, and I killed it before it drained past about 1/6th of my skills which recharged in literally 1-2 seconds. Buff ftw!!
  10. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I agree, they are near useless in Crossfire. Maybe they could sap the health of Pros and Bots? Negate overhealing instantly? Have a slowing effect? They definitely need a health boost.

    They could have an effect similar to the Product Grenade, turning the screen to static - they are called Scramblers...

    Or they do things like invert the y-axis, switch the b, x and y buttons around etc. That would get really annoying really quickly though.
  11. Clone2596

    Clone2596 New Member

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    Scrambalers can kill people? I though they were just annoying.

    That being said I do play as a sniper and rarley get close to them...
    That being said I do play as a sniper and spawn them quite a bit, distractions?
  12. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Hmmm... how's this for an outlandish idea...

    1) Keep the skill drain on them
    2) Give them a shield that protects them from ranged attacks so that the only way to kill them is with grapples or the usually nigh-on useless melee attack on the right stick :3

    You might have to tweak how many spawn with that change but I can guarantee they'd suddenly be a lot more interesting to see on the battlefield :p
  13. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    ^ This.
  14. SHAP00PI

    SHAP00PI New Member

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    Fuzzy screen sounds awesome, have it make screens fuzzy right off the spawn, and gradual increases as ground is covered, the screen shouldn't fully fuzz out, just enough so that pros aren't inclined to just ignore them. Also a HUD wipe would be cool, no ammo, skill bar etc. Just to pester more, they fit a more harassing style bot anywho.
  15. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    I'm almost happy they're useless because I can spend the money on upgrading turrets as I run out of the base. :D

    But yeah, they do need a buff. I think in both speed AND armor. You can sneeze on them and they'll explode.
  16. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Every purchased bot is crappy in some way. Buzzer's wont do much damage at all to a tank or gunner with health or armor upgrades (even if you spawned two of them at once).

    Gap shots are great at killing turrets but on the smaller maps they often die after the enemy team hears them shoot once.

    Every other bot can be avoided by going to higher ground.

    Here's the secret to spawning bots: most of the time it is a waste of money. But if you do it at just the right time it will really help.

    If we are griping about bot spawning, why do the gunner and the tank spawn the same bot? I hate bouncers. Every now and then I will spawn some but they usually do nothing.
  17. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Yeah, surprisingly they do kill people! They stab them with their hands but it's really weak I think. And the shield thing is a great idea! Or at the very least they need to greatly increase the area of effect that the drain has. If they're going to keep them that slow and weak they should have a massive area of effect then, one that ignores walls.
  18. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Thankies :3
    Main reason I came up with it is beccause I noticed the real reason that scramblers are fairly bleh is because nobody has any reason to go near them, so they can be taken apart from well outside drain distance.
    Giving them more armour or speeding them up doesn't help differentiate them from the other bots much, so I figured the ranged shield might be more fun =D
  19. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    The shield thing is interesting, but then spamming Scramblers would be broken because you'd have to grapple each and every one. Just have it so that if a player goes near the shield, the shield pops.
  20. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Well if the skill drain was still there I don't think you can grapple them. Might be wrong though :p

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