Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by tezmac, August 28, 2010.

  1. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    Why do people think a 3.0 KD ratio is on this game. I started off playing this by going for a good K/D (which was almost at 4) so I thought I was the dogs nutts at it.

    However in doing this I soon realised I was chasing Pros more than defending my base or attacking their base, and I did notice I was losing several games. Now I play for the team and my KD is down to about 1.2 but I really could not give a doggy poo anymore as I actually win many more games by actually playing as it intended!

    So for those out there who have just "gone 28-3" on a match, seriously, stop being a loner and join the real fight. You're ruining it for the other 5 people on your team.
  2. VagaBond007

    VagaBond007 New Member

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    One of my first surprises in this game was the lack of a "moneyball stat" that gives some insight on your ability to take down the moneyball. After my first few wins, I'd be proud of the time I spent railing on the moneyball, but my K/D was terrible.

    Sure, doing damage to the moneyball gives you money, but it's inseparable from all of the other activities that also give money. It'd be cool to see a metric (and a protag or two) related to the actual objective of the match: destroying the moneyball. There'd be more incentive to be a moneyball specialist rather than pursuing a glamor stat like K/D.
  3. PigletB12

    PigletB12 New Member

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    I actually usually have a 3:1 k/d, and I believe its at 2.1 or something right now. I still destroy bots and turrets though. I can honestly care less about k/d, I just usually end up doing real well. I want to go for the win.

    I try my best to put pressure on the other team and push lanes. Its not like anyone can view your stats anyways. To me, most of the randoms I play with don't seem to try to go for the objective, and the game ends in a OT.
  4. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    i can do both have a positive k/d and help the team HIGH k/d does not point to not helping the team. I constantly rack up 30+ kills with just as many assist's bugger all death's and certainly do my job as support, overhealing turrets teammates hacking and building i find by being a true team player leads to good score's not hanging about as a loner sniper cuz eventually even the crack shot's will be targeted and rubbed out
  5. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    My K/D is terrible so I'm in the club that says it doesn't matter cause I'm bad at it :D

    Seriously though, I had a rough start on this game. Unlike some players I'm only Average-ish at shooters so I take some time to adapt to a new game. I was going 7/16 and stuff like that. Now I tend to go 10/3 for example, so my K/D is rising every game. :)

    Much rather have loads of wins and a bunch of assists though. Oh, less OT games too.
  6. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    My K/D is still going up (just hit 3.4) and I've still won maybe 90% of the games I've played. It is possible to maintain a good K/D AND win. You don't have to choose one.

    To be frank, I don't know what you're doing to drop your K/D that much and still win.
  7. faits

    faits New Member

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    I've got an awful kill/death ratio because once the money ball goes down (either from properly pushing lanes or overtime) I RUSH THAT THING. And if the other team is mounting even a token defense, you're going to die when attacking the money ball. Especially if you're an assassin.

    I've gotten good at bombing out before dying and getting back in as soon as health allows, but I still rack up a TON of deaths from rushing that money ball once it's down. (and as anyone who has seen the moneyball health meter drop as a juiced assassin with the sword upgrade and gold rate of fire should be able to attest, the damage done is more than worth the lousy kill/death ratio.)
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    My primary goal in every game is to get the MVP achievement (requires making the most money on the winning team).

    Not only is it a good indicator of how much you contributed (kills, pushing bots, destroying turrets, damaging moneyball), but having more money gives you access to a whole lot more helpful stuff than the people who get a 5:1 kill ratio but no money. I'll regularly use a couple annihilators, buy juice a couple times, spawn some bots, and upgrade a couple turrets, all in one game.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Not if you learn the power of the shuriken!
  10. faits

    faits New Member

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    I'm pretty sure the sword has a higher DPS than the shurikens, even if you're using cloak 3 to fire volleys of crits. Also if you're standing still shooting shurikens at the money ball (in my experience) you're a sitting duck.

    The few times I've bomb jumped up to one of the spawn tunnels and shuriken'd the money ball it didn't feel like I was doing much damage, then someone found me and I had to move anyway.
  11. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    I agree, it really confuses me that crossfire only displays kills, deaths, and assists. I think a bots killed, turrets killed, and moneyball damage stat would be appropriate. They can obviously fit them and already record bots killed and turrets killed.

    I think shurikens do more DPS when juiced. It is hard to tell though. You should always try to use the sword/dagger when not juiced, since they build juice much faster and you might get juice while attacking the moneyball.
  12. Great2seeyou

    Great2seeyou New Member

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    You need to have balance, really high k/d with no bot kills or assists is bad. Same goes for low k/d high bot kills, if youre getting killed a lot the rest of the team has more pros to fight. If you have low assists your not helping others, when youre killing pros only youre not helping advance. For example when I play, as a sniper, I try to keep 1 lane clear of bots and pros, when my team advances so do I, if we need to defend Ill go defend. If the other side needs help Ill go help that side.
  13. Hoffer

    Hoffer New Member

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    Everyone plays games differently. I never care about K/D ratio in any game I play.

    In MNC, I always go for killing enemy robots and turrets first. I really only go after the Pros to defend our base or myself. 99% of the time, I'm in the top 3 of the game. I probably get MVP in a quarter to a third of the games I play.
  14. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    People that complain about the kd are the ones with the low ones. I have a 5.3. I win nearly every game while playing with one or two friends or by myself which im the only one hitting the money ball. So stop complaining about the kd.
  15. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    What level are? 5.3 is pretty high lol.
  16. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    91. Was high up on the kill leaderboards till glitchers completely ruined the whole point of trying to stay up there and school is more important :|
  17. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    The skill level in pubs is low enough for me to focus on k/d, clearing bot spawns, controlling annihilator/juice and help my team at the same time. I wish they would of not even included a k/d in the game. It's not important but I always feel obligated to meet it or surpass it every game. So if I don't I get pretty frustrated. Wish they would of made winning the main incentive for people to strive for.
  18. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    Prob same thing I'm doing......I play Assault and I get more deaths than I should but I also disrupt the other team to the point where 3-4 of them have to come and kill me to take me out.

    I'm a pretty hard death so most of the time you have to do something good to kill me. But in some games I die often but still have 2nd most kills and most money.

    I often go 10 - 14- 12 but Leading the team in money.

    Because when I get money, my TEAM gets money......it's all about the team.

    Some people are just really good at FPS and will go 28-3 and still help team..

    But yea OP makes a good point.
  19. EnlistedThalim

    EnlistedThalim New Member

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    I do amazingly good as "that lone sniper" with KDR and keeping my lane clear, so yeah.. if you're ruining your KDR just to win, then you gotta be doing something wrong. :p
  20. Zeromus EG

    Zeromus EG New Member

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    Just because you're sat sniping in your spawn doesn't mean you're pissing up the team's game plan.

    I manage to keep sight lines through to the enemy base (so I can notify my team of any awkward stuff on the way, Jackbots etc), kill 95% of the bots before they're within sight of any other players and headshot and Gunners/Snipers that might be taking up a high vantage spot and causing trouble for other players.

    It's not at all difficult to manage a 12/2 K/D (or something along those lines) and still manage to top the money stat on the board.

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