New Map Idea..

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by EnlistedThalim, August 31, 2010.

  1. EnlistedThalim

    EnlistedThalim New Member

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    How about a map with three bot spawns? That was teams could choose to take three different routes to attack the enemy base. And it could be a two floor map where two bot paths go on one floor and the third takes the other floor. This could make people learn really fast that K/D-R doesn't mean crap when you have bots coming in from every direction. It'd make people realize that killing bots is a MAJOR part of defense, and players don't matter as much as bots(after the upcoming patch at least).

    Or a map that has more turret nodes. Like not just in the base, but a few "neutral" ones that can be used by either team out near the middle of the map? Say it starts out that the neutral nodes are level three LazerBlazers that are unhackable, so they'd have to be killed before either team could use the nodes. After a team places their certain towers on the nodes, they become hackable so that the other team can either hack the turret or just kill it and replace it.

    Another idea would be to have random invincible, and unhackable, turrets placed around the map in strategic locations that ONLY target players. These would be placed just for the annoyance of players and to keep them from camping specific locations. You'd have to lead the bots past the turrets, but all the while staying away from it. So killing the enemies bots would become a bit harder to do, the map could have a lot of turns so you'd have to go around turrets A LOT. Just seemed like a funny idea.
  2. EnlistedThalim

    EnlistedThalim New Member

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  3. Clone2596

    Clone2596 New Member

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    I like the middle part, not so much the other parts
  4. Show me the Bacon

    Show me the Bacon New Member

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    Last Idea sounds very unfun. I don't think having a feature purely for the "annoyance of players" is a good idea...seems pretty counterproductive. And if the turrets are going to be attacking players, it should be combined with the neutrals, so the turrets start as attacking everyone, but can be rebuilt to fight for your team once they have been destroyed.

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