Are you for or against the Assassin update

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 30, 2010.

  1. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Yes, and a support is ALWAYS standing next to a fully deployed hacked turret, which means the Support will never have moved, which means he is still in spawn with his turret, watching people that just died pop up now and then.....
    That support is way overpowered, no class can kill it, not even a juiced gunner!!!
    Last edited: September 1, 2010
  2. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Thank you for the recognition of my internet arguing skills, I only have them because I majored in pointlessness at the best e-university around.

    And I conjectured that you play stupidly because you think that the Assassin is massively underpowered against half the classes based on situational information ( ie: support camping firebase, sniper camping traps) and has no answer for them, completely missing that a support has to get somewhere useful and camp his firebase to be worthwhile, and that Assassin played well is actually the second best (maybe best overall) class against sniper if you look at the ground and know how to jump. This means the only class that the Assassin has real problems with is the Tank, and to a lesser degree the Assault. And you could make the argument that neither of those are a problem if approached intelligently anyways.
  3. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    The sniper is near impossible with 3 ice traps, as he can place them around them, and you can't jump over them. If what you say is true, I'll try grappling them as SOON as I hit the trap (pretty sure you can't, but maybe). Now, supports. Supports can't be grappled and live through a firebase without recloaking, and smoke bomb doesn't last long enough. Now, if a support isn't near his firebase, yeah sure it's incredibly easy to kill him. All I play is public games, so I always see supports camping for kills. Last, tanks. Tanks can be easy, or extremely hard. I'm pretty sure a lunge grapple will kill, but thats if both connect. I have rarely ever played a game with a miniscule amount of lag that both will actually connect, so I tend to avoid tanks. The most trouble I have with assaults are the fact that the majority of them tend to just fly around, regardless if they have seen an assasin or not (note - based on my experience in public games.) I don't think the assassin is underpowered, just that taking away the recloaking during grapples is extremely annoying and limits her quite a bit. Don't worry about me, I can adjust, I just won't enjoy it for quite a while.

    Now, you may tell me that I play stupidly again, I don't care. I have fun with this game, I hope you can aswell.
  4. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    As Gunner you can SLAM when frozen. So simple - Jump in with your Gunner and SLAM.
  5. Zelandia

    Zelandia New Member

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    Wow, really? You do play this game right?

    Yes, a support us usually standing next to his hacked turret, which he places next to MY spawn not his own.
  6. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    And he gets there by using his Q button which teleports him directly to that spot, so he does have to spend 20 seconds walking there. He then presses Y while holding the Q button which makes the turret unfold immediatly and presses X while holding the Q button to hack the turret instantly, otherwise he will be "unprotected" and/or "immobile" for about 10 seconds.
  7. Zelandia

    Zelandia New Member

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    Yeah, cause getting there is SO hard. Getting TO the enemy base and setting up is pretty easy. I've done it countless times. Not to mention most of the time all the Support has to do is follow a tank/gunner and keep him healed to get to places.
  8. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

    Likes Received:
    1. Against
    2. Assassin

    @southsidesox24: Bad troll is bad.
  9. brendy

    brendy New Member

    Likes Received:
    1. Against
    2. Gunner/support/sniper
  10. dragonfist

    dragonfist Member

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  11. pizzapotamus

    pizzapotamus Member

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    A sniper can most certainly be grappled if he's standing on a level 3 trap, but perhaps everyone who does that to me is using system hacks
  12. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    It's not a hack. I don't know the first thing about how to do any of that, and I've had my grapple work sometimes and not others. It's been totally random
  13. krugmik

    krugmik New Member

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    I'm sorry, but I don't think the posts in this thread can be taken as accurate data simply because it seems that not everyone is agreeing on what you are "for" or "against. To clarify, the name of the topic ("Are you for or against the Assassin update") and what the first post asks ("1. for or against the heated assassin re-cloak during grapple") directly contradict what they are asking.

    The title is asking if you agree with the update, the change that prevented assassins from cloaking while grappling. A reply of "For" would mean you don't want the assassins to be able to cloak while they are grappling with against meaning the opposite.

    The first post, however, can appear from the view of asking you whether you agree with assassins being able to cloak while they grapple. A reply of "For" would mean you want assassins to be able to cloak while grappling with against meaning the opposite.

    I apologize if this is confusing, it's hard to explain without making it confusing. As evidence of this affecting replies reading through the posts shows snipers/supports (those that would be biased to not want assassins to cloak while they grapple) saying things such as (roughly) "Against obviously, I main support/sniper" while you can also find assassins (those that would be biased to allowing assassins to cloak and grapple) saying virtually the same thing "Against but I only play assassin so it's obvious why".

    All in all, I think the question should be worded more carefully because the current form has interfered with the results.
  14. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    I didn't even know you could cloak while grappling, and frankly that hasn't stopped me from picking and choosing vulnerable target. Like you shouldn't be able to grapple inside an enemy base and think you can come out unscathed when you're right in front of a turret. (unless you smokebomb of course)

    And like Krug said its awfully unclear what the question is relating to the title. I'm for the "nerf" and against keeping it glitched.
  15. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    smokebombs won't last enough to grapple btw.
  16. pizzapotamus

    pizzapotamus Member

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    It was a joke, based on the in game sniper character's love of screaming hacks as he dies ;)

    I've only been more on the receiving than the giving end, but I'd guess it's based on how quick you get it off. That is if you try and grapple after you've been frozen for a second of course it's not going to work but if you're right next to him and hit grapple right as the trap is going off you succeed.
  17. drpepper

    drpepper New Member

    Likes Received:
    1.) For

    2.) Assassin/tank

    For the people the people that do want to know why is because i didn't even know you COULD. if I can go 24 kpd with out it, so can everybody else.

    Is that a good reason? Nope.
  18. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I can easily go positive without it, it just forces me to stay back a lot, and I know that doesn't benefit my team. But I play public games, so I really don't think there's much teamwork involved.
  19. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Always gotta have a buddy on standby when your planning to play on public games... or a party of six.
  20. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I have like 3 IRL friends that play MNC, but they're not always on. This game is just too fun to put down :)

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