Assassin strats?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by lakko, August 26, 2010.

  1. lakko

    lakko New Member

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    I play assassin alot (im not one of the dumb ones that run kamikaze missions head on with turrets and gunners/tanks and wonder why i died) and does anyone have any good tips for me (im level 53 if that helps).
    Some of the things i do:
    Spawning gremlins with most of my money to take out players trying to spawn turrets and the starting rocket turrets
    Gold- Armor , Silver- RoF, Bronze - Speed
    Using the shuriken launcher to take down turrets when pros are distracted and to take down weak retreating pros
    If i ever need am in the moment where i have to run a kamikaze mission i lung first while cloaked (to take out alot of health) then grapple , and if they live strafe+knife/sword or lung again.
    I normally play with friends who go left so i go right to take out bots allowing our bots to take out their sheilds and money ball
    Any other tips from you guys?
    Also this my first post on these forums sorry
  2. koto_saku

    koto_saku New Member

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    You could try:

    Gold: Juice
    Silver: Armor (Silver armor still saves you from most grapples, if not all)
    Bronze: Rate of Fire

    It is similar to yours but you will rack up juice like nobodys business.
    You may still want speed however, so what i usually do is level up dash before stealth, you'd be surprised how little you use cloak (if used correctly mind you) since you can dash much longer.
  3. lakko

    lakko New Member

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    yea i rarely use cloak unless fleeing from bullets. Because of armor i spend most of my attention calling out turrets , taking out bots, taking out enemie pros that stray off (normally if im coming at them from behind i press RB then LT and i does that lunge attack and damage and i dont need cloak ) and being juiced to take out turrets, but ill do that
  4. koto_saku

    koto_saku New Member

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    Happy to be of assistance. :)

    The assassin also has my favorite types of bots. :p
  5. lakko

    lakko New Member

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    very, my average game i dont upgrade assassin and if i do only cloak to 3 (inifinte cloak while standing still), and i use most of my money to spawn gremlins , use ejectors, and buy anhiliator for my team
    edit: i also just used the juiced class and went 12-3-0 with over 3k earnings
    Last edited: August 27, 2010
  6. Tomato

    Tomato New Member

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    I only upgrade to get the sword, and the rest of the money I spend on spawning gremlins and using the annihilator. I usually push one lane of bots into the other team's spawn and then run to the other side and try to do the same there, alternating sides and picking off stray pros. Juice = Wreck turrets.
  7. faits

    faits New Member

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    The problem with the juice perk is you only get juice from it when you die. So if you're dying a lot, or dying after every time you juice, then you'll be getting a benefit from it. If you're staying alive, it's basically a wasted endorsement.

    I used to always use gold armor and silver rate of fire on my assassin, but recently I built out a second custom assassin with those flipped. Didn't seem to effect my survivability too much, but man the dagger/sword swings fast.

    For upgrades, I rarely do any upgrades to my assassin over the course of a game. Most of my money goes into turrets, gremlins, the annihilator and ejectors. If the other team leaves my turrets alive long enough that I start getting a lot of spare cash, I'll upgrade situationally.

    Sword is first if I feel like I'm going to need to do a lot of damage. Steel Peel I'll go for cloak three, just so I can stand in my base and shoot crit shurikens across the map all day. If the money ball is down and I've got cash on hand, I'll upgrade my bombs to reduce the cooldown. Attacking the money ball, bombing out when your life bar turns red, hiding on the upper level until healed and then jumping down to repeat is pretty great.

    Coupling a lunge with a grapple is a pretty great combo that most assassins don't utilize. Bombing out if your grapple doesn't finish them off is also essential. Sometimes a second lunge or a slash will do the job, but that comes down to who is faster. A support's shotgun to your face will usually kill you, and the tank, assault and gunner can all ring you out if they get the requisite skill off before you can escape.

    People also seem to underestimate the shurikens, especially crit shurikens. I've recently killed so many supports and tanks by simply walking backwards and throwing shurikens at them.
  8. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    $100 for 4 gremlins isn't really worth it IMO, put that money into turrets which will usually net you bot and player kills. If all turrets are up, then save up for juice (making juice sponsor kinda pointless, at least for me).

    I'll normally start a round with cloak and a lvl 3 laser turret.
  9. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    level 3 cloak gives you guaranteed crit shurikens. I go for level 3 ASAP and re-cloak while reloading. You can almost outright kill tanks and gunners in one of these crit volleys and it helps you take down turrets.

    My friend and I have recently taking to putting down a level 2/3 laser blazer and going down seperate lanes, killing bots and the rocket turret then taking up position near the spawn with the shuriken launcher waiting for the bots to bring down the ball. When it does we both lay into it and we can take 50 to 75% of the ball's health off before people usually work out where we are and manage to chase us out. We've been winning matches left right and center with this strat, including a game where our team was just 5 assassins (who luckily turned out to all be competent! Quickest match I've played to date :eek: )
    The only thing that slows us down is when one of the enemy team members actually bothers to build turrets, but luckily this is rare :p

    As mentioned before, the lunge followed immediately by grab is amazing. You can take out tanks and gunners easily using this and it bypasses the usual problem of people hearing you approach while cloaked and even makes face-stabbing quite lethal for a lot of classes.

    If you end up in a grapple dance with a fellow assassin just jump when they go for the throw. It's easy to predict when they're going to try and most assassins don't know what to do about it... just don't lunge at them head on or you'll get face-stabbed before the slash comes out in most cases :p

    It's also worth mentioning that juiced shurikens are turret/ball killers and much safer than doing it with your trusty blade.

    One last tip: if you have a status effect like slow, daze or whatever then cloaking won't hide you because the enemy can still see the effects around you even if they can't see you directly. It does at least stop turrets and bots shooting you up though.
  10. faits

    faits New Member

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    Really? I get a ton of kills and assists from gremlins. Plus they bypass bot combat and will either destroy turrets or go straight for the moneyball.

    On steel peel in particular I'll send out several waves of gremlins then just stand in my base and shoot crit shurikens into their base. The combination of ricocheting shurikens and invisible gremlins almost guarantees a couple kills/assists/turret destructions.
  11. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    5 waves = $500 = Juice. With juice you can level the entire base and kill anyone in your path, or just kill everyone you see if there aren't any turrets. Where usually 5 waves of gremlins can maybe do half that. I dunno, my gremlins seem to never do well for me.
  12. faits

    faits New Member

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    I seem to get juice quick enough that I never bother to buy it unless it gets to overtime and it's a matter of do or die.

    And gremlins can do one thing a juiced assassin can't: attack the money ball.

    (well, once the patch goes live at least)
  13. sandyravage

    sandyravage New Member

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    I find that if you are unlucky enough to face-stab an assault, gunner or tank, being prepared for their "panic button" ring-out attacks is great. I can't tell you how many times I've killed gunners who slam so predictably. For gunners, I find that once the animation for your grapple is finished, immediately jumping will avoid the slam AND leave the gunner rather vulnerable, allowing you to slash away and hopefully kill him. I believe you can sidestep the tank's charge and the assaults level 1 and 2 charge in a fairly lag free environment after a grapple, and if the assault has charge level 3, jumping diagonally back will avoid it. Once again though, you may have to compensate for lag and you'll probably get unlucky sometimes, and obviously smarter players will catch on to your shenanigans and slay you quickly.
  14. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Ok so recently I started using gremlins again and I revoke my previous statement about them being useless. They work wonders if you follow the the pack and almost act like one of them. :lol:

    Also after playing maybe 10 round of bare bones assassin, I've learned that you don't need to upgrade ANYTHING and can still be effective, even more so in fact because you have so much extra money laying around!

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