What do you think of Assassin only players?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by ZOoo00OOm, February 13, 2012.

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  1. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  2. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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  3. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    No i dont mean just suicidal rushes but I mean if you kill bots as a tank and know basically if no bots get in on the ball the game gets decided on overtime or if your team nails theirs.

    You can go 0-100 or 100-0 and if nothing kills the ball you can't lose until overtime.
  4. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    If you're playing assassin or tank and don't realize that you need to kill bots, there's a serious problem. And I agree with the last part, but doing nothing but the bare minimum on your class isn't a great approach either.
  5. Typical Knave

    Typical Knave New Member

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    I will agree, anyone that can play assassin can play tank and only focus on bots. The problem this presents is that it leaves your team down that massive amount of utility the tank brings to the game. I think the skill jump between a bot focused tank and a tank on the competitive level is the biggest skill jump in the game, I know when I play tank I'm still very bot focused partially because as a primary assassin player I am used to making sure I keep tabs on the bots but also because my railgun shot and tank awareness isn't quite where it needs to be and I get caught by the assault and gunner pretty often.
  6. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    This is true.. but the thing is when I play tank and If don't trust the assassin's bot control then I focus mainly on the bots. The main player whos going to get your ball down is the assassin. If you take them out of the game then you can focus on helping with kills.

    My usually attack list goes: assassin, tank, support/gunner. mainly due to the fact they are the ones in my way blocking the lane.

    Sniper/assault/gunners always give me the trouble

    Also if you kill the bots all the way back to their spawn and your team gets the analiator chances are your going to win the game since the rest of the team will come back from mid to try and kill you.

    Playing head games can disrupt the teams roles.

    IE: If you cant push a lane then go around to the other lane or switch or even try to go mid or above. Theres always a way through then flank.

    Once the ball is down theres so many angles to win at and even if you kill me I got 15 seconds to nail your ball again between my next life. Also if the rest of the team chips in its hard to bounce back from.
  7. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    i actually dont agree with the entire post because going 0-100 is gonna give your team a lot more trouble. The reason being is because your feeding the other team. If you dont know what feeding is, its when you give the other team an advantage. Like in SMNC if you feed the other team early on the will be better upgraded and hit harder with more health. So if we relate feeding with MNC you are giving the enemy team free money for juice......wait there is no juice buying anymore. This post is completely void now
  8. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    This isn't SMNC. There are no level ups and gaining health and the like. Dying isn't a detrimental loss to your team in MNC the way it is in SMNC. An entire team can no negative and still win in MNC. In SMNC, I don't think that's actually even possible. Feeding is a concept that should remain in SMNC. Yes it exists here, but it has nowhere near the same impact.
  9. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    You clearly didnt read so ill explain it 1 more time, just one.

    If you feed in MNC you are giving the enemy team kills which then turn into money and extra money if their on a killstreak right?....ok. So if someone like me for example is getting kills by someone suciding at me im going to get money right?......ok. What would a person like me do if im a slayer and i have a lot of money. BUY TURRETS WOOOOOAAAAAHHH YAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
  10. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Blasphemy! I'm an objective player, I need to die as much as possible to show that I'm doing my job! Everyone look at me, I died to kill some bots, I'm a team player!
  11. choiio

    choiio New Member

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    ^ One of those objective players dont listen to him, you but bots, not only do you get 2-5 kills with them but you get a bunch of assists!
  12. Goldielocks

    Goldielocks Member

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    no need to even upgrade skills just spawn gremlins and don't forget to taunt each kill the swarm of demons get.
  13. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    Edit: just got your pm never mind
  14. onirankensei

    onirankensei New Member

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    I agree with the feeding. If your teammates are dying left and right, chances are your opponents will continue to buy juice to decimate your turrets and target the better players. I personally find it very frustrating when the rest of my team goes 2-20 or 1-15 and I have trouble getting anything done when I have juiced Assaults, juiced Gunners or juiced Tanks going after the rest of the better players (or at least those that are not horrible).
  15. wei

    wei New Member

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    Very Flammable.

    Seriously, I posted in another thread - but relevant:


    I've been hesitant to hop on here - I'm pretty standoffish online and in real life, but I wanted to comment here:

    First off, let me say that I like playing assassin. I like the push, I like the speed, and I like being able to influence the game objectives directly. That's my preference and it's just how I roll. I imagine you guys all have a favorite and/or best class - assassin is mine. I'm not disparaging the other classes or anyone for using them. I find all of them to be fun!

    That said, I like to win at the game. That is fun for me. It also means 2 things:

    1) Sometimes I have to be the assassin even if I feel like playing another class because a TON of assassins out there are new players who think she looks cool and spend the whole match shooting shuriken at the shielded moneyball or letting bots flood the base while they stalk a tank :( When slots get wasted like that, I have to go to my best class to even have a shot at winning, and if there is a good tank on the other team, we're usually boned anyway.

    2) I will probably have to die a few times to keep the ball down - especially on larger maps or if the other team has a couple of you guys on it. I know it's annoying for the opposition (it's not like I've never been on the receiving end of this) but this is the equivalent to bunting. Sometimes a sacrifice bunt is how you win.

    In any case, I don't play with malice or to troll, I play to win because I think that is fun. I'd also like to point out that I swap to another class if I think the teams are lopsided in my favor. The short games are usually the first one I land in because I don't know how things'll go down if I take it easy.

    Anyway, I love playing with, and against, you guys. I agree it's more fun when it's a good fight. See you out there.

    To reiterate - I don't only play assassin, but I have the most fun when I do, so it happens in 9/10 matches. I don't always go for the short game, but if killing 1 turret and 6 bots brings your ball down - Y U No stop the first bots ambling into your base?

    ~wei long
  16. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    You have fun getting 2 kills per game while making yourself look like a fool suiciding on the money ball?
  17. wei

    wei New Member

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    I guess have fun earning a ton of money even if I only get 2 kills.
  18. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    Suiciding on the money ball in pubs
  19. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Sounds like everyone's all pissed off because their pub assault can't stop an assassin :cry:

    I'd rather stop someone going for the objective, then play stat whoring assaults who refuse to challenge you unless they have the upperhand (juice/teammates)
  20. wei

    wei New Member

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    I just think it's about what you get out of the game.

    If you like gunning people down, do that. If you like tagging the ball/objective stuff, do that. If you like to ding someone's head from across the map, do that. Just do them all well.

    If what you're doing brings the win - regardless of your class - and you have fun doing it, why worry about what other people think?
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