Let me explain why the 3 main pub classes get picked...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Sauceman, September 1, 2010.

  1. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    LOLZ at "COB Scorpian" with his 1 assassin kill and 14 deaths....oh, and 2 assists. He helped.
  2. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    All I can say is Hmmmmmmmmmmm

    On another note I tend to play as a Gunner as I find this my preferred Pro to support my team. I also see other Gunners out there and I would say that these are equally as popular as the Sniper, Support, Assassin.

    The only poor sole is the TANK where I tend to find this one is least used.

    This should not matter really anyway, as people can pick anyone they want!
  3. vermifax

    vermifax New Member

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  4. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Nah, if you see the first pic I posted there were like 7 support players. That was my first time running with the tank. I was enjoying locking down a bot lane and shutting down pros that rushed me, that I kept playing it, even after the supports had left because I made it my mission to find them. The times I played in that 7 support room prior to that first picture, I played gunner, sniper, or whatever my team lacked. After being bored running into 2-3 supports using the tactics I mentioned, I switched to tank and made this topic....taking a picture of the 7 supports in 1 game. After playing 2-3 games against these guys, they trickled out of the room and I noticed someone try to call me out for getting upset at not being on top. I decided to take a pic of my current game to show him that's not why I was upset, and to show him I was just as annoyed having gone 16-3 than if I was 3-16.

    Obviously I made a mistake in venting about people who use these tactics with these 3 classes on this forum, as most people probably do the same thing and got offended. I apologize. Continue wracking up your firebase kills and showing us your awesome 3-1 games sniping 3 feet of map...
  5. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    To steer this topic in a slightly more interesting direction... here's the likely first impressions of each class to a new player and the likely reason they pick certain classes :3

    Gunner Class: big, slow, ugly. Big gun though. Did I play this guy in Team Fortress 2?

    Tank Class: Also big, slow and ugly... also possibly fat :p

    Support: hey! he talks like mario! My friends say he's overpowered and I like shotguns. I think I played this class in Team Fortress 2.

    Sniper: Pew pew! I think I played this class in Team Fortress 2 as well! But in that game he was Australian and threw his pee at people.

    Assassin: Femme Fatale. I think I also played this class in Team Fortress 2 except they had a french accent. Ah mon petite chou-fleur.

    (Disclaimer: I know this game isn't much like TF2, but a lot of people initially think it is so I took that into account in these ;D )
    Last edited: September 1, 2010
  6. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Kinda going with the theme of the above poster:
    we'll keep the same arguments for assassin/sniper/support from OP.

    Gunner: for people who need a near infinite clip just to hit that guy moving lazily to the left.

    Assault: for people who can't aim and need a level 3 grapple and bombs for the sole purpose of ringouts.

    Tank: for people who need extra health just to kill an assassin? (crap can't think of anything)

    Anyway I'm guessing the OP doesn't necessarily mean that ALL people who play support/sniper/assassin are bad (better not anyway :lol: ), just that they are popular to the newbies.
  7. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Support: People pick it cause they can't shoot.
    Assassin: People pick it cause they can't shoot.
    Sniper: People pick it cause they CAN shoot.


    Gunners, Tanks and Assault are all very strong and I see them everywhere.
  8. sandyravage

    sandyravage New Member

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    Zangief anyone? The guy has a beard and practically has a lariat.


    When i first played him i had hope his grapple was a spinning piledriver :lol:
  9. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I've seen a lot of both recently. I'll start as an Assassin, then see three Assassins on my team so I'll rush out, kill a 3pack of bots and jump off a cliff and change my class to something we're missing, then by the end of the match we'll have a totally different set up and either no Assassins or all of whatever class I picked.
  10. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    TL;DR it all.
    After half way through Page 2 i could pretty much work out where this guy is coming from.

    "I've never played tank he says"... yet the first..3.. i think screenies of him "owning newbs" is of him as a tank.
    He whines about assassins that get pvp of something like 2:18... so? They suck.. they got a bad score. Are you that bitter about getting lucked on XBLA?
    There's plenty of screenies about how great he is and how his barely existent point as OP stands up at all.

    This thread has had way too much attention already.

  11. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Sigh.. apparently to be skilled i gotta do it by playing the class HE likes, and that HE thinks is the only skillful class.

    I mean after all with this perception, i guess Firefighters arnt skilled, i mean, all i gotta do is hold a hose, right? So anyone can go out and be one, man i hope my elderly neighbor will help me out if my house catches on fire, she should have no problem putting it out.
  12. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Those hoses are fragging heavy, actually. And the pressure from the water that comes out is quite high! Firefighters need to be trained and keep exercising, really.

    (I get your point, I just want to show my respect for the brave volunteers.)
  13. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    No, of course not. I've seen great snipers (I am one, lol), great support players, and great assassins. However, I just hate seeing 6+ of these 3 combined classes played in pubs because rather than actually having to win gunfights they can either use stealth, avoidance (turrets/airstrikes), and distance. It just gets way old way fast.
  14. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    You're pretty much an idiot if that's what you're getting from that. Also, I hope you don't think that all it takes is being able to hold a hose to be a fire fighter....obviously they don't go inside or have to perform life saving maneuvers on people. However, if you want to attempt to stereotype in order to make a point, feel free to.

    To use your example in the correct context, it would read more like this:

    I really hate firefighters who only drive the truck and don't actually know CPR and are not capable of fireman carrying people. You know, the guy who refuses to go into a burning building to help the people who are inside.

    ie - I really hate a support playing who drops a fire base and spends the whole game strafing next to it hold the heal gun down, throwing up an airstrike at people who attempt to destroy it RATHER THAN supporting gunners and tanks, building up turrets, hacking turrets, and clearing out camping gunners with their airstrike.

    You see the difference or would you like me to pull out some crayons and bring it down to your level?
  15. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    most classes i see are
    1. assassins
    2. gunners
    3. snipers

    support tanks and assult are usually the least picked but i see more assualts and supports than tank mainly because tanks and support take skill. less skill=more easy kills.
  16. Oscar Oli

    Oscar Oli New Member

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    Assassin are so cool! They use a dagger and a ninja kanata!

    I love my support but i also love my lvl 3 assult charge punching everying in the face.
  17. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Its pretty easy for a support to just camp next to his Firebase, since chances are there always going to be unlucky sap who keeps running though that area getting killed by it. If he's going to get a free kill every minute why bother moving?

    Yah its cheap but that's how some people play with support.
  18. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Holding down a lane isn't cheap. Stop being that sap and it won't bother you as much. Firebases are easy to deal with.
  19. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    EVERY ONE.. my remark was SARCASTIC to show that its pointless to say just because your a certain thing doesn't mean your skilled.. yes i do think firefighters are skilled.. I really don't know how i could make that statement more sarcastic. I have the absolute most appreciation for those volunteers. A few people understood my point.. that it was sarcasm..
  20. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    why is it no matter what class we use u get trashed for it?

    i strictly use support (and am quite good @ it) i can even use my trigger to shoot things rather than using my turret...While we are on the subject of the Turret its the SUPPORTS weapon so why shouldnt we use it?

    We can be sniped, stabbed, blown up, Grenaded, mortared but hey if u stand near your firebase YOUR obviously a bad support player for trying to keep the 1 thing the gets most of your kills safe jeeeez i knew it was me the whole time

    seriously i know teams gets stacked but thats mainly due to other players inability to use other classes i looooooove support but i wont stack it if we have 2 already WTF do i need a 3rd for?

    all im saying is dont abbuse ppl because in your opinion there stacking classes who care's? makes it easier to counter them and ppl will play however the hell they wont regardless of whether u like it or not..and ppl will stack classes regardless of what u think if your gonna cry cuz u couldnt beat a team of basically the same class.IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS

    best round with support K-39 A-34 D-4 (but hey i didnt help any1)

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