Turret Setup Strategy

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by TouchFuzzy, August 30, 2010.

  1. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or contributions on optimal turret setup for the different crossfire matches. Not looking for blitz strategy here, but how people like to set turrets up for crossfire matches.
  2. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    Lazers > RockIts in my opinion. With juice the way it is and the gunner's mortar RockIts are a money pit. Lazers are cheap, easy to rebuild and take out bots just fine. Ice turrets only our base is being constantly filled with assassins and long shots to push for the win if their bots aren't anywhere near us (Prevent turrets in their base).

    That's how I decide what to build anyways. Anyone else?
  3. Ghostdog 360

    Ghostdog 360 New Member

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    Yep I agree, pretty basic stuff but effective non the less.
  4. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Spawn - Longshot (Laser on Steel Peel) - ShaveIce.

    Always build them.

    I prefer to have ShaveIce's on the first nub on most bases. GrenadeIII it's in the corner by the Jumpad, Steel Peel it's the door, Ammo Mule it's by the ramps, and LaseRazor it's back corner by the Jumpad again. GrenadeIII and LaseRazor are easily the most important because they cover popular camp spots for enemy players; upgraded, the Ammo Mule spot covers the 'friendly' exit to centre section which is popular for enemies too.

    Longshots because no one else will build them and they're useful, Laser Turrets as I go along because they're cheap and other people will upgrade them if they're there. Laser 3.3 is beastly against Pros.
  5. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    Now, just from my own stats under 'Career' I noticed that while I've built/upgraded over a hundred more laser turrets than rocket turrets, I have over twice as many kills with rocket turrets than laser turrets.

    I don't have the figures in front of me, but it stood out a lot with me.

    My own experience comes largely from pick-up games where you're very lucky if you see any coordination in pushing through to the other team's base, much less a coherent turret strategy. Ideally, I'd put Shaveice first along the enemy bots' path into the base. The rest would be lasers (or rockets, if cash allows.)

    Again, in my experience, I haven't seen a lot of results from building/upgrading Longshot turrets - at least not in player kills. Do they target enemy turrets across the map? I'd probably build more of these if I knew what their utility was.
  6. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Longshots are like Artillery (yeah I guess you new that much). They're most effective against enemy turrets but can help you out in a firefight against fairly stationary targets too, the splash damage isn't that much but if you've got a deployed player for instance it can do a fair amount of damage to them.

    I dont get many kills from them either but I get a fair few assists and definitely a lot of help taking out powerful turrets too. Level 3 is fairly expensive but can annihilate an enemy base of weaker turrets if put up at the right time.

    If you stack it up against Rocket Turrets or Laser turrets their killing power in minimal but for assistance you can't beat them. That's why I always like to have 1 in a base setup. No more, no less.
  7. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Two 3.3 long shots on LaserRazor can get you a fair few kills/assists. They fire at a decent rate once hacked and the enemy are always up on the ramparts exposed.
  8. BeJeeZiS

    BeJeeZiS New Member

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    I play as support and always build Laser Turrets. Other turrets have their uses but a juiced player can come in and take out 2-3 turrets and a couple juiced players can take them all out... and waste the money you spent on more expensive turrets. In fact, i guarantee it will happen, it always happens. When have you played a game and haven't lost towers to the random juiced Pro?

    While the other team wastes money on upgrading one Rocket tower for $400 i make 2 fully upgraded Lasers for $350. Someone destroys my Laser turret, it's not a big deal. I never build Long Shot turrets because they can be killed by any non-juiced player who's willing to do a suicide run on that turret (like me). Of course, I can always spawn a Gapshot which may have a lot to do with my dislike of Long Shots.

    Also, because of how cheap Lasers are, i can fill every open node with fully upgraded Laser relatively early in a game which is always better than having open nodes.

  9. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    Yea Longshots are really underrated by most people.

    Never make more than 2.......but usually only build 1...

    This game is all about getting the right combinations to work out via turrets, bots, and pros.

    You really Need to have a Lazer....upgraded preferably....to stand a chance against early mass rushes...

    Mix in long shot to slow them from far....a shave ice on certain maps at entrance works wonders.

    Build a rocket behind it and ur good to go.

    Build rockets at back of base !
  10. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    I suddenly wonder how viable having an entire team rush Longshots would be... the trick would be, of course, defending them.
  11. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    On each side of the base build a Level 2 Longshot out of direct sniper sight, and a Level 3 Laser Blazer to protect it from bots and Pros. Keep an eye on it too, so it doesn't just go up in smoke.

    This is a good combo of offensive help and defensive firepower, and balances effectiveness and cost very well. The only weakness of this setup is Jackbots, which you will want to engage directly.

    This is also just general advice, and doesn't work 100% on every map. And, of course, you won't want to build Longshots on SteelPeel (they hit the roof and don't work).

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