Monday Night Combat Title Update, DLC, and PAX Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 30, 2010.

  1. Styli

    Styli New Member

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    I come across a few assassins who don't play the class the right way. They seem to think they're totally invisible when she clearly gives off telltales such as the hum or shimmer. The worst ones run in front of you, those ones don't even realise that running makes their cloak visible.

    I've also come across some great assassins, ones who take the time to line up a kill and creep up on their victims. I had one person kill me repeatedly in a match and I rarely saw it coming.
  2. RedBeardRaven

    RedBeardRaven New Member

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    This is great Uber! Just want to give a nice Thanks to the whole team for working so hard ( and not to mention fast ) on these updates. Also, dually noted that this first DLC is free. Your team is awesome and I hope that we ( your community ) gets a chance to game with you again. ( I missed it yesterday! :cry: ) I can't wait to see what the new features will be in the new DLC's and I am hoping there will be more maps/arenas. Great work and keep it up!
  3. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Oh yeah.. forgot about all those :(
  4. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    In my opinion, the class people choose is little reflection of the type of person playing them, so trying to tar all assassins with the same brush is as constructive and useful as saying all people with brown eyes are stupid (which is false by the way. Though people with blue or grey eyes are awesome ;D )

    I'm pretty darn patient and seem to fit your description of a good assassin, yet I'm against this change just out of principal. I guess that means your opinion doesn't hold up to reality (though I guess me being patient and good are something you'd have to take my word on, so I guess it's not as solid a batch of evidence as I'd like :p )
  5. Bingo Clamshell

    Bingo Clamshell New Member

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    I don't know about others, but I think it's pretty important.

    It's frustrating that I stop shooting/etc. whenever the other person dies or upgrades a turret/themselves. It's killed me a couple times. Mostly when playing a Support because the Hurt beam just "cuts off" as if you let go of the button.

    To a lesser extent, the "bleedover" of the damage indicator is a little annoying, sometimes making me think I'm under attack when I'm not.
  6. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I might have missed this but is it a glitch or tactic that you can run back into your spawn base? I've seen a number of Supports throw their Firebase outside of the central door to perma-guard the moneyball while they sit invincible in their base overhealing the Firebases. I don't know if this is a proper (cowardly) tactic or not.
  7. Bingo Clamshell

    Bingo Clamshell New Member

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    Probably not a glitch. IMO, if Supports are doing that, I don't think they're playing very efficiently. As a Sniper I've been known to run and hide in there if an Assassin catches me off guard but doesn't quite kill me and leaps away and I'm scared as all hell. :D
  8. Icy

    Icy New Member

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    "Fixed Assassins being able to cloak during a grapple."

    .... I have an issue with that, and honestly only that of all the changes. When I figured out I could cloak during a grapple I thought it was as intended and made sense. My problem with this being so called "Fixed" is that when you're grappling a foe in their base, then you are basically committing suicide unless they have no turrets. I felt and still do feel that the Assassins being able to cloak during grapples is more balanced/fair. How is it exactly unbalanced or a problem to begin with?
  9. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    Would you like me to walk into your heavily fortified base, slap you in the nutz, and just walk on out like nothing happened?
  10. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    If for some reason neither my teammates, turrets, or myself notice you, then I sure as heck deserved it. It doesn't take much to notice an Assassin. I'm not sure where this idea that Assassins can magically walk into a base, destroy/kill everything, and walk out came from. Seriously, you guys are over-exaggerating her power. When has it ever even happened? I've never seen it.
  11. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    You know the cloak is a draining skill right? I can't sprint over the map, totally cloaked and start wrecking things up. And if I did, then I'm going to have a hell of a time getting out. It's not the walk in the park everyone seems to think it is.
  12. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    I want to give everyone at Uber Entertainment a hug right now.
  13. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    What principal is that? What possible principal could exist that says that Assassins in Monday Night Combat should be able to assassinate people in their bases and pay no consequences? Also, in my opinion, the class people choose obviously reflects their personality, that is why they choose that play style.
  14. slash_and_dash

    slash_and_dash New Member

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    Huh... guess that means I'm a female, black, huge bearded mute? :p
  15. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I knew the picture I saw was yours.
  16. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I love this misinformed belief that this change will in any way stop me killing you in your base. The vast majority of grapples I perform in the enemy base are on the upper platform where none of your turrets can hit me anyway so cloaking has no effect there. Most of the ground kills I get in enemy bases are from my shurikens which uncloak me so again, this change doesn't change anything in the slightest :3

    As for principals, I've posted why multiple times but for your benefit I'll repeat myself once again: I believe this change is being made in the pursuit of 'intended' rather than analysing the glitch properly and asking "this may not have been intended but does it actually cause a negative effect to our game or does it instead help our game stand out from it's peers?'. An example of games where the second route was take are games like Streetfighter; a glitch made it possible to execute moves one after the other and instead of 'fixing' it Capcom embraced it, going on to become the father of the modern fighting game genre and streetfighter is still the most successful title in it. Tribes also had a glitch become an accepted and supported gameplay feature in the form of 'skiing' which was originally an unintended physics glitch.

    Regarding personalities and class choice, My flatmate and I are two very different people, yet we both play assassin. He's a more aggressive player while I tend to be more team-oriented and cautious but we're both good team players (I actually usually play medic/priestess in most games because I like helping people :3 ) It's not uncommon for me to purely pick things based off asthetics and bend their playstyles to closer fit my own, even though they weren't intended to do so :p
    I suspect you'll find a very diverse selection of personalities within the class you've picked as well and many of them will be nothing like yourself either :3
  17. Entropy

    Entropy New Member

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    I don't understand why all the assassins posting here seem to think they should be able to kill someone in the middle of their own base with no retribution from turrets. No other class can waltz right up to a player standing next to 2 turrets and just kill them with no response from the computer-controlled defenses. This game is not just a pure shooter. They want people to be able to make towers and use them as defense. When you can cloak *while* killing someone, you completely circumvent those defenses.

    This change isn't going to stop assassins from being able to kill people who are actually pushing lanes, since they won't be near a tower anyway.
  18. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I don't understand why some people posting here seem to forget that they can be headshot in the middle of their own base standing next to 2 turrets and with no response from the computer-controlled defences because the sniper is out of range (I should know, I did this to a team of engineers quite a few times last night :3 ).

    I don't understand why some people posting here seem to forget that I can kill them with crit-shurikens from their upper platform of their own base while they're standing next to 2 turrets and with no response from the computer controlled defences because they can't draw line of sight and even when they can I can just recloak anyway even after the 'fix'.

    I don't understand why some people posting here seem to not know that the vast majority of my grapple kills in their base are on the upper platform where none of their computer-controlled defences can see me either.

    I will waltz into your base and I will kill you. Trying to justify this change as a "they shouldn't be able to do what they can already do without the cloak grapple" doesn't really work. Besides, if you're in your base and someone grapples you, your teammates should really take note and shoot the offending assassin off you; if they're just standing there watching it happen and don't interfere then the assassin is the least of your worries :p

    further thoughts edit: Ok, while the above thoughts still stand I could've put that more constructively. Let me break down how an assassin actually works and what this grapple change means...

    1) The places with turrets are usually high-traffic areas for pros. Pros don't care if you cloak while you grapple because they still know you're there and they will shoot you. As such, these areas tend to be suicide and the grapple change won't alter the fact that most proficient assassin players won't bother you with grapples in these areas but will instead employ other methods.

    2) Ironically, the one bunch of players you think the assassins should be vulnerable to, the people pushing lanes, are the ones that get the most protection from this 'fix'. Why? Because they're standing next to a huge pack of robots armed with guns. Right now, if I'm pushing a lane and bump into someone else who is then I'll just grapple them infront of their bots and cloak mid-animation to stop their robot retinue from shredding me, because unlike most classes my most efficient way of dealing with you is close range. The robots don't bother me as support or sniper because I'll be knocking your face off from a safer distance with my firebase, airstrikes, hurtgun or sniper rifle, where I'm less likely to draw the robot's attention away from my own bot cavalcade.

    3) the points I mentioned before. Most proficient assassins in an enemy base only grapple on the upper platform because the ground level of a base is high-traffic for pros. There are still less-efficient but safer ways to kill you in your base though and the assassins will use them assuming you're a valuable enough target (in other words, if you're not stopping the lane you're probably safe because you're not helping your team anyway :p ).

    I know I'm wasting my time typing this though. The "this change will protect me as I sit alone in my base" myth has already been posted and debunked a few times so if you're stating this then it means you've probably paid little heed to what anyone else is posting anyway :/
  19. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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  20. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I'm not saying that this change will stop all deaths in your base, however, it is eliminating a percentage of them (the size of which may range from 5%-100% for all I know) that Uber did not believe should be in their game. However, even you cannot argue that those kills do not exist, because they do. And if you are saying these kills are such a small percentage, then it should not bother you at all that they are being removed.

    And your "objection out of principal" is not really a principal. It is some notion you have that since you like something, and other people like something, but a roughly equal amount of people or greater dislike, that they should keep it in the game. Why? Not all games have to keep unintentional things. That isn't an argument, or a principal, but is just you liking the idea of the unintentional being integrated. However, even if I disagree with you, I have to applaud you for at least engaging in a debate with thought out arguments, as opposed to certain other threads I have been posting on.

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