I'm Looking for information on the Shaveice turret

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Immortal303, August 30, 2010.

  1. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I'm currently using 2, 3.3 shaveice turrets during sudden death blitz.

    I'm wondering how the effect works. Without the hack, the shaveice, lvl 3 is more or less worthless. Hack that sucker, and ta-da! You're freezing bots from 50 yards away.

    What I would like to know is:

    Does the effect stack in overlapping areas? For instance, I use 2 for blitz, and the effect area overlaps when hacked. Things move really slow inside my base. I was wondering if adding another 1 or 2 shaveices would slow things down even further or if there is a slow limit?

    I'll probably end up answering my own question after I test it out today. So if you're wondering too, check back, I'll post my results. If you have any info, I'd appreciate it.
  2. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Someone answer this, I'd like to know.
  3. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    I'm not entirely sure, I was wondering this too. But I'd like to comment on the "useless" aspect of un-hacked slow turrets. They're not useless, they're actually quite useful for SDB. I understand hacking helps, but it's the same as all the others.

    Turret Nub < Un Hacked Turret < Hacked Turret
  4. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    No, they aren't completely useless, but watch the bots as you hack one, and you'll see how the hack puts the lvl 3 to shame.

    Either way, I haven't had a chance to test it out yet. Having problems finding a competent team mate. 2 Support makes it much easier. I'll get it done though.
  5. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    It also appears that the effect is applied in a line-of-sight manner. Meaning the targets don't freeze if the turret can't see them. I'm not 100 % sure on this.

    I was placing a shaveice on the nub right behind the moneyball on blitz. It has a lot of obstructions around it though, and if does work on line-of-sight, then that turret isnt freezing enemies until they are right on my moneyball.

    With this in mind, I might change my turret scheme. Maybe put a rocket up in that nub, and put shaveice on the two inside the east and west walls. I would prefer to put them outside the walls , but I want the effect to cover them for as long as possible. I would like to have two more rocket turrets inside to hammer them once they are slowed from the shaveice outside.

    It's maddening. I guess I'll just have to experiment and post my findings.
  6. Ghostdog 360

    Ghostdog 360 New Member

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    I will try it out too. I'm looking for a blitz team so add me if u want. I'm gonna be trying stuff out with jared who has posted blitz stuff before.

    Having a experienced team is key for past 100. I usually quit if I know they won't make it past 60. It ends up as such a waste of time.


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