MNC now disconnects me from steam - post smnc install

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by detaer, January 27, 2012.

  1. detaer

    detaer New Member

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    I installed smnc and that made me want to fire up old mnc. When I tried to fire up the game steam failed to sync my files and my steam connection dropped. Is this issue expected, or is this a unique issue?

    I have not as of yet attempted to remove mnc and reinstall it, or remove smnc and run nmc, or break the connection between ubernet and steam (not even sure if possible).

    If this problem is known with a specific fix I wouldn't mind running through it and playing some original nmc.

  2. lee13ond

    lee13ond New Member

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    Did you ever get an answer or figure out how to fix this issue cause I am having the same problem

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