Are you for or against the Assassin update

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 30, 2010.

  1. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    In halo 3's forge, a lot of the "glitches" are now being added to forge in Reach.

    Just because something is a glitch, doesn't always mean it's bad. Mainly yes, but not always.

    Have fun with your "NO GLITCHES ALLOWED".
  2. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Ooh! I can answer this one seeing as it's not directly about the topic! :D

    Hiero, people posting on the forums that they disagree with something is one of the ways that Uber finds out about what we think as a community. When you say 'deal with it' what are you proposing exactly?
    Are you saying that people shouldn't continue to show their passion about something within the relevant topics that in no way interfere with the other ones meaning that if you're tired of hearing people campaign about it you don't have to continue reading them, or are you somehow saying that people are not going to deal with it when it gets patched into the game? What kind of symptoms can we expect from people 'not dealing with it'? How will your post change this?

    What is the intent of this post? After all these years on the internet do you expect telling people the bottom line and saying 'deal with it' will prove constructive or influential in any way despite it never having done so in the past? :eek:

    I have all these questions and more! Curious Gem is curious :D
  3. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    The problem is though, if Uber really cares about the community they'd take what the community as a whole is saying and make their decision. This in obviously a big debate and it is their game, but it has a domino effect.

    I plan on "dealing with it" by playing for a while after the change and if I feel like I'm not adding anything to the team, or not having fun with the Assassin anymore (sorry, spawning bots isn't exactly a thrill), I'm going to switch classes. If I don't have fun with any of the new classes, then I'm going to stop playing and probably be more skeptical about the next game they put out.

    That being said, I don't want to seem like a Negative Nancy. This is a great game, by a smaller company with a staff that really seems to care. They went out of their way to talk to, not at, people at PAX East and they made a fantastically fun game. Good on ya, but I hope you don't change the cloaking. ;)
  4. The_Support

    The_Support New Member

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    I think assassins are op enough (good ones anyways.) Always seems like I am getting it from behind from them all the time. So who cares if they can get shot while doing it? BRING IT!

    And thats not while I am playing a support class, either haha. Its actually pretty easy for me to kill one with my support class because I am constantly moving around and checking my back on him so I just get her with mah shotty.

    Honestly, most of the time when I see Assassins grapple someone most of them don't even cloak afterwards haha. So most won't even know it is gone haha.
  5. stock

    stock New Member

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    I'd like to see the update in action. I've seen a lot of assassins complain that they can't just run into the base and wreak havoc and I really don't think that's how they should be playing anyway (juiced, sure but not otherwise). I can get into a base just fine as any other class but I'll get dropped real quick if I don't play my cards right.
  6. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Well, the update was made so that assassins can no longer run into the enemy's base grapple the poor pros and cloak during the entire process and then get away scott free.

    Now due to the update there wont be as many Assassins camping in the enemy's spawns anymore ether. The update did make the Assassin weaker in general since now she has to be really fancy on her feet if shes going to score a good K:D in matches now.
  7. michael

    michael New Member

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    2.Assult Gunner tank
  8. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

    Likes Received:
    1. Against
    2. Sniper/Assault
  9. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    Going with OP's wishes:

    1) For
    2) Sniper/Tank

    Going with the discussion:

    Assassin really was never intended to take out a support deeply entrenched in a base alone.

    A glitch that supports lone-wolfing in a team based game can never be good. :I
  10. slash_and_dash

    slash_and_dash New Member

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    1) Overall against. it never helped when other Pros where around anyways. always thought it was intended to help prevent Firebase camping supports.

    2) Whatever my teammates aren't playing (though probably best at Assualt/Assassin)
  11. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Actually, all my grapple kills in their base are on the walkway above, where none of the turrets can hit me anyway, so I'll still be waltzing into your base I'm afraid, it's only people on the ground that'll be any safer :3
  12. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    With THIS UPDATE and the circumstances already existing, the assassin "isn't suppose to be able" to take out a Support with firebase (inside spawn or not) Sniper with traps or a Tank.

    It's sad when an skill based online multi-player game takes skill out of the equation and bases it on the class alone.

    The assassin could easily be killed by the shotgun, but no, some people rather it not take any effort. They rather firebases/turrets be able to kill them while they're stuck in an ANIMATION. While they CAN NOT dodge or react. While they're doing what they're class is good at. Assassinations.

    Snipers can destroy an enemy spawn without being in harms way. In fact, they don't have to land a shot on anyone and get kills while doing it. Just shoot the firebase, turrets, or any group of anything that anyone is standing by and you'll kill both. No risk or skill involved. And you can spawn kill them for as long as you like. Your surrounded by traps!

    So its okay for snipers to kill and not be in any danger? But its wrong for an assassin who outwitted an opponent and was able to get past freeze traps, shotguns, overcome constant jumping to avoid grapple due to hearing the cloak and yet STILL land the grapple? There is no explosive damage grapples. lol. They have to land.) And if its a front grapple, every class the ability to kill the assassin almost instantly. Yeah they deserve to die for getting that kill.

    Yeah, thats only fair.

    I'm starting to notice that people who don't play as assassins don't really care for them at all.

    Being able to cloak while grappling doesn't stop PROS from killing assassins. Just turrets. It gives assassins no advantage over enemy pros. So why gripe? It's your fault you got assassinated. Not your turret.

    With skill every class can easily kill an assassin. To vote to have a turret or firebase do the job for you shows a serious lack in skill.

    Assassins are already the weakest overall VS other classes, do you really have to give them another strike? Are you really not noticing that the majority of assassins are at the bottom of the results screen going negative?

    Oh, I forgot, that one guy with alot of skills killed you alot. Instead of getting better then him, just vote to weaken his class..

  13. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Good thing I don't stay in the spawn area. If I ever see you on the battlefield it will be a duel to the death.

    But on a more serious note. the only class that really stays ontop of the spawn will be the sniper and chances are there a few ice mines here and there.
  14. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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  15. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Catch me if you can ;D

    I dunno. If I'm in your base it usually means your moneyball is about to fall and at that point the upper platform tends to get a much more diverse mix of players. If one spots me pumping shurikens into the ball I'll go eliminate them and find a new spot in the base to fire from, though sometimes I'll stay quiet and let them think I've gone before resuming. Just before the ball falls I tend to find a lot of snipers forget to refresh their traps and you can even get gunners and fellow assassins up there, oblivious to your presence :D
  16. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Yup, since everyone is focused on defending there ball they fail to notice the distortion in space running towards them and the low cloaking hum till its too late :C
  17. Cerberus150

    Cerberus150 New Member

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    Sniper and support unless the team really needs something else. If they got to me through traps and a firebase, I deserve to die.
  18. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    1. Against.
    2. Tank/Gunner/Support.
  19. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Wow, this is my longest post ever. (most of you aren't reading anyway lol.) But here goes.

    Whew, that wore me out. It might have some errors but I'm not going through that again. lol
  20. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    There are 8 pages because there is an equal amount of players that disagree with you. Not to mention there is a greater amount that does not care at all that it is removed.

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