1. The Freaker

    The Freaker New Member

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    Hey guys,

    I am playing MNC for some days now (got addicted right at the start) and I love to play with my sniper. Like every sniper I love freeze ppl (Especially sins no offense), grapple people out of the ring and ow ye MAKE HEADSHOTS the thing is that I found this more difficult then with other shooters... for example the assault got a small head and i find it difficult to ma a HS while moving. Also the assist can keep mving around while healing/stealing health which makes him the hardest to target (IMHO).

    Cant uber entertertainment come up with something that makes sniping (headshotting) a bit easier? like a slight auto aim, or a bigger "headshot area" (while pro's are moving)

    Anyone got any suggestions?


    The Freaker
  2. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    Yeah this is the reason i put the sniper down for a while. In this game.. the only people that stay still that aren't in base... are other snipers. And yes... you have got to be MAD accurate to get HS in this game.
    Tbh though, i wasn't too fussed - it was too much like hard work for me to learn how to snipe effectively in this game... so when you do see someone spanking heads every 40 seconds.. you know he got the skills.
    **Go get him assassins ;)**
  3. KAOS the legend

    KAOS the legend New Member

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    It's already easy enough to get head shots on players. If it's difficult to get certain classes that's because it's supposed to be. However, Gunners and Tanks are really easy to get head shots on, and there definitely isn't a shortage of gunners.
  4. The_Support

    The_Support New Member

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    Auto-Aim? You crazy? If you can't "SNIPE" then you probabaly shouldn't be a SNIPER. Just gotta get used to it or move on to another class that would be easier for you to aim with.
  5. stock

    stock New Member

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    I guess I'd be curious if it counts for scoped snipers but there is already some auto-aim in the game.
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I main Sniper.

    Headshots do not need to be easier. Just have to pick your moments. Every class, except Assassin, has times they stand more still and make the headshotting easier.

    Times to headshot each pro:

    • Gunner: Deployed or shooting from distance
      Tank: see Gunner
      Sniper: nearly always (learn from this and move)
      Assault: Lining up grenade shots on turrets and bots
      Support: Hacking turrets, setting up firebase

    And here are some places to always look for headshots.
    Look for pros:
    • - buying bots
      - buying/upgrading turrets
      - hiding to get their health back
      - buying juice

    And my favorite: Place freeze traps in areas far away from you BUT somewhere you still have a line of sight to. Wait till someone walks into it. Free-headshot.

    As you watch for those behaviors, watch the areas pros are standstill, and create your own opportunities, Headshotting becomes much easier.
  7. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    /\ This /\
    Basically, making a headshot any easier would result in teams full of snipers. I am "OK" at best at getting headshots, and only rarely on moving targets.... I have seen amazing snipers that, with a larger area for a headshot, would have upwards of 30 kills on average with under 5 deaths consistently (possibly more).
  8. EnlistedThalim

    EnlistedThalim New Member

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    I go 30-50 kills and 0-5 deaths as a sniper when I'm in the zone. Headshots are easy, you just have to learn how to do it. When I play sniper, I hide behind glass/walls/etc., figure out the height of the person coming at me, then strafe until my crosshairs are on their head and pull the trigger. It's easier said then done, but once you get it you're golden. And I know stating my kills and deaths makes me look like a KDR freak, but I keep my lane controlled too.
  9. Doom

    Doom New Member

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    If you think Sniping in this game's anywhere near difficult, you should try playing Gears 1 or 2. They make this game feel like one of the easiest sniping games ever.

    The only problem with sniping is the client hit detection. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but then I got the chance to play on host. The difference is massive and there are definitely issues.

    With how the sniper gets a massive clip size and slapping on a RoF endorsement makes it nearly automatic, there's absolutely no need to buff anything on the sniper, or add any kind of auto aim. There's a ridiculous amount of room for error if you miss as is, asking for any more would be ridiculous.
  10. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    I personally find Headshots some what pointless on the Sniper, I mostly use it on the Tank/Gunners past that his AoE shot is the way to go for damage.
  11. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    I have a hard time but then again I've never been good at sniping in any game. It seems there are a lot of people on this game that are really good, especially all of those rank 60+ snipers that have 200 gamer score and only Monday Night Combat on their games list *coughjtaggerscough*.
  12. Chimpotle

    Chimpotle New Member

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    I feel like I should know this, but what is an AoE shot?
  13. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Passive 3 gives explosion on contact.
  14. ROWAN1551

    ROWAN1551 New Member

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    I like the sniper the way he is, I think if they improved him players would start complaining hes Over-powered
  15. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    That's probably like all the 60+ players....

    Getting HS takes a lot of practice in knowing positioning and good reflexes. A good 50% of a my HS come from quick sniping surprisingly (as in other games I'm terrible at quick sniping). It just comes with the territory.
  16. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    this game already has aim assist if u hadnt noticed. i personally hate auto aim/ aim assist because i already know how to aim and when it tries to follow people it will mess up my intended shot

    btw when i play the sniper i only upgrade grapple for the extra defense and only go for headshots while still ending up with a k/d around or over 2. if ur used to shooting games its not too hard
  17. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    lol i used to quick scope gears 1. i <3 that game so much
  18. pizzapotamus

    pizzapotamus Member

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    Honestly I tend to *$%@ing the sniper rifle in most games, both trying to use it and getting shot at. However I find snipping easier and more enjoyable in this game, and it's not just because of the level 3 AoE I've no problem pinging a support who's hacking his turret, a gunner who's doing just about anything, or the goddamn idiot assassin who spent the last steel peel match running across the map at me in a straight line and directly into the freeze trap I kept replacing in the exact same spot :mrgreen:

    What's even more amazing to me than my semi-competency as a sniper is that I've yet to insanely frustrated by playing against a sniper either. Sure, they'll alter what I can do safely but I don't get the annoyed feeling of being locked down by an unseen and untouchable finger of death.
  19. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Agreed. The snipers who get me on the move have absolutely no problems with headshotting. Learn to sniper better or change classes. Auto-aim? Are you kidding me?
  20. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    Well, considering just about every sniper I've come across that has a 60+ rank can do instant headshots on me (even when I'm cloaked over in a corner as an assassin) no matter what, I wouldn't be suprised if their is some sort of community of JTAGers out there with lots of scripts devoted towards screwing with something in this game. I've been headshotted straight coming out of the base, I've been headshotted while running around cloaked in a non-occupied area so my cloak isn't being shown to anyone, etc..

    I wouldn't gripe about it that much if it wasn't so blatantly obvious, just like all of the guys in CoD games that get 30 kills and no deaths (or enough deaths to reset their killstreaks in WaW) and then they have no games on their gamertag except that game, and maybe 1 achievement from storymode, with around 5 hours played time in the lobby leaderboard list with 10th prestige max level. Noone picks up a brand new xbox, puts gold straight on it for 1 game, and instantly dominates.

    Not saying I'm that bad, I've managed to completely own entire matches with over 15 kills above second place and more money than everyone from just line pushing, but it's still annoying when you can TELL something isn't working as intended.

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