1 thing that makes NO sense what-so-ever (assassins)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by jimr, August 31, 2010.

  1. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    Assassin - The MELEE class. That really is all it has going for it. It melees.. that's what it does.

    Now - if im a maxxed out assassin, and after grappling someone in the back doesn't kill a pro - that's fine. If they use a power up to get extra armour, whatever, power to them, good idea. I do not expect, however.. for someone i just "specialed" as it were, to react with a one shot kill faster than i can do ANYTHING.

    If i grapple, and it fails, then im dead - because for some reason, someone who has just been knocked to the ground, can get up, and do a "special" back to me, before the fastest character in the game has a chance to get away (or of course, do ANYTHING at all).


    The obvious fixes that spring to mind are:

    1) Nothing should survive a maxxed skill grapple attack from behind - although it would make the most sense, it would of course not be the popular idea. Perhaps a longer cooldown on the grapple? (lazy fix tbh)
    2) Allow the Assassin a chance to get away from the pro you just flawed BEFORE they can stand up, and one shot you back. (THIS MAKES MUCH MORE SENSE) (The assault is the most ridiculous - he can get up and oneshot grapple kill an assassin (not to mention he doesn't even have to grapple from behind either - like the melee class assassin does) before the assassin has any time to do ANYTHING... it really makes absolutely no sense.. Assassin is the MELEE class. How in the hell does it make sense for the Assault to be better at melee attacks... AFTER he's just stood up from the most powerful melee attack from the melee class) (I know i'm repeating myself... but this is such an obvious flaw to me, i can't believe this hasn't had a crud load of press...)
    3) Leave all the ridiculously timed attacks how they are, but give the assassin a chance to "block" from a retaliation grapple oneshot. Not even so the whole attack can be blocked, not even stopping the 700 meter knockback which knocks you off the map 90% of the time anyway, but just a CHANCE to run away with a tiny bit of life left, after some sort of fast reaction button mash after failing to kill the enemy pro in one grapple.

    It just makes absolutely no sense to me that the class that is so weak at EVERYTHING else, can still get completely walloped at the only thing it excels at, with no way at all of countering.

    This is pretty much the only gripe i have with the entire game. Sorry for wall of text, but It was a tricky one to explain... and i REALLY think this needs addressing if the assassin is to remain a class worth touching.

    Other than that, totally awesome XBLA game (really right up there with BF1943, portal, and magic: the gathering ;) ).. i just hope we don't get robbed for the lovely DLC which i know you got lined up ;)

    Please please please sort this out... you know it makes no sense how it is... and i'll send you bacon...
  2. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    LMAO!!! YUR A TEH N00BZ!!!!

    Seriously though...

    Gotta say...I can't find fault with what was said here. After sword stab to the face, while not lethal every time, you would think would finish with the stabber actually having more time to move than the stabbee.

    Seems assassin should be the ultimate stick-and-move class.
  3. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Assault Charge Grapple costs $550, not even beginning to count the fact that it also costs him Skills in the manner of what he's not spending it on. So, that means you're either playing with a bunch of Charge ho' Assaults or it's late into the game and you have upgraded skills to match.

    The rest of your points I wont argue because I already am of the opinion that Assassin is worse off for being the only class without a gun. Why the class is so popular I don't know. With more and more play time I find it easier to spot and take them out to the point now where (I'm only an average player) I can take out people who seem to be fairly good at assassin with little effort.

    Then again, I'm Assault, so maybe that's the point.

    Oh, actually I'll edit that.
    'Allowing the Assassin time to get away after a front grapple' (before anything else can be done to them) is a bad idea on my part. As Assault a front grapple leaves very little health. Very little. 1 sword slash even and it's kaput. How many players would really run away when all they need to do is take a step closer and slash? None.
  4. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    He's right, If they added time for the assassin to flee you think they would? this would make the assassins Grapples 'OHKO's no matter what direction she decided to grapple on.
  5. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    ok so forget that one.. lets not get 300 posts on the one suggestion i made that is a rubbish idea. They were just 3 things i pulled out the air that might make the system not completely rubbish.

    Personally, i like the idea of the chance to block a oneshot grapple retal shot - perhaps with a forced massive jump away from the battle scene via an animation or something...

    This is understood as a problem though yes? That's more what i'm trying to raise here... the suggestions... they're are more an after thought.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Taken from the Update Blog/Thread:
    "Normalized time between a grapple miss and the ability to grapple again for all grapples. The biggest change is the Assassin not having as big of a penalty for a missed grapple."

    Please gather all the information before you make posts like these.
  7. Raz92

    Raz92 New Member

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    maybe make the smoke bomb work faster?

    ive had assaults survive a back grapple, so i panic and try to smoke bomb away, but im already dead and flying across the map.

    maybe make it so you can instantly smoke after a grapple?
  8. Raz92

    Raz92 New Member

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    and sorry for double post, but he meant that he did the grapple, but they survived it, not missed the grapple
  9. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    Fail post. Please understand what's been said before commenting.


    Instant smoke bomb is a very good idea.
  10. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    ps: smoke after grapple would be bad, i mean i can just see nub assassins running up to me grappling then smoking and getting away with no chance of me doing any damage what so ever, then theres a (what 2-3 second?) window where im blind and slow and at minimal health (if i were assault, support, even gunner maybe), aka in a critical situation in which quite minimal skill is needed to pull off. also flawed because people wouldnt even jump probably, just fall back from attacks and shuriken my ***
  11. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    Do you know there are other Buttons besides LT?

    For Example, RB,RT2,LT,RB kills a Tank (Passive3+GoldArmor)...but continue playing a bad assassin. Good Assassins are super annoying, you know the ones that smoke bomb and BD turrets, or actually use Dash, and the Shuriken Launcher to clear creep waves.
  12. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    yeah ok smokes out. Hoping a mere alteration in the availability of one skill would fix the situation.. too good to be true it seems.
  13. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    Tank kill assassin:
    Lt, B
    Lt, Railgun
    or just B..

    cant say the same for other classes though
    the dash does do good damage and your right assassins should figure out that a dash then grapple will kill any class (minus tank and maybe gunner idk) even with face grapple

    i believe assassins should be much less of lone wolves in my opinion
    and that seems like what everyone wants to be on these forums

    your teammates tend to damage opponets, which makes your grapple much more likely to actually kill the player

    Tip: Damaged opponets have less health
    Tip2: Damaged opponets are generally near allies
    Tip3: Learn to help allies by grappling key enemies
  14. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Do you know why I don't do that? Every single time I grapple an injured enemy, I get cussed out for stealing a kill. I don't do it because I'm sick of getting yelled at by every person who wants their kill, and doesn't appreciate me stealing it.
  15. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Yeah, except for the fact that 90% in public games have no teamwork.

    Stop blaming assassins for stuff that EVERY SINGLE CLASS does. I really don't want to tell you how many times I've died standing next to a support who would rather heal his firebase than heal me.
  16. ninemetal

    ninemetal New Member

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    qft...I'll still do it though. In the beginning I used to hold back since kill-stealing is usually frowned upon....but half the time my teammate ended up dying. And I'd think: "huh...if I'd helped him we could've pushed our bots further."
    Now, I'll help my teammates kill whoever they're fighting so we can push up a bit further and kill some more. Unless they get bitchy about it...in which case I'll leave their kills alone. It's a rare occurence though, getting yelled at I mean...most people in pub don't seem to use their mic :p
  17. Purple Dusk

    Purple Dusk New Member

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    I used to play as Assassin, would usually get a K/D of 7-12:1.

    I for one, LIKE the fact front grapples fail to kill. It makes you have to plan the attack.

    Also, your main basis seems to be Assaults killing you after a front grapple. You know what you do?


    Pretty much 100% chance the Assault will go charging past you unless you run into a wall.

    I used this tactic alot actually on Grenade 3, you front grapple an Assault near an edge then side step..... 75% of the time they charge straight off and suicide lol
  18. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    A more elegant solution would be to simply put some distance between the two after the grapple so they're no longer in grapple range. Many of the throws in this game feature a punt of some kind at the end, so having the assassin kick-off the person she just maimed pushing them back and giving her some distance would likely help, though it does mean that charge attacks would still be a problem (and I can guarantee you that I'd immediately lunge other assassins, supports and gunners who lack a charge move right after it :p ) but it would at least stop 'counter-grabbing' which is a little silly.

    The only real problem I have with front grapples is that some of my back grapples turn into front grapples because some people fidget so much that getting a guaranteed backgrab, even after stalking someone for a while can easily go wrong at the last second as you lunge in... especially if the lunge slides off them as it's wont to do sometimes :p
  19. itskrislol

    itskrislol New Member

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    As an Assassin, you HAVE to smoke/jump on failed grapples. Personally, I feel that is one of the top three things in learning how to play your assassin.

    and I might be the only one, but I rarely use my dagger/sword to actually fight unless the other person only has a sliver of health, and even then I'm hesitant to use it.
  20. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Or you can spam the dash attack on said pro. Since other personw ill have small windows of opportunity to shoot yah, but then agian they might just grapple you right back.

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