Monday Night Combat Title Update, DLC, and PAX Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 30, 2010.

  1. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    Even so, they probably arent raking up the kills or doing anything terribly constructive by camping the FB. My FB probably only gets 30% of my kills in a match, because I have people to heal, turrets to air strike/hack, and lanes to push. I cant imagine these FB campers hardly ever breaking 20 kills.

    Ive noticed my shotgun is only really deadly against assassins (actually most all classes) the first 4-7 minutes of the game. For some reasons after that it takes 2 shots to kill them and if they've already grappled me its easier for them to get that quick 1 lil slash in to kill me than it is for me to shoot them.

    Like Ive said, even with this update I predict they will still be the biggest PITA, especially considering most decent support guys set up their FBs close to the enemy base so if he dies he still has to get back across the map in 1 piece and a good assassin will notice a pudgy slow guy trying to get back to his FB lol

  2. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I generally find if a class is giving you trouble, R3van, the best thing you can do is play them for a bit to understand things from their side. For example, a few matches as support quickly clued me into the previously unknown gem that they have absolutely no ranged capability whatsoever. This made fighting them with other classes a lot easier because then I knew to just stay out of HHGun and Shotgun range to render them fairly vulnerable :D

    By playing assassin you'll quickly learn that a jumping target is hard as heck to grapple, people who fidget and change facing often are nigh-on impossible to reliably back-grab and that even light lag can make an assassin's life a living nightmare :p
  3. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    I played 10 matches straight with an assassin class and it was some of the most fun Ive had (class wise) besides my Support. Thats why I know just how sneaky lil basterds assassins are :lol:

    I kind of know what they are thinking so I assume they are going to try and sneak up behind me one way or another, so Im always looking around, but all it takes is a second or 2 then you get that rage thought of "WTF I JUST LOOKED THERE AND THERE WAS NOTHING!"

    Fact is with their speed they can cover a lot of ground so 1 second to an assassin is nothing compared to a Support/Tank/Gunner. Speed is deadly :cool:
  4. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    All it takes to kill them is 1 second too though.
  5. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    The Assassin is sorely overpowered. She should only ever go against bots and I think the grapple doing damage is the next glitch they should fix. Any Assassin who tries to use their grapple should be killed for exploiting an obviously broken gameplay element.
  6. johnlmonkey

    johnlmonkey New Member

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    Thank god for these changes, maybe now I can play on a team with fewer than 3 assassins
  7. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Have fun with more than 3 supports per team.
  8. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Good idea. I think I'll start maining support again.
  9. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I know. It''ll be so fun being invulnerable to assassins thanks to my trusty firebase after the patch!
  10. EthanCrad

    EthanCrad New Member

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    I agree with you %100. Im a stealthy assassin and yet if i decide to kill a support I will always cloak grapple to avoid the firebase killing me before I can finish the grapple which takes like 10 seconds to finish, plenty of time for someone to run over and grapple me right after I finish. Not only that but cloak grappling will avoid you getting owned by a rockit turret after you put your sweat and blood into killing that support with a firebase at the entrance of his base who has been there since the game started.
  11. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    first dlc free. nice.
  12. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    A lot of great updates. Thanks for all the hard work!

    I will say, sad not to see sniper range get a nerf (to avoid turrets or people being sniped across maps from the comfort of their own base). But this update should help a lot. Especially with being able to actually get into a match quickly, heh.
  13. The Freaker

    The Freaker New Member

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    Hmm the updates are looking good!

    I myself like to play sniper, but sometimes it can be quite hard to headshot moving pro's (which actually makes sense), but perhaps you guys can make the "headshot area" a bit larger so that making headshots becomes a bit easier (or at least apply this when someone is moving)

    Also I think that when an assist is healing someone, his moving speed should be slowed by a certain percentage. I find them especially hard to sniper.

    I'd like to hear your guys comments.

    Love MNC!

    The Freaker
  14. Unicorn Bacon

    Unicorn Bacon New Member

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    Even though I primarily play Support, I still think taking away the Assassins ability to cloak during a grapple was a very bad idea.
  15. faits

    faits New Member

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    Where did you come up with these good ideas you must be a professional at it.
  16. Bingo Clamshell

    Bingo Clamshell New Member

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    What about all the bugs during split-screen play?

    EDIT: Hoping to get an official response to this question if possible...
    Last edited: August 31, 2010
  17. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I really hope that's sarcasm, or I have nothing else to say.

    Interwebz doesn't convey it very well.
  18. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I think I speak for everyone when I say I love you guys.
  19. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    This is all great news!

    Thank you guys so much for listening to the community feedback, pouring hours of hard work into coding an update, and delivering such a great update!
  20. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I know people on the internet change their minds so often, but here are my 2 cents...

    Pretty much everyone who has posted saying they are against the change to Assassin grappling appear (my opinion) to share one thing in common...they don't think the Assassin needs to practice patience.

    Now, this is similar to what I see in the game, where Assassins constantly dash off and attack the first person they can find, whether it is in a good position to attack or not. Either that, or they constantly keep trying to butt their heads against whoever killed them last, trying over and over again to find that person(usually camping) and kill them. The best Assassins I have seen on this game are the ones who are most patient, and recognize the limitations of their class, in addition to the strengths.

    Yes, they are going to be people who camp, and they are going to be supports who constantly sit by their firebases. However, this game's balance is built on not every class being good against each other, but each class having an answer. People who are complaining seem to think that the Assassin should simply be good against every class. However, that simply is not going to happen.

    So Assassins out there, remember that what you think the Assassin should be might not be what the Devs think the Assassin should be. Adapt to the changes that are occuring, and stop simply running forward blindly.

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