Is this what MNC has become?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by zarakon, August 29, 2010.

  1. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Obvious troll is obvious.
  2. faits

    faits New Member

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    It sounds like you're really getting the hang of the game and it is admirable about how you don't want the other player to think you are using their fire turret to cover yours

    I don't know if you already do this but there is a "sniper" class (the tall skinny man) if you ever have to choose this one you can employ a similar strategy where you just go wherever the other sniper goes and copy him. If you stand right in front of him I think it will help (because it will be harder for him to get shot)
  3. ShadowMonkey987

    ShadowMonkey987 New Member

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    I'd say the Support Class is built for defence and not offence..

    If your going down the offence route with a Support Class your going to get creamed by the Gunner Class and Assault Class..

    The Support Class is built for supporting the home base and team mates as they go out to battle the other team..

    Whenever I play the Support Class I always play defensively and that's why my K/D is nearly always low at the end of the match (unless by turrets) I always say to my teammates "let me deal with building up our base and you go out and destroy theirs"

    Out of 5 games a night I lose about 2 of them and that's mainly due to a team mate putting the wrong type of turret on a turret nub when one of them is destroyed.. (Shave-Ice 3.3 is only needed in Overtime in my opinion when you need to slow the advancing enemy's it seems people aren't bothered about attacking the Money Ball until Overtime)
  4. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I play mostly offensive with my Support and i am doing fine. If i see other people assaulting the enemy base i team up, but mostly i am solo. I end up MVP a lot and my K/D is excellent. A lot of the time i believe i was the deciding factor in the game when i destroy all the turrets on one side of the base, while also destroying all the bots coming out of spawn with my turret and harrassing 2 or 3 players that are trying to get rid of me.
    I did a lot better than when i was playing defensively, where i was doing fine, up until a juiced player comes along.
  5. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    The Support can be a great attacker in skilled players, but as defending there simple. Maybe a bit more boring but atleast your keeping your team base safe.
    But a offensive Support can really lay down a line of defense that no bot or pro will pass with the flick of his firebase. And we know how annoying it can get when your trying to root out a support from his hideyhole.
  6. Gothalion

    Gothalion New Member

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    Most people complaining about class balance really havent mastered thier owwn favorite class extensively enough to counter the said "god class". I play a gunner and an assassin and i dont have trouble with supports.
  7. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    You must be running into noob support.
  8. KingHaysey

    KingHaysey New Member

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    I have a simple solution to this problem,

    Plug your mic in, turn it on, and slate the crap out of them
  9. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Apparently this does not happen.
    Yesterday i was in a game where there were 3 Longshot turrets in our base on the SteelPeel map. On the mic i explained they do not work, and told them they could see what the longshot does. They still upgraded them.
    A few maps later, SteelPeel, i tell them ahead not to build LongShots. There are 2 longshots in our base.

    1. People do not have others voices on (most probably)
    2. People are ignorant
    3. People do this to tease me :(
    4. People do not understand english
    5. My mic wasn't working properly
  10. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Talking to me on the mic is fairly pointless... without a headset on all I hear is some indecipherable, muffled vocals murmuring under the sound of gunfire and explosions :p
  11. deathleech

    deathleech New Member

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    I've definitely noticed a move in trend. When the game was first out it seemed everyone wanted to be an Assassin. At least 3-4 per team, most of which had a negative kill/death ratio.

    Now that the Support is viewed as the strongest/most OP class by most, it seems everyone has shifted to that class. I also have noticed Gunners being played a lot probably due to how easy they are to play.

    Personally I could care less. I have my three or four classes I like to play equally so what ever we are lacking is what I pick. Makes my selection process much easier :cool:
  12. KingHaysey

    KingHaysey New Member

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    That's most likely the problem,

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