Looking for people to play with, i main as an assassin

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by monmaker, August 31, 2010.

  1. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    I'm tired of playing with people who never even talk, i have friends that have this game, but they haven't been on it in a while.

    I mainly play as an assassin, i just got 12 hours of cloaking, i have 6 hours of sprint, 964 assassinations, 801 sword/dagger kills, 100 shuriken kills, almost 600 smoke bombs and i have gotten the MVP tag almost 50 times. i consider myself a relatively good assassin, i push the lanes, kill bots and wreak havoc on the other teams turrets and money balls, i've never used any of those stupid assassination glitches either, unless you consider cloaking while grappling a glitch, i consider it a much needed survival tool >_>
    if i see a fire base or a deployed/stationary tank or gunner i use the cloak lvl 3 and shuriken combo to shred them and i also use my smoke bombs, i use them a lot more since i found out they can stun, albeit very briefly, turrets. i also single out pros when i see their K/D ratio for the game is getting to unbalanced lol, i can even take out tanks if there isn't too much lag lol.

    TL;DR: Anyone interested in playing games with a good assassin?
  2. Frustration_inc

    Frustration_inc New Member

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  3. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    FR Sent

    also, i'm lvl 72, ranked 1709, and, not that it matters in the slightest, my K/D ratio is 1.2 gonna take me a while to fix my k/d from all the mistakes i made when i first started playing >_< lol
  4. Frustration_inc

    Frustration_inc New Member

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    Dude... your a good player.. but you really need to calm down.. even on a team of active mics is a little hard to play when your screaming into your mike every 5 sec
  5. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    sorry, that game was making me mad >_< twice i grappled that gunner and he manages to use slam either a split second before the grapple animation was done, or the exact instant it was done, and an assault i grappled lagged and morphed from being in the air with my sword cutting him to suddenly standing on the ground, without moving or charging, as far as i could see, and i suddenly got sent flying.
    and i'm also not used to people being able to hear me when i'm playing.
    I MAY have also had a bit to much coffee today >_<
    anyways, i'll do my best to tone it down, or at least mute the mic before i start yelling >_< lol
  6. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Holy crap. Someone on the internet and XBL actually non-sarcastically apologized! Maybe Gabe's ID Theory is falling apart!
  7. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    Sweet... yet another.. assassin... Rename them Cockroach. it makes all too much sense..
  8. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I'm pretty sure that name belongs to support.
  9. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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  10. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I am planning for a full evening of MNC. But i live in europe so i don't know if we'll be on at the same time.
    My evening will start from around 6.5 hours from this post or 19:00 Central European Time.

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