Looking for MNC teammates

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by CMcCon342, August 30, 2010.

  1. CMcCon342

    CMcCon342 New Member

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    I'm looking for some teammates (with headsets). All of my normal LIVE friends are still stuck on MW2...

    I'm on the east coast and play a few times a week (usually on the weekends or ask 10pm).

    I use the Support class most of the time, but enjoy the Assassin and the Gunner from time to time.

    I would love to play plenty of Crossfire, but I definitely need some people to tackle the Blitz levels with.

    LIVE Gamertag is CMcCon342, send me a request and mention MNC.
  2. Frustration_inc

    Frustration_inc New Member

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    I'm in the same boat.. hit me up some time... GT is in my sig
  3. StrongestMace

    StrongestMace New Member

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    Im always up for a good MNC session with other players from here.

    Mostly just play Sniper, Gunner and sometimes i dabble in Assassin.

    GT is my name.
  4. Frustration_inc

    Frustration_inc New Member

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    C.. it was good playing with ya tonight.. Mace.. kick me a friend request and I'll add ya.. make sure I grab ya in a game if I see ya... We were talking while playing about going for the 3rd and 4th blitz games... if you wanna be in for that we can always use an extra hand
  5. PiggyGamer

    PiggyGamer New Member

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    I'm lvl 75-76ish, and I've only ever done nothing but PUGs, and of course, teams rarely cooperate very well in random groups. I consider myself pretty good, but at this point I feel like the only way to better myself is to play with ppl who have mics so I can strategize and stuff.
    Usually play Tank or Support, Assassin occasionally, and very rarely I'll play Gunner if no one else on the team is one. I've tried Sniper but I'm hardly experienced with him, and I flat-out suck with Assault at this point.
    It would be nice to play with a semi-organized team every once in a while.
    PiggyGamer is my GT, surprise surprise.
    I play an hour or three a day on weekdays, sometimes more, and I play quite a bit on Saturdays.
    I'd be down for Blitz, too.
  6. Chimpotle

    Chimpotle New Member

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    I'd love to have some non-random people to play with. I'm not the best, but I'm lvl 45 and willing to play whatever class to round out a team. GT is Chimpotle.
  7. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I'm definitely interested. If any of you want to hit me up, my gamertag is PohTayToez.
  8. Frustration_inc

    Frustration_inc New Member

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    Mace.. i got your friend request and added you... Piggy, Pho and Chim.. I just sent you guys friend request... maybe we can all get together and take out those last two bilitz rounds and then kick some tail in cross fire
  9. CMcCon342

    CMcCon342 New Member

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    Sounds good INC. I'm up for playing tonight. I've friended everyone, so we should be able to get 3/4 together pretty easily and knock out the Blitz levels. I'll be on around 6:30 for an hour or 2 and then later (9:30 or so) until whenever.
  10. koto_saku

    koto_saku New Member

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    If your interested in one more, i would love to play with you guys. I can play any class needed. But i like sniper, sin, and the tank.

    EDIT: whoops forgot my GT :p

    my gamertag is:koto saku
  11. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I think I played with you tonight in some Server briefly... OptiMAT prime. :idea:
  12. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    I made a thread as well, so... Copypasta time! lol

    I'm tired of playing with people who never even talk, i have friends that have this game, but they haven't been on it in a while.

    I mainly play as an assassin, i just got 12 hours of cloaking, i have 6 hours of sprint, 964 assassinations, 801 sword/dagger kills, 100 shuriken kills, almost 600 smoke bombs and i have gotten the MVP tag almost 50 times. i consider myself a relatively good assassin, i push the lanes, kill bots and wreak havoc on the other teams turrets and money balls, i've never used any of those stupid assassination glitches either, unless you consider cloaking while grappling a glitch, i consider it a much needed survival tool >_>
    if i see a fire base or a deployed/stationary tank or gunner i use the cloak lvl 3 and shuriken combo to shred them and i also use my smoke bombs, i use them a lot more since i found out they can stun, albeit very briefly, turrets. i also single out pros when i see their K/D ratio for the game is getting to unbalanced lol, i can even take out tanks if there isn't too much lag lol.
    also, i'm lvl 73, ranked 1709, and, not that it matters in the slightest, my K/D ratio is 1.2 gonna take me a while to fix my k/d from all the mistakes i made when i first started playing >_< lol

    TL;DR: Anyone interested in playing games with a good assassin?
  13. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I'm always looking for people to play with, and a lot of the people who I friended from the forums only play MW2 and won't join when I try to get them to play MNC with me. I'm west coast but I play later at night. I enjoy playing Gunner, Support, sometimes Sniper or Tank. (Still learning both of those classes, though.)
  14. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Feel free to add me: obscurement

    I play mainly as an Assassin but have been practicing with Support and Assault in anticipation of the upcoming Assassin nerfing.
  15. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Would love to play with some of the people here instead of random no mics.

    GT: Karishadz

    Supports be meh Main
    Gold: Health
    Silver: Skill regain
    Bronze: Health regain

    I just sit back and help out the team. Healing who needs to be heal or keeping a certain area free of other pros, Like the annihilators..

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