Feeling low? Getting beat down by that pesky Sniper? Fear not! We've shipped in the lowest quality, highest quantity pork available and stored it in a hygienic pile beside the arena. With so much bacon, ticket charges do not cover the cost of cooking such an amount of awesomeness! As a Pro, it's your job to heat up that pig! (That Annihilator button looks an awful lot like a big frying pan) There are no Moneyballs in this game (? Still brainstorming, open to ideas!) With more Juice and Jackbots than sense, go out and collect as much bacon as you can! Every Jackbot will drop a few pieces of bacon in this game mode. Will there be regular bots? If so, they'll almost never drop bacon Pro's cannot utilize this cold bacon. Get out and collect as much as you can! When you've got a sizeable amount of bacon, head to the centre of the arena, hit the button, and flame up that bacon! The amount of cooked bacon you've secured is added to your team's counter. However, die before you get to the "Annihilator" button, and all bacon you've collected is dropped on the ground for others to collect! The first team to collect X amount of cooked bacon wins! Disclaimer: As well as bacon, Pro's may be ignited upon pushing the button
I like it! Maybe Jackbots can have 60% health (to prevent 1 shots from sniper/assassins) to speed up the game somewhat.
Perhaps the moneyballs could be replaced with "Bacon-Balls," that could be attacked to spew out precious bacon. They would never be destroyed, you would just want to drop the shields to start blasting off massive hunks of delicious bacon. Sorta like how the moneyballs throw out coins when they are attacked now, without the finite health. Unless you want to make it a wierd bacon tug-of-war, where teams compete to capture bacon to bring back and add to their Baconballs, while damaging the enemy's baconball to steal their bacon. First team to deplete the enemies baconball wins, or which ever team has more bacon at the end of the match. (No overtime maybe? Seems like it could be an alternative gametype for players who dislike OT)