firebase not OP

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by OhGypsy, August 31, 2010.

  1. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    the firebase is simply not OP
    i can destroy a lvl 3 firebase with a 95% success rate as tank

    if i fail i wont die in any case.

    i would just like to know if anyone else feels this way,
  2. Ellamin

    Ellamin New Member

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    Well to be honest, Tanks do seem to be more adept at destroying turrets than others. They can take more punishment and the jet gun tends to melt down turrets pretty quickly.

    However, from a gamer standpoint I have to say it's not overpowered, but it pretty much comes down to where you place it. If you put it in a corner or in a spot where they have to be in the line of fire to shoot it (such as in Ammo Mule's side corridors) then it can be annoying to destroy, since you have to bob your head in and out like a bird. But if you put it in an open spot where you can snipe/gunner/airstrike it then getting rid of it usually isn't a problem.
  3. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Any other class besides the tank gets ripped apart in seconds by a level 3 turret, not to mention Tanks do incredibly damage against turrets and bots anyway and have the product bomb.
  4. ninemetal

    ninemetal New Member

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    You mean any other class that's caught by surprise or keeps foolishly trying to charge at it head-on after already being killed once. Most classes have a good high-damage ranged weapon to take out that level 3 firebase from a distance. These are the methods I've personally used to take out fb's, including level 3 fb's:

    Gunner: Mortar
    Assassin: Shuriken, or smoke bomb + sword, even unjuiced this can work if there's no support tending, though you may have to run around the corner and use a second or third bomb. On the other hand, if you snag just one person from your team to help you when you use that smoke bomb it goes super-quick.
    Support: Air Strike if in the open or barely covered by a bridge, otherwise it's pretty hard for a support. One time I killed a turret that lost its hack by standing slightly outside of its fire range and hitting it with the hurt gun. Took forever. I had to set up my fb in a place where it could cover my back while also in a position where it would not get attacked by the enemy's fb.
    Assault: Grenade Launcher / Bombs
    Tank: As mentioned above - product grenade + jet gun
    Sniper: My least played class so I've only had a few instances where I've come across a turret. I don't remember if it was lv 3 though. I came across one in a corner untended and it fell pretty quickly to lv 3 flak. In my opinion,however, it's best to just let a tank or other class better suited to it deal with fb's and focus on covering your team and clearing lanes.

    Granted Supports can put fb's in areas that keep it safe from some of the above attacks but that's why you have a team. Get on a mic and tell someone better equipped to deal with your particular situation where the fb is. I can't tell you how many times in Ammo Mule I've put my fb up just at the opponent's entrance to that center area and racked up kills because people keep trying to kill it from the front or the side. It takes one gunner to fly up to the top (or from behind, though this is riskier since you've got your back to the enemy base if you do that) and drop a few mortars, or an assault with grenades/explosives, or assassin with Shuriken. In one instance two supports and a gunner were able to kill me from range first despite my fb's lv 3 healing beam and then take out my fb before I could get back to it. Kind of inefficient though to use half the team on something that can just be avoided by going around.

    It's not that the firebase is overpowered. It's that people keep trying to kill it in that one way their class is suited to best instead of adapting to the situation and/or using their teammates. Even if your teammates don't have mic's you can tell them what's happening. The team players will listen, the others ...well nothing you can do about them.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The Assault's Rifle with Level 3 class skill can destroy a firebase, but of course not right in front of it.

    The Tank is best for taking out turrets and firebases mainly due his high health and product grenade.
  6. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Its really not OP... its easy to take out but people just dont experiment and try to rush it the whole time...

    A sniper can EASILY take out a fire base but... I dont see much that do.

    If a firebase is giving your team trouble, get some of your team together and take it out.
  7. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    i loled. a hacked firebase being healed by a support is basically a stationary gunner getting healed
  8. vermifax

    vermifax New Member

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    Not even remotely accurate.
  9. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    By this you mean both are easy to be dealt with, right?
  10. gimmic

    gimmic New Member

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    As players actually learn how to properly engage the firebases I've noticed my FB effectiveness has been dropping at an alarming rate. At game launch people played like idiots and were getting chewed up. Now? Not so much.
  11. Chimpotle

    Chimpotle New Member

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    It all depends on the level of people you are playing against. Pretty much in back to back games last night, I had one match with numerous pro kills and assists without being near my firebase to heal it. The next, I was having to constantly pick it up and move around because they were keying in on it.

    Calling it overpowered is a gross overstatement.
  12. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Agreed that the fire base is not over powered. Of course, if you take one head on you're going to lose pretty much every time, but every class has some sort of ranged attack that should be suitable for taking it out. I play sniper, and I know that I can take out a level 3 firebase in about a clip, while it's being healed by a support. Also, flak is pretty devastating to them as well.
  13. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    oh and juicing a turret is a good idea, if the supports healing it thats atleast one kill and one firebase gone. not to mention there are most likely other players nearby which could add up in cash and break through a frontline aswell. or unless its some lone wolf support thing, in which case i also find it easy to just kill the support.
  14. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Handling the Firebase is easy. But the Juiced up support that tends to appear after you kill his Firebase is not.

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