Assassins just got NERFED!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 30, 2010.

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  1. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Well, I never have my mic on :p

    Believe me, I'm pretty bad compared to some of the better assassins.

    And for tanks or gunners, if you ever see a deployed one or standing still, you better grab your shuriken and spam it.
  2. Discern88

    Discern88 New Member

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    I usually just run behind them and slash the crap out of them lol. I play tank alot too and deploy can be a bummer. Takes sooooo long to undeploy and when they do I just grapple them as the assy and wtfpwnt.
  3. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Btw, if you're behind a tank or gunner, they can kill you while deployed if they hold the A button.

    luckily no gunner or tank I've seen knows this :D
  4. Discern88

    Discern88 New Member

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    thanks for the protip.

    I am always looking for people to play with or protips. lol

    btw is it because of the jet on their ***?
  5. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Yeah, it actually kills you really quick too, not just setting you on fire.
  6. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Well time to write that tip down in the handy dandy notebook. Even though I don't play that certain class as often.

    Also, Supports can go Toe on Toe with a Assault or a Gunner, they just gotta have some fancy footwork on them jump pads. Seriously, Just came out of a match and manhandled the there gunners by just jumping between two floors.
  7. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Oh god please don't tell the deployed gunners!

    loljk, shurikens wreck them anyways :)
  8. WrecK6

    WrecK6 New Member

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    I only picked up assassin after level 50 or so of being a tank and gunner but i'm up to 76. I don't see any issues with the fixes, yes it makes killing support harder but, all it really means is the class will take a bit more skill rather than lunge grapple cloak, lunge grapple cloak. You'll actually have to use that smoke bomb ability that unless you had no cloak left or you were using it mid lunge(also fixed) you generally didn't use anyway. I know it's hard to accept changes like this that make your class tougher but, these effects weren't intended and if it ruins assassins so much they may even re-implement it later. You have to bear with uber there's a lot of opinions and points of view for them to review to decide what changes to make yeah it can suck but, so does making a new game company. I didn't read the whole thread but, I put in how I feel about the fixes. On a light-hearted note, SNIPERS CANT SNIPE ME THROUGH WALLS WHEN I PLAY GUNNER, YES!!!
  9. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    So you assumed the next 4 pages would be 'bs' and then proceded to repeat old advice that's not only been mentioned in this thread but generally acknowledged as fairly well known by those posting. Sorry Discern, but you're as guilty of what you claim others are doing as the posts you skipped :p

    To repeat myself though, I play an assassin duo with a friend of mine and we win matches by the book. We each build a laser blaser turret, level 3 and then rip down the lane, pushing ours hard as all hell, we destroy the turrets, we kill the enemies that try to stop our bots and we sprinkle gremlins in for extra measure and we win.

    All I know is that this cloaking change won't stop us winning, but it'll be slower, more akward, slightly more boring and will take away a fun element of finesse that the class once had. We could probably push a lot harder with a duo of another class but we play the assassin because it suits our playstyles. Thing is... we're not the problem here. The assassin class has a very high skill bar that has to be reached before they become effective and by removing the cloak after grapple they're sending that bar much higher. You think the assassins you see now are bad, wait until this hits. Some of those bad assassins will just continue being worse with the new system. Some will change. and more importantly, some will leave. You might think that's 'good riddance' but I argue otherwise because that's less bodies to fill the server with and less mouths to spread the word and bring in fresh blood. A multiplayer game lives or dies by it's community and it's ability to keep brining in new faces.

    As I've mentioned before in other threads, some games have taken on 'glitches' as gameplay features and have reaped the benefits... the trick is working out what glitches add to a game and which are just horrible bugs. For example, Streetfighter had an odd quirk that allowed certain moves to be executed together. This became known as 'combos'. Capcom embraced this glitch and tuned it as a proper mechanic before going on to pretty much father the modern fighting game genre and remain the most successful entry in it. Tribes was universally known for 'skiing' tactics which were originally just an unusual trait in the physics system that swiftly became an accepted and integral part of the game. There are other games that have done this too and all have been successful.

    I see this cloaking glitch as one of those things... a small thing that was originally unintended but left alone, makes the game with it stand out from it's peers. When I first realised I could cloak while grappling I immediately found it a refreshing change from AvP or other cloaking games and by golly did I like it. It felt so smooth and natural, less arbitrary than in other games but now we're just lumping MNC with every other cloaking game out there. Sure it's not a huge thing, but some people would say the devil is in the details :3

    people posted while I was posting edit XD : if you want to take out tanks or gunners do a lunge attack immediately followed by a grapple into their back. If it all connects it'll kill them whether they're upgraded or not, especially if you have a sword :3
    If it messes up and turns into a frontal attack against either then jump straight away... gunners almost always slam which you'll jump over and tanks, if you're lucky, will death blossom which jumps seem to avoid too. Quickly lunge them in the face to finish. If the tank charges then you're dead though :p

    Obviously this doesn't work on deployed peoples so just use crit-shurikens (start shooting while cloaked, if you have cloak 3 they'll auto-crit) as mentioned by rawfull :D
  10. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    The problem is the smoke bomb doesn't disable the turrets long enough for the animation of the grapple.
  11. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    people posted while I was posting edit XD : if you want to take out tanks or gunners do a lunge attack immediately followed by a grapple into their back. If it all connects it'll kill them whether they're upgraded or not, especially if you have a sword :3
    If it messes up and turns into a frontal attack against either then jump straight away... gunners almost always slam which you'll jump over and tanks, if you're lucky, will death blossom which jumps seem to avoid too. Quickly lunge them in the face to finish. If the tank charges then you're dead though :p

    Obviously this doesn't work on deployed peoples so just use crit-shurikens (start shooting while cloaked, if you have cloak 3 they'll auto-crit) as mentioned by rawfull :D

    lol you want a lunge AND a grapple to connect?

    An assassin can only dream of that kind of game...

    Also, can you really jump over death blossoms? I always seem to get hit, maybe I jump at the wrong time.
  12. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I find it hard to imagine most assassins aren't already using smokes to disable turrets and do super jumps. At least the assassins who would probably read these forums and take anything from them :3 The ones you're aiming that comment at probably don't even come here XD

    I lunge/grapple all the time. I get it to connect about 80-90% of the time... just gotta make sure you're dead center with them :3

    I've jumped over a few death blossoms but it's entirely possible that it's lag or something helping me out. Needless to say it surprised me the first time a tank did a blossom and I didn't end up running about on fire. I may have just been lucky so it's possibly worth experimenting with... I'm fairly careful with my lunges on tanks so I've not had much opportunity to test it further :3

    Ironically, however, I can't jump over the jackbot ground-pound to save myself and I've tried everything XD
    Last edited: August 31, 2010
  13. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Might not disable the turrets long enough but atleast you have a lil bit of extra time to get your assassin bum out of that situation without getting blasted to death.

    Now should Assassins be able to stay in there cloak when there grappling, my stance as of now is maybe due to our recent post from [forgot her name :c]. Though if they do keep there cloaks active during the assassination make it so that more of her cloak is used during the grapple. Just like how her cloak goes down quicker as she moves.
  14. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    If not, I'd prefer a little damage resistance during grappling atleast.

    While we're speaking about assassins, does anyone know how if you dash, and then lunge, your dash ability loses a lot of its meter, but you don't go any further than a regular lunge, is that a glitch? Probably not, just found it pretty annoying though :evil:
  15. WrecK6

    WrecK6 New Member

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    Yeah, I just joined the forums so I don't know much of what to expect yet. There's been some great useful class/role advice on here however that's made this game much more fun to play.
  16. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    The people on these forums are way better than the assassins that go 0-20 every game, or atleast most people here.
  17. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    one fun tip I just posted in another thread:

    Remember that when you use the dash skill your feet kick up little clouds of dust, even while you're cloaked. Took me a while to realise this was how some players seemed to be able to spot me cloaked from a good distance away :D
  18. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Yeah, I didn't even know about the smoke bomb/dash glitch, and I use it frequently, especially for added height. Unfortunately, it takes time to deploy, another animation that can already have you dead.

    Granted, it's REALLY handy if you're another class, because there are so many ways to kill them, before they can reap the benefit But really, I was already relying heavily on smoke bomb.
  19. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    Anyone who thinks the Assassin need to cloak during a grapple to be successful need to watch this video It's posted a couple other places but not in this thread which seems very fitting. It has commentary from the player and he is a very good assassin. Watching this made me realize that I was playing the Assassin wrong when I tried it out and I want to try it again playing it more like in the video.
  20. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    It was posted on page 6, but it's still a good vid to show to those who missed it and do not like to read all 12 pages.
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