Deploy: Most Underrated Skill In The Game

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Wile E Coyoteee, August 25, 2010.

  1. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Why does everyone hate on Deploy as a tank? I think people are just "doing it wrong". I use deploy so often that I find myself naturally upgrading it to 3 before anything else. Maybe it's because of my product layout, I don't know (I use Rate Of Fire for gold). Using deploy you actually become the second most effective long range in the game next to sniper, and remain the best close range (except point blank where support's shotgun rules).

    With Deploy and Rate Of Fire Sponsor, you become a Railgun Turret with a mounted blinding grenade launcher that rapidly heals itself and can redeploy anywhere at any time (and with level 3 deploy, you never have to reload!). Sounds pretty ownage to me! After wiping out bots on the way to an enemy base, you can deploy yourself near a wall about halfway to the enemy base, and light bots, people, and turrets up with all of that. You'll kill anyone before they kill you (except for snipers), because due to the distance, any damage they do to use is minimal, plus you have the most health, and since you regen quickly, if they even take a few seconds to hide behind something, you fill to full and they're forced to remain pinned down or come back out of hiding with less health than you have.

    And if things start to get hairy or people start rushing you in 2's or 3's, you just stop deploying and change your tactics. Even against a sniper, instead of deploying you just pop in and out of cover and launch rails at him until he dies. If you get hit, you go into cover and deploy and you heal up faster than the sniper will, and unless he headshots you, you'll kill him first, it'll just take a little longer.

    Supports become laughable, and from what I read here people have the most problems with them as a tank? You can sit back long range, deploy, and never reload while pounding their firebase with railgun. If they're camping their firebase and healing it, you just ignore it since it can't shoot you anyway, and start hassling the support with your railgun until he dies and the firebase is easy pickins, or he's forced to run away and you just take out his firebase. If he's camping behind a wall and healing it, usually launching your grenade will damage him slowly, especially if it's leveled to 3 where it splits off into mini nades.

    And with rapid regen while deployed, if an assassin does start attacking you from behind, you just undeploy, death blossom, charge, and he's dead before you are usually. You have an even better chance if you deploy with your back to a wall where he's forced to hit you from the side or front as well.

    I just think it's the most underrated thing in the game. You're literally a mobile, heavily armored, self-healing, multi-purpose turret that devestates at long and close range. I don't see how it's "underpowered" or "useless". I suppose it comes down to playstyle and what you pick for your sponsors, idk. Also, when healing you can deploy facing choke-points while you're jussst behind the wall, and if someone does happen to run through they're gonna get lit up by flames and blossomed/charged to death, I catch so many assassins this way
  2. HellBanger

    HellBanger New Member

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    I would have to agree with deploy being underrated. I preffer to have my mobility, but its a great way to heal up when your in enemy teritory and theres people constantly trying to kill you. Also if you didnt know, you can burn people standing behind you by pressing A when deployed. I've killed many foolish assassins this way :lol:
  3. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    You can?? I didn't know that!

    Also, who says you're giving up your mobility? The ranges you should be using deploy at, you never need the mobility. I'm always mobile when not being a "turret". You can even be mobile while using deploy if that makes any sense, lol, by only deploying for a few seconds a time to get a little extra health kick before moving around again. And I personally think deploying deep in enemy territory is suicide unless there's little to no pros around and you're trying to torch a turret. People get this vision of camping when deployed. Unless I'm long range railgunning the hell out of a base, making myself a turret, I just deploy for a few seconds here and there for quicker health regen and also if someone's mid-range I pretend to run away, but just deploy behind a wall at a choke-point and jetgun them when they run in, undeploy when they get out of jet range, and by then they're half dead and a simple charge/blossom will kill them alot of the time.

    But honestly, if I'm not doing the "turret" thing, I'm deploying for a few seconds here and there to pop off a few shots and then move. You don't NEED mobility at the ranges you should be deploying even if you're not making yourself a turret. You have rapid health regen and a ton of hitpoints. They can shoot you all they want, but they're going to die because they're not regenning, and your aim is more stable. Don't forget you're incorperating your product grenade into all of this too, it's not just your jet gun.
  4. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    It all depends with what you're trying to do. The majority of people just want to see themselves with the most kills or money made at the end of the round. Running around deathblossoming and charging will net you more cash and kills then acting like a turret with a rapid railgun perk.
  5. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    Without head protection you're just a free headshot.
  6. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    one of the most important things in a game like this is mobility and deploy gets rid of it. i only use deploy to regain health or attack the moneyball
  7. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    I already covered everything you guys said in my posts, and disproved your points and explained how (i.e. how "if you're doing it right" you don't need the mobility and I explained why, and the sniper for example). I can try to re-write it and make it clearer if you want, but I really don't know how else to put it.

    And I routinely finish at the top or second doing what I said up there. You're able to slaughter bots and players alike and take out turrets all from afar even.

    I mean honestly I don't care if everyone that reads this keeps the blind-fold on and refuses to ever use it/try it. I know it works so I do and score big with it; I don't really care if I'm the only person that ever does lol. I just wanted to give some hope for people who think Deploy is useless, and provide a whole 'nother playstyle for people who are bored or are trying to figure out why Deploy is even in the game.
  8. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    Deploy is amazing for both Gunner and Tank.

    I prefer it for Gunner, but it still works for Tank. Definitely a good idea if you're being chased, just deploy and enjoy your infinite ammo and health regen.
  9. Fearless

    Fearless New Member

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    I pretty much only play tank, and while this works sometimes, I have seen this fail against A) really good support who can land airstrikes from far away
    B) Assaults who are very good at grenades and very hard to hit
    C) of course, snipers. Especially ones who move around a lot and make it hard to safety check.

    So really, it's only good when you're mainly dealing with gunners, worse tank players, and assassins, none of whom are hard to take out without deploy.
  10. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Already covered snipers, the thing about Assaults is true but that's about the only thing that'll give you problems, and where I use (for the most part) it it's lonnnggggg away from the longest possible support airstrike you could imagine, lol. I think people aren't understanding the ranges you use it at. Oh well, it'll be an untapped gem for 98% of MNC but what can ya do.
  11. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I use Deploy as Gunner and Tank all the time when I (rarely) play them. Up against a bunch of pros coming at you but they're out of range there's nothing better than Deploying and taking them out before they get to you with the extra perks Deploy gives you naturally. Sure there are times where being mobile helps but especially with Tank where you have a lot of Health to begin with, Deploying is underrated.
  12. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Be warned, when you're deployed, then an assassin using the level 3 cloak crit-shuriken trick can easily kill you before you even have a chance to undeploy and from pretty darn far away.

    My default response to any tank is to get the shuriken gun out and rip them in half from a distance but if they're deployed it's like christmas has come early :p
    If I don't have level 3 cloak yet though, it's more of a slow tearing than ripping in half XD
  13. jedyte

    jedyte New Member

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    So, after reading this thread I experimented with Tank's deploy... Even rolled a specific custom Tank.

    I must admit, deploy can be very useful. It's is hard to use at level 1, but put 150g into it and it already becomes useful as the OP said. It's ok in regenerating, but I wasn't successful in using it to ambush around a corner... opponents ussualy got out of range, both by backing up and walking past my turning range.

    The best use definitely was against Jackbots. It really is true, just deploy and shoot at them, you gain health faster than they take off. If another pro is escorting it, it's another story of course.

  14. KingHaysey

    KingHaysey New Member

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    I agree with you man
  15. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    It's a tad too situational with the tank thanks to Snipers if you're stupid and deploy wherever you feel like it. When low on health and battling at a wall, it's a fantastic way to get HP back extremely fast and then go harass some more. If you Gold Sponsor heath regeneration you're basically a heath generator, but I feel having Rate of Fire as gold is better for almost any other situation. If you Silver RoF it's still effective too. You have to accommodate for that in your tactics though, by literally tanking damage, running away, regenerating, and basically outlasting enemies. The Deploy skill is better for blocking in Blitz though.
  16. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Seriously? That is totally badass. Though it's hard to tell someone's behind you with the first-person view you'll be in for deploying except for reloading.

    Deploy is definitely useful for the Gunner, but the Tank will generally find it much harder to use since the range on the Jet Gun is still rather low in many places and the Railgun travels a bit slowly (I think it does, at least...). It is definitely worth the regen at level 2 though (It doesn't give any at level 1 though, right? I kinda swear it does...). I find the main thing that makes it hard to use is since the maps are rather open and there are usually a few different pathways to get everywhere, so deploying in the hopes of ambushing can be a coinflip for when the target decided to go around and ends up outflanking you. This pretty much means you'll need to be a good enough shot to use the Railgun in it. Of course, if you are, you will pown.
  17. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    most people dont often see skills the way you do. and this works mainly if there is no sniper on the other team
  18. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    No, you actually didn't. You said;

    "instead of deploying?" this whole thread is about deploying being good. You also assume a sniper is never ever going to see you when you're deployed. If you're deployed in an area where you can see a sniper, that sniper can see you, and before you can "undeploy" he can zoom in on your immobile *** and headshot you. Then he'll set an icetrap in your favorite spot and wait to do it again.

    lawl. Like where? lazerazor has a ton of different covered ways to get to certain spots, grenade 3 is all about using jumpads or high/low ground to get behind people and steelpeel has some cover along the sides and jumppads to get up and to the covered middle, from where I can throw airstrikes anywhere I can see pretty much. Ammomule would be the only map where I couldn't find a way to get close, but only if you're sitting wayyyy back at your bot spawn.

    If it's underrated that's fine, but you are weak versus snipers or sneaky supports.
  19. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I main tank and have used the deploy a few times trying to find a use, but the only one I've found is shooting the moneyball while juiced. Even if I'm long range, I want my mobility, I don't see advantages to deploying. It doesn't make your shots stronger or anything, it just keeps you from moving. And you won't regen if they are shooting you. Play against any decent player or team and this will prove to be useless.
  20. halfcrazy

    halfcrazy New Member

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    I read this message at 10:45. Since then, I've charred 15 foolish assassins. Hellbanger, you've changed my life. :D

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