Keep getting grappled and killed by assassins as gunner grr!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by sebastiannz, August 31, 2010.

  1. sebastiannz

    sebastiannz New Member

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    I've tried a few things to stop this. Armour is my #1 endorsement. If I think an assassin is nearby I'll use slam, often sending them off the edge of the map in hilarious fashion :) But once the assassin upgrades their is one shot kill grapples for me. I've also tried hanging around team mates...but it doesn't really help aside from making them a target as well. I think I read there is a sound that the assassin's cloak makes? I can never really hear it...maybe need to turn the volume up :)

    Anyone got any tips??
  2. sebastiannz

    sebastiannz New Member

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    BTW I keep reading that everyone thinks the support's airstrike is overpowered. I generally find support airstrikes pretty easy to avoid. You can tell where they are going to put the airstrike so I always make sure to stay out of the typical zones where they get dropped. You also have a bit of time to get away if you are near the zone and you hear the whiney sound start.

    I die wayyy more to assassins than airstrikes!
  3. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    The one single gunner that's given me a hellish time as assassin was one who used his jump jets to go everywhere and was always landing on awkward walls or high up places, never staying in one place long enough for me to reach him and always keeping an eye out for the cloak effect. I got him a few times but it was the hardest gunner I've yet fought... I'd have ignored him if he didn't keep using the ejectors and rebuilding his team's darn turrets XD
  4. whoismiked

    whoismiked Active Member

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    Jump around / jet pack ALOT

    They cannot grapple you if you on not fully planted on the ground

    I play gunner quite a bit, and if there is any assasins on the other team i pretty much hop everywhere, i dont stand in 1 spot for more then like a second, usually they will try and follow you and then try a grapple and usually fail, then you slam

    Also listen for the cloak sound, if u hear it jump ALOT and/or slam

    Also they cannot grapple you if you are deployed, i dont use deply very much, but if my slam isnt charged 'sometime' ill deploy just for a few seconds so she cant grapple me, then ill undeploy and slam or fly away
  5. TigerGuitarist

    TigerGuitarist New Member

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    There is no magic way to get away from assassins as a gunner. If you don't know for a fact that there is a assassin on the other team, just stay alert like always. If you do know, you just have to be extra on your toes. Always check your back, use your jetpack frequently, and if you are holding down an area that you don't think you will be sniped, do yourself a favor and deploy.
  6. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    Jump jump jump

    Check before the game starts how many assassins they have, and be on extra alert.

    and jump jump jump

    Whenever the sprint glitch goes away, I don't think it will be as bad. They won't be able to revenge kill you on your side of the map 4 seconds after they spawn.
  7. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Deploying against an assassin is actually a bad idea. If the assassin knows their stuff they'll crit shuriken you to death. You won't be able to undeploy before they kill you :eek:

    Jumping / Jetting and standing on narrow surfaces (e.g. on top of walls and guard rails) is the most reliable method without leaving yourself a sitting shuriken target :3
  8. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Learn to recognise that humming assassin sound even in the midst of a battle and jetpack as soon as you do, slamming or just shooting if you spot her. A fun habit to learn because you then spend half your time in home base leaping around like an idiot as your friendly assassins pass by :)
  9. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    I think I've been killed by an AZAZN as a gunner once. Smart ones will soften you up then go for the kill. Still, jumping and slam ends them. I really don't think gunners should have much problems with them. It's easy to hear cloaked azazns and uncloaked they are fodder for the cannons!

    Fodder for the Cannons!
  10. sebastiannz

    sebastiannz New Member

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    Thanks guys, these are great tips, I do jet pack a bit but will do so more often now.
  11. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    You're slow, they're fast. Naturally that makes them your predator.

    Best thing you can do is keep on the move and keep your wits about you. Loads of times during a game I think to myself 'better turn around and make sure there's no assassin' and quite frankly if you aren't doing this I can understand why Assassins are such a problem for you. You can see their footsteps, and hear their hum, and as they get closer they become easier to see just like in Halo.

    Slam is good as gunner but if you see a shimmer of some kid send a few mingun bullets that way and they'll become visible is they're there. All this is fairly Pre-school though. If you're looking for more advanced tips I don't really know what to say because I don't play Gunner.

    As Assault I just try to keep my distance but that probably doesn't help Gunner because he's too slow. I guess you could just go with what the other guys have said and bunny hop, if you're okay with selling your soul to the devil.
  12. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    You're playing the most overpowered class and you have the balls to take the time to cry about it. Upgrade your miniguns and start 1 shotting people with your eyes closed. Cry less.
  13. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    A good way to detect them is to watch the floor. They leave some dust behind them even when cloaked :eek:
  14. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The best thing you can do is to get an overshield. After that sword backstab you'll have near full health and the assassin will almost surely die. Gunner+support is one of the best team pairs you will find for MNC.

    Sadly on very laggy games you'll find that you can be grappled in mid air and from behind even if you moved against a wall about 2 seconds ago.

    If you think an assassin is close just put your back to a wall. If you go with a buddy, I find that assassins rarely target you.
  15. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    Does the Gunner's jetpack work when deployed in the same way the Tanks does? (Hold Green(A) down for that rocket flare outcher tushie to set them on fire?)
  16. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    yup marcotte, also you can't be grappled while deployed. I was at the enemy moneyball setting up to attack it when I saw a cloaked assassin running towards me for the grapple, I simply hit Y and ignored them :p
  17. RAGE I V3NOM

    RAGE I V3NOM New Member

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    There's no universal way to keep assassins from you. If there is a good gunner keeping me from leaving the base on one side then often i'll release some gremlins to distract him and then grapple. I use the same technique with tanks, although I hate getting within a tanks range.
  18. rich merry

    rich merry New Member

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    if you think there might be an assassin about back to the walls and get to the nearest level 3 laza blaza, it should scare off the good players and kill any new players
  19. RACIN N420N

    RACIN N420N New Member

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    The gunner's Slam is great for takin care of gremlins AND assassins at the same time ;)
  20. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    Take all the slam advice with a grain of salt. An assassin that's on her toes will be waiting for it and just jump over it.

    I mainline Assassin; if it seems like the Gunner knows I'm there, or after a grapple that didn't finish the job, I'll watch for him to raise that gun in the air for a slam. Couldn't tell you how many Gunners I finished just by jumping over the slam, then cutting them to ribbons.

    I'm not saying not to do it. It's often the best option. But try not to be predictable about it, and don't expect it to be a win button against a decent Assassin.

    Main thing is just to pay attention and check your back and sides often, particularly if you're about to get a good angle on the opposition. That's my favorite time to hit you. :twisted:

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