We need skins for the pros, guns, and turrents.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Nezumiiro Kon, August 30, 2010.

  1. Nezumiiro Kon

    Nezumiiro Kon New Member

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    I would love to see skins for everything! Pros, guns, and turrents. Maybe not something that changes the look completely but rather adds uniqueness!

    Pro could get things like hats or armor camo patterns. like a pimp hat for the assault! Or a red mario-like cap for the support!

    Guns maybe colors or even new look but the same stats. like the sniper could get a crossbow or a broom but it has the same stats as the normal gun. or the support can have a firebase that looks like a racoon dressed as a assault that shoots people. Crazy and ridiculous things like that! and with the gun skins the pros do different taunts! and lets say a sniper armed with a broom gets a kill streak Canter would say "man, the snipers really sweeping through the competition!" Also added death effects, like confetti for sniper head shots (Birthday party skull, lulz!:lol:).

    And Turrents can have several skins or setups that people can tweak themselves.
  2. Nezumiiro Kon

    Nezumiiro Kon New Member

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    Bamp :twisted:
  3. Limelights

    Limelights New Member

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    Good idea, it will definately make the game more playable.

    Turret. There was never and will never be an N in there. Why the general population refers to them as turrents is beyond me...but it kind of pisses me off.

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