"Oh, good. You're setting up a tur.... SHAVEICE? REALLY?"

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Veras Gunn, August 29, 2010.

  1. ShadowMonkey987

    ShadowMonkey987 New Member

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    Have to remind myself to hack their turrets from now on..
  2. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    I really haven't seen any convincing arguments against the shave-ice in this thread. Does anyone have any reason to say why a well placed shave-ice is still strictly worse than another turret in the same position?
  3. Mister A

    Mister A New Member

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    the thing that annoys me is when idiots build a longshot turret behind a wall. seriously, it just hits the wall! and people still upgrade it!!!! wtf
  4. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Shaveices' in the moneyball area is probably only a better idea than a longshot. Since Shaves do no dmg and only slow bots/pros in an area that these said beings need to be destroyed, it's probably not in the best interest to slow them.

    I think b/c shaves do no dmg and need to be supplemented by another turret or player, ppl will bypass the support turret for the supplemented atk turret. If you need to build a shave and a lazerazor to make the shave good, why not just build a rockit something that atks while still having the lazerazor that both do dmg?

    That's the general mentally. The Shave and longshot pose next to zero threat to a pro when under atk. Since 0 dmg doesn't necessarily help the team in a defense situation, it argument becomes "Shouldn't I spend money on something that will kill something else?"

    Shaves don't give money to the pro that built them and are very situational. I think this needs to change.

    I would like to see these improvements.

    -lvl 2 and 3 shaves do DoT (damage over time).
    - When a shave is slowing/dmging anything, the pro that built it gets money.

    This alone would make them so much better.
  5. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    A level three lazer blazer costs $175 and takes 3 mortars to destroy.

    A level one ice turret takes about 5 mortar hits to destroy. If anyone is remotely paying attention you can distract the gunner before he gets off 5 shots.

    Try hacking a forward level 3 ice turret on steel peel. The radius is huge and it can take a ton of punishment.

    Pssst : super secret trick.... you can heal it as a support to build up a lot of juice while someone tries to blow it up. What's that you say? I can build a turret, and heal it to get juice for $100 instead of $500?
  6. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    This was your only real point. Beyond that you made the same "they do not do damage and are therefore useless" argument that everyone else has made. The shave-ice turret does not deal damage because it is already capable of stalling bots long enough for your other turrets to take out (for the millionth f*cking time people).
  7. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Well that's the argument man. Hey, I love the things, but this is what ppl are saying. Slowing them down doesn't do more dmg to them in it of itself. If ppl really thought slowing them down was such a good argument, you wouldn't be hearing about the whole "doesn't do dmg/no money get" shtick. Plus, if more ppl doubt into the slowing down= a good thing, you wouldn't even have a thread.
  8. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    I was playing a great match last night on LazeRazor and went on a push for the bot line on the left and some turret destruction after seeing our base in good shape. Apparently the HotShots had the same idea, but on the other Bot path. I did my uber-levels of damage, took one for the team and died.

    When I respawned, I emerged to our base now being flanked by no less than 4 ShaveIce Turrets where Rockit and Laser Turrets once proudly stood.

    I started laughing out loud, because it made me think of this forum topic!
  9. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    liked your thread title :)
    I s'pose it will just take time for people to work out tower placement. As ever, games that require a little thought require time for good players to work stuff out, and bad players to get bored and go buy the next awesome game.
    Maybe a month or two before you get 12 people who really know what they're doing playing in one game. But thats fine :)
    Tbh i've barely concentrated on towering at all - i've been researching classes. I'll play tower boy when i sit down and work support out :)
  10. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    Ice Turrets have some uses...

    1. Painting Assassin- Great for Snipers who hang back, or playing against good Assassins who BD Turrets.

    2. Jackbot Fodder- Hey they have a lot of HP and can stop a JB from walking through your Lazers

    3. ...IDK-They are Pretty?
  11. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Alright, this is like saying that the sniper is terrible because it's so hard to aim and get head shots, but obviously the gunner is incredible because he sprays bullets like a hose. You're doing it wrong. That doesn't mean it doesn't work, it means you're pushing the brake and not the gas. And before you say "that doesn't make any sense, the two are completely different," I know; that is entirely my point.

    Once again: shave-ice turrets slow down incoming bots and pros so that your bots/pros/turrets have more time to destroy them before they reach the money ball or escape. Anyone who has ever called this a tower defense game must understand the importance of that function.

    Granted, it doesn't matter whether or not anyone agrees that they're good. That just means I won't have to worry about running into any myself, and it's not likely the Devs are going to eliminate them either.
  12. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    You usually get more towers in tower defence, so losing one out for a slowing turret makes more sense. Not saying it doesn't still make sense in this game, but it feels less justifiable to a lot of people due to the reduced number :3
  13. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    1. I'm pretty sure I didn't say what you quoted me in saying. I do agree with what was first quoted.

    2. Bolded text was edited as I'm sure this is what you really meant (was trying to understand your argue.../slashgrammarnazi)

    3. They game could have had but 1 or 2 turrets in the game. I think people wouldn't have said much except wanting more. I think the unanimous train of thought is that RockIt turrets are the most useful. As a base will crumple the slowest with them (thought maybe not as SLOW as a base full of shaveices XD)

  14. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    huh? Oh! I must've made a boo-boo when I was trimming the quote, sorry :3
  15. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    This thread has gone on long enough. Either you're going to realize the turret has a use or your not going to get it. I could even see a justification for 4 shaved ice turrets..... overtime. Some overtime games are won by a sliver of health. You don't always need to kill their ball to win. All you have to do is have a tiny bit more health left on your ball.

    Against lots of juiced pros nothing is going to keep them out, but ice turrets might delay them long enough for you to win.

    Then again, their party might have been split and he was effectively turret blocking.
  16. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Props to people who build and upgrade shavice turrets

    The get no money back for kills yet are spending their hard earned cash trying to help the team. In the right place can be very effective, in the wrong place they are less so. But thats the same all around so no need to single out this turret.
  17. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    *Ponders about how many people just hit reply based on the the subject title without actually reading anything in the thread*
  18. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    or you could have 2 lazer blasers and kill the bots 4 times as quickly AND any other pro's
  19. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Shave ice turrets have 1 purpose. They are good sacrifice turrets to protect rockits. They have alot of HP and if you put them forewards will take the damage for your good turrets.
  20. Prowler Jesse

    Prowler Jesse New Member

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    last night i built a long shot under said catwalk....man i felt like an idiot.

    i wont be doing that again.

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