MNC Terminology Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by UpperFungus, February 1, 2012.

  1. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    Alright, here's the deal, yo. Maybe I'm just getting old or whatever but sometimes I get lost in this newfangled lingo you guys be throwin' around. I am willing to put together a terminology thread/guide if you want to submit words/phrases the noobs (like myself) may not understand. Things like Passive Skill, RGN, G3, etc. Hopefully this will help make the strategy guides a little easier to digest.

    Submit any words/phrases, along with definitions, that you think will be helpful to others. It might be something completely obvious to 95% of the forum but I'm sure it will help somebody somewhere. Also, post any words/phrases that you need help with and hopefully somebody will reply with an explanation.

    I'll compile a list of all the submitted words/phrases.

    Does anybody think this would be beneficial?
  2. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Anni - pronounced ANN - nee

    Short for Annihilator. Located in the center of each map. Deals a small bit of damage to enemy pros and kills all enemy bots on the field (deals about 95% damage to enemy Jackbot).
  3. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Just off of the top of my head...

    Elbow (on Steel Peel) - the path on each side of the base that brings you from the corner of mid map to behind either base.

    Elbow/Tunnel (LazerRazor) - The enclosed path on the left side of your own base that takes you out to the bot lanes. Useful call out because a lot of pro's will attempt to tap the moneyball from that spot. That brings me too

    "Tapping the moneyball" - The action of using whatever means it takes to damage the moneyball before it regains it's shields. All it takes is one hit of anything to keep it down. I can't 100% say I know how long it takes to regain it's shields, but its roughly 25 seconds.

    Pushing bots/lanes - Killing the enemy bots and clearing a path for yours to move forward. There are many uses, most notabily to get the enemy's moneyball down, however it's also useful in taking some pressure off your team if you're getting out-slayed.

    Anni - Annihiliator ( Every 3 minutes the anni will come up mid map and if you are able to purchase it for $250 dollars, it will kill all enemy bots on the field, or serverely weaken the jackbot. It also deals a small amount of damage to pros.

    Juice chain(ing) - When you purchase juice over and over again to mostly kill enemy pro's while doing almost nothing bot wise. The art of feeling good about yourself regardless of relying on a huge crutch within the game.

    "Leashed"/"Unleashed", also overhealed. - It's in regards to the support's heal gun. Most frequently used in regards to healing the gunner. In Private Matches, we find it most beneficial to keep a constant heal on the gunner, allowing him to survive the brunt of the damage that's focused on him. Usually, both gunner's are leashed and overhealed. Overhealed is when their health bar is doubled (turns white) and maxed out. "unleashed" is a call out heard a lot, and it usually results in even more focus on the enemy gunner before he can get healed again.

    RoF - Rate of Fire
    Crit - Critical Shot
    Skill - Skill Recovery
    Acc - Accuracy

    GIII / G3 = Grenade 3 arena
    Pasive Upgrade / Clutch Passive = The bottom white skill you can upgrade. Clutch Passive only relates to a tank or a support. Upgrading the tank's passive instantly gives him full health each time it's upgrade. A lot of players hold off until they absolutely need to use it, making a "clutch save". Support's clutch passive can only be used when upgrading from level 2 to level 3.
  4. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    Thanks, Teaps. You da man.
  5. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    This is what we have so far...


    Anni (pronounced ANN nee)
    Short for Annihilator. Located in the center of each map. Marked with a !. It costs $250. Buying it deals a small bit of damage to enemy pros and kills all enemy bots on the field (deals about 95% damage to enemy Jackbot).

    Clutch Passive
    Relates to a tank or a support. Upgrading the tank's passive instantly gives him full health each time it's upgraded. A lot of players hold off until they absolutely need to use it, making a "clutch save". Support's clutch passive can only be used when upgrading from level 2 to level 3.

    Critical Shot

    Elbow (on Steel Peel)
    The path on each side of the base that brings you from the corner of mid map to behind either base.

    Elbow/Tunnel (LazerRazor)
    The enclosed path on the left side of your own base that takes you out to the bot lanes. Useful call out because a lot of pro's will attempt to tap the moneyball from that spot.

    G3 (or GIII)
    Grenade Arena III

    Juice Chain(ing)
    When you purchase juice over and over again to mostly kill enemy pro's while doing almost nothing bot wise. The art of feeling good about yourself regardless of relying on a huge crutch within the game.

    Overhealed (Leashed/Unleashed)
    It's in regards to the support's heal gun. Most frequently used in regards to healing the gunner. In Private Matches, we find it most beneficial to keep a constant heal on the gunner, allowing him to survive the brunt of the damage that's focused on him. Overhealed is when their health bar is doubled (turns white) and maxed out. "Unleashed" is a call out heard a lot, and it usually results in even more focus on the enemy gunner before he can get healed again.

    Passive Skill
    Its the grey colored skill. Its called passive because you dont need to do anything to activate it. Its always on.

    Pushing Bots/Lanes
    Killing the enemy bots and clearing a path for yours to move forward. There are many uses, most notably to get the enemy's moneyball down, however it's also useful in taking some pressure off your team if you're getting slayed.

    RGNRandom Generated Number An increase in RGN results in a better chance that something good will happen for you, such as a higher chance for a critical shot.

    Rate of Fire

    Tapping the Moneyball
    The action of using whatever means it takes to damage the moneyball before it regains its shields. All it takes is one hit of anything to keep it down. I can't 100% say I know how long it takes to regain its shields, but its roughly 25 seconds.
  6. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    A few others that I know...

    Spun revving a gunners miniguns with the left trigger button
    The gunner took me down so fast because he was fully spun
    The gunner didnt kill me because he wasnt fully spun

    Claw using the controller so that you can use both triggers and both thumb sticks while simultaneously being able to manipulate the A,B,X,Y buttons.
    Can you claw?
    ******* clawing gunner

    Bunny Hop constantly jumping around
    Stupid bunny hopping assault, this isn't Super Mario Brothers

    Juice, Having\Holding to have juice built up that is not in use
    Im holding juice, where do you need me?
    Their tank has juice, dont let him get to our base

    Left\Right direction relative to your money ball and the direction your bots are going NOT ALWAYS RELATIVE TO THE WAY YOU HAPPEN TO BE FACING
    Bots left
    Dude, you said they were left but it was actually right so now we are breached...

    Juice Rush coordinated use of juice
    20 seconds until overtime; assassin, assault, and tank hold juice so we can juice rush their money ball
    We had the dome in Ammo Mule until the gunner and assault juice rushed us

    Base Camping (also, Turtling) staying in your base to prevent bots from coming in while not pushing out.
    We cant out slay the enemy, so we need to base camp (turtle) until overtime and hope we can juice rush their money ball
    These noobs are just getting me killed out there since I have no team, so I am just going to turtle (base camp) until I get juice

    Spawn Camping waiting outside of an enemy spawn point for the purpose of killing them, not the money ball.
    What an *******, he is just sitting there fully spun, spawn camping us

    Spawn Striking killing people in their spawn room. Popularized by the support.
    The support keeps spawn striking us

    Suicide Bomb when someone has a bomb or airstrike attached to them and runs at you to get you killed too. Made popular by assaults and friends on opposing teams.
    Dude suicide bombed me when he got a ground zero on him
    That assassin had five bombs strapped to her when she walked into the spawn room. ******* suicide bomber
  7. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Pub-Assault: An Assault that play ONLY for stats (K/D). He will only kill pros, and if he is being pushed back into his base, will do anything in his power to survive until he has Juice.

    **A Pub-Assault is identified by his stats at the end of a match - either somewhere near 3-x-0 or the other end of the spectrum, 30+-x-1 with many, many Juices.

    Pub-Assassin: A player who, when put up against anyone with a spec of talent, will play Assassin and avoid contact with enemy pros and just kill robots until the enemy ball drops and then suicide-rush it for the rest of the match in desperate hopes of pulling a win.

    **A Pub-Assassin is identified by her stats at the end of a match - typically around 3-x-9 with the most earnings on the scoreboard.
  8. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    "Bye b!tch! Hope you find your dad!"

    This is what you should be yelling whenever you ring somebody out.

    At least, that's what I do.
  9. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Silent Strike - Air Striking on Grenade III.

    Bad Jackbots - Title.

    Boosting/Booster - Hosting matches while not doing anything like Puerto Rican.

    Funny Trolls - Puerto Rican, TOM12121112, You Can Kill Me

    Corny/Bad Trolls - dadale1990, dadale1990, dadale1990
  10. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    It's getting bigger.*

    (*That's what she said.)

    Here's what we have so far....

    Acc - Accuracy

    Anni (pronounced ANN nee)
    Short for Annihilator. Located in the center of each map. Marked with a !. It costs $250. Buying it deals a small bit of damage to enemy pros and kills all enemy bots on the field (deals about 95% damage to enemy Jackbot).

    Base Camping (Turtling)
    Staying in your base to prevent bots from coming in while not pushing out.

    Hosting matches while not doing anything.

    Bunny Hop
    Constantly jumping around

    Using the controller so that you can use both triggers and both thumb sticks while simultaneously being able to manipulate the A,B,X,Y buttons.

    Clutch Passive
    Relates to a tank or a support. Upgrading the tank's passive instantly gives him full health each time it's upgraded. A lot of players hold off until they absolutely need to use it, making a "clutch save". Support's clutch passive can only be used when upgrading from level 2 to level 3.

    Crit - Critical Shot

    Elbow (on Steel Peel)
    The path on each side of the base that brings you from the corner of mid map to behind either base.

    Elbow/Tunnel (LazerRazor)
    The enclosed path on the left side of your own base that takes you out to the bot lanes. Useful call out because a lot of pro's will attempt to tap the moneyball from that spot.

    G3 (or GIII)
    Grenade Arena III

    Juice Chain(ing) - When you purchase juice over and over again to mostly kill enemy pro's while doing almost nothing bot wise. The art of feeling good about yourself regardless of relying on a huge crutch within the game.

    Juice Having\Holding
    To have juice built up that is not in use
    Im holding juice, where do you need me?
    Their tank has juice, dont let him get to our base

    Juice Rush
    Coordinated use of juice.
    20 seconds until overtime; assassin, assault, and tank hold juice so we can juice rush their money ball
    We had the dome in Ammo Mule until the gunner and assault juice rushed us

    Overhealed (Leashed/Unleashed)
    It's in regards to the support's heal gun. Most frequently used in regards to healing the gunner. In Private Matches, we find it most beneficial to keep a constant heal on the gunner, allowing him to survive the brunt of the damage that's focused on him. Overhealed is when their health bar is doubled (turns white) and maxed out. "Unleashed" is a call out heard a lot, and it usually results in even more focus on the enemy gunner before he can get healed again.

    Passive Skill
    Its the grey colored skill. Its called passive because you dont need to do anything to activate it. Its always on.

    A player who will play Assassin and avoid contact with enemy pros and just kill robots until the enemy ball drops, then suicide-rush it for the rest of the match in desperate hopes of pulling a win.

    An Assault that play ONLY for stats (K/D).

    Pushing Bots/Lanes - Killing the enemy bots and clearing a path for yours to move forward. There are many uses, most notably to get the enemy's moneyball down, however it's also useful in taking some pressure off your team if you're getting slayed.

    Random Generated Number An increase in RGN results in a better chance that something good will happen for you, such as a higher chance for a critical shot.

    Rate of Fire

    Silent Strike
    Air Striking on Grenade III.

    Spawn Camping (Douchebaggery)
    Waiting outside of an enemy spawn point for the purpose of killing them, not the money ball.
    What an ****, he is just sitting there fully spun, spawn camping us

    Spawn Striking
    Killing opponents in their own spawn room. Popularized by the support.
    The support keeps spawn striking us

    Revving a gunners miniguns with the left trigger button.
    The gunner took me down so fast because he was fully spun
    The gunner didnt kill me because he wasnt fully spun

    Suicide Bomb
    When someone has a bomb or airstrike attached to them and runs at you to get you killed too. Made popular by assaults and friends on opposing teams.

    Tapping the Moneyball
    The action of using whatever means it takes to damage the moneyball before it regains its shields. All it takes is one hit of anything to keep it down. I can't 100% say I know how long it takes to regain its shields, but its roughly 25 seconds.

    (See Base Camping)
  11. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Bomb Jump- The act of jumping and simultaneously bombing oneself (as an assault) in order to achieve much more distance in exchange for some health. Activating jetpack, charging, and simultaneously turning off jetpack at the peak of the jump will attain maximum distance.

    Tank Jump/Charge Jump- The act of charging off an elevated ledge or wall (as a tank) and simultaneously activated the jump-jets in order to glide through the air for a short period of time.
  12. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Here are some more terms, someone more helpful can define these:
    Flapjacked / Pancaked
    Phantom Charge
  13. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Sui-strike- The act of a support tossing down an airstrike then grappling an opponent in the area, killing both players.
    Flapjacked / Pancaked - The act of being caught under a Gunner's slam, resulting in you instantly dying unless juiced with some really high natural health.
    Phantom Charge - Being killed/damaged by the charging corpse of a friendly/enemy assault/tank. Tank charge 3s even include the "on-your-***" animation.
    All-star - This game's prestige mode, each allstar rank grants you a new bot nearest your name, going Slim-Buzzer-Gremlin-Scrambler-Blackjack-Gapshot-Bouncer-Jackbot.
    Stutterstep - A condition caused by lag, in which an assassin will enter a stuttering movement. Caused by the lag gods ****ing you over while using the assassin's dash skill.

  14. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Apocalypse (verb) - to get extraordinarily angry at something.

    I just spawn struck him three times. You know that dude is Apocalypsing like a mother fer right now!

    Randy Tryhard - anybody who is not iDeadEye or TheDude421
  15. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    May or may not help..but me and a few other people call the tunnel on Lazor Razor the "cubbie" hole.
  16. gunked

    gunked New Member

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  17. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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  18. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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  19. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Feedle Tank - A tank that that uses a high level speed endorsement and\or one that tends to move forward very aggressively with no regard to his own safety.
  20. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    close but you forgot reload in the build.. if theres no reload in the build you cant spam blossom

    Speed/Armor/Reload & Armor/Speed/Reload depending on how aggressive the assassin is to grappling.

    i use gold speed to chase down players and charge glide
    reload for death blossom spam (LT+RB)
    prod bomb 2/3 then Charge 3 then blossom = death to any class

    1st) kill all bots in lane down to bot spawn
    2nd) kill any pros at any cost or make the opponents retreat to defend their base

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