Juice vs. Upgrades

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by UpperFungus, January 30, 2012.

  1. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    I know this topic is probably already out there somewhere but I don't feel like looking for it. When do you normally purchase juice in relation to using your money for upgrades? I'm currently a Level 59 so I've probably played 100+ matches, but I think I've purchased juice maybe 3 times. I usually max out my upgrades first then buy bots after that. Then the match is usually over shortly after that. To be honest, I don't think I even know where to purchase juice on most maps other than it's generally in the middle somewhere. To me it seems like a waste of time/effort/money because it doesn't last very long at all. It's generally running out by the time I find something useful to do with it.

    How do you personally strategize the use of juice?

    And my second stupid question - When and why do you taunt? I'm sure there's a purpose and I could probably figure it out if I could ever remember the button combo during a match.
  2. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    To answer the question about taunting (right on D pad and A) - you can taunt for reasons that are not trolling related at the following times;

    1. To get $5; just taunt. This helps if you have an upgrade you want and are $5 or less short and are stuck in your base. Otherwise just shoot a bot.
    2. To get more money; taunt after a kill. This has to happen while the award for killing someone is still on the screen. You get a much larger cash bonus for that.
    3. To get juice; taunt in front of a LazerBlazer turret. This will net you an almost full juice bar.
    4. To get even more cash; if you kill someone while juiced, and there is no one left to kill you can taunt for a larger than normal bonus if you can complete the taunt while still juiced. This of course depends on knowing which taunt to use when.

    As for when to buy juice, it really depends on your class and how "good" you are. MOST people do not upgrade everything. Just an FYI, there is a somewhat negative stigma attached to buying juice a lot ("Juice Chaining"). For every person who doesn't care, there will be two who will think you are a douche.

    Since juice is so expensive at $500, it only really works if you get kill streaks going. You get A LOT of money for being on long streaks and is the only way to really pay for it over and over and over...watch some videos.

    Assault - buy passive 2, charge 2, bomb 2 or 3. The rest is for juice chains. I use it to kill players.
    Assassin - buy passive 3. If you need to buy juice, you are probably playing assassin wrong. I use it for tank killing and turret smashing.
    Tank - buy Charge 3. Maybe grenade 2. Keep 150 in reserve for clutch passive, then 400 for second passive. The rest is for juice. I use it for a quick heal and base\player killing.
    Gunner - buy passive 3. If you REALLY want to, slam 2. The rest is for juice. Player killing, although a juice on the base with mortars will take out 3.3 turrets with ease.
    Sniper - it depends. I like passive 3 and flak 3 since it builds juice so fast on its own, but you can do what you want. Really if you are juicing with sniper you will most likely SMG rush when you are new to it. I use it almost exclusively to player kill, but I suck at sniper.
    Support - buy whatever you want. I get everything to two, then if you want to buy juice feel free. Support has a slow juice gain, but a lot of opportunity to build it by overhealing bots and players. I use it mainly to survive a situation and LOL beam people but if I have hack 3 I will steal turrets with it.

    Not an exhaustive list, or a very good one, but maybe get an idea on how a beginner (like me) might gain and use juice in a pub. Private matches are a whole different story.
  3. Goldielocks

    Goldielocks Member

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    You get $5 anytime you taunt, $50 if you taunt right after a kill and $100 if you taunt while you have juice. And sometimes its value is purely comedy :D
    As far a buying juice I dont buy it very often myself but I main assassin and they gain juice really fast. Juice is worth it depending on your class and the situation. If the enemy team has 3.3 rocket turrets a juiced gunner will take them out really quick. Its also great to use when the other team is grouped together to take out a bunch of people at once. Im sure other people would have more info but thats what I can think of off the top of my head
    Also, a quick way to build up juice is to melee bots(push right thumb stick)
  4. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    Which one is the LazerBlazer turret? And I assume this is your opponent's turret.
  5. Goldielocks

    Goldielocks Member

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    The little one that cost $25 to start, be careful of level 3 lazerblazers though, depending on your class and endorsements they could kill you before you finish the taunt.
    Last edited: January 30, 2012
  6. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    I was actually thinking of making one last video explaining that but ill type out a short version.

    B=Blue skill, G= Grey Skill, Y=yellow skill, R=Red skill

    This is all about the public matches cause im guessing you dont play private matches. And you wont be able to buy juice in privates anyway ;)

    What i upgrade on assault first is
    Assault= G,R,B,B then juice money

    Explanation: You always got to get the passive because that can let you jump higher and juke people aim better. In public its better to upgrade your Red skill because you dont know what noobs will try to do and you need that shorter cooldown to be able to get away or kill a sin trying to face grapple you. Finally upgrading your blue to 3 for obvious reason that it just get a bigger blast radius and basicly way better for camping the spawn doors :D And why dont i upgrade passive 3 or fly up to 2? Because having a passive on 3 just gives you a RNG chance to get lucky crits that might not even hit the target depending on how good your aim is and that $400 is better spent on juice. Dont buy fly for the same reason as the passive, its better spent on buying juice. I sometimes buy fly 2 on G3 but thats because they might have a lot of snipers and that extra fly time is great when you need to fly out of traps.

    i dont feel like typing the explanation anymore but i bet there is someone else that is willing to explain on every class.

    G,G then juice

    G,G,Y,B then juice

    In public games i just end up buying every skill cause i dont juice chain with this class


    in public games i usaully buy every skill cause snipers can juice really fast hitting bots and i dont juice chain as sniper very much either.


    In pubs i rush for charge 3 cause it makes killing noobs that much easier.

    As for taunts
    Last edited: January 30, 2012
  7. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    Please humor me and define these three terms: Passive, RNG, and G3.

    I think crits is critical shots, correct?
  8. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Passive = passive skill (grey skill)
    Crits = Critical shot
    RNG = ? :oops:
    G3 = Grenade 3 map.
  9. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Passive - the skill does not require you to press a button to activate; the grey skill, the one on the bottom when you are buying skills.
    RNG - Random Number Generated? Basically, it is a chance and not a guarantee. It is not even a well defined chance, and depends on you actually being able to hit the target anyway.
    G3 - Grenade 3 arena.

    Crits is critical hits, yes.
  10. skeena

    skeena New Member

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    EDIT: wrong game.
    Last edited: January 30, 2012
  11. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Certain bots can be key. Gapshots are almost always awesome if they live long enough, gremlins can be very powerful in right situation, and bouncers are just fun escorts for tanks when you are trolling. Scramblers are sort of useless, and I have never had much luck with buzzers or bouncers for gunners - juice seems to be a better buy in those cases.

    Oh, and another reason to buy juice with any class - juice denial. I have bought juice just to keep other people from buying it. It is an often overlooked reason to get it.
  12. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    Grey is your passive because you dont have to activate it and its always on. RNG (random number generator) basically a chance that you will get critical shots to activate or anything that is more reliant on the game engine to get an edge over your opponent rather than actually activating it yourself. G3 is the map Gernade III Arena
  13. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Max out Yellow skill (no matter which class) then Juice.
  14. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    Gold Skill Recovery Assault with maxed skills is my favorite thing in this game.
  15. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    ^^That's nice.

    So what I'm gathering is that most people work to fill their juice meter rather than buying it at the juice station (unless in a dire situation). Is that a fair hypothesis?
  16. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    If you have extra money you buy juice. Most people don't max there skills all to lvl 3 using all the money for extra juice.
  17. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Yes. If my juice meter is over 3/4 full, I play a bit more cautiously to ensure I survive long enough to gain a full meter.
  18. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Especially when you have fly 3 and assassins try to grapple you :lol:
  19. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    some skills are a waste of money to put at skill 3.
    I mean certain cituations yes..
    Tank deploy 3 is a prime example of a waste of 400 unless you want to juice on the money ball deployed.
  20. UpperFungus

    UpperFungus New Member

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    I've always tried charging out of the grapple. It rarely rarely works. So Y works better? Can you use it during the grapple or must you use it before?

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