Monday Night Combat Title Update, DLC, and PAX Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 30, 2010.

  1. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    To everyone crying about the assassin fix, please get a clue to use your shurikens for once or easily run over there cloaked, smoke bomb the turret, and then grapple him and get out. Learn to play your assassins and see what uber is intending the smoke bomb ability to do before crying about it.
  2. whoismiked

    whoismiked Active Member

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    Ill vouch this :)

    I said it in my first post in this thread, but ill say it again, i love how much you guys are involved with the community and how quickly you guys are on top of issues, and i LOVE your game!
  3. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Ah, that's good to know. Although if they do sell online i'm pretty sure I won't be quick enough to get myself one before everyone else does. That's just fine though, I can wait.

    Oh, that's cool. Thanks.
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I don't know why people think this works. I've tried smokebombing a support and his firebase then assassinating the support. All that happens is that his firebase comes back online in the middle of the grapple animation and kills the Assassin before they can get away.

    Also, Support can heal turrets faster than the assassin's shurikens hurt it.
  5. x Deadpool x

    x Deadpool x New Member

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    Not happy with this update at all.

    - The broken Support was countered only by an Assassin, but now that's gone so the Support is even more broken.
    - The Tank got a NERF? You kidding me?
    - The Assault didn't get any Nerfs?

    The game is still 4 supports and 2 Assaults per team, basically. Please stop making these OP classes stand out even more.
  6. Nick War

    Nick War New Member

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    "That'll do devs. That'll do."
  7. Nick War

    Nick War New Member

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    Actually, I'm not sure about some of these changes, but I'm glad you're listening to us and making strong efforts. In any case, I'd rather have changes out early to test (and can be changed later if need be) then debate this stuff until the end of time.
  8. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    There's one thing I can't believe isn't being discussed right now! Unless I read it wrong, they're saying things can no longer be damaged by air-strikes if they're in cover. Which means with an upgraded airstrike, you can't hit enemy firebases underneath bridges, correct? So now there's absolutely nothing a team can do against a Support Bridge Troll (as I call them, lol), unless they wanna triple-up on the turret, because the support will be healing it the whole time. And this is coming FROM a Support Bridge Troll. The only thing that ever wiped out my firebase is another support's airstrike or if the other team got pissed and rushed me with a triple-team. Double Teams were easy, because my turret was healing me and vice-versa, so one would always die before they closed in, and if the other did live to get close enough, he got shotgunned. If he tried to run away, he'd die before being out of range of my hacked fire-base.

    IMO that was a horrible decision, unless I read it wrong.

    The assassin grapple thing I do agree with actually (which btw I play assassin most at this point, for a change from support), however, I think in order to balance it out you need to make upgraded Smoke Bomb's blind duration last longer, even if it's just against turrets. As it is now it doesn't last longer, right? It only increases the range that it hits people?

    I mean as it is right now, even with cloaking, you'd be half-dead from a turret by the time you could recloak, and you *MUST* have at LEAST a silver armor endorsement to even live long enough to do that.

    I think making upgraded smoke bomb's blind duration would balance things out nicely. I find it kinda ridiculous that you're forced to use armor as an assassin. Currently there's really no build where you can get away with no having armor endorsement. The smoke bomb would allow people to try some different things where they may be weaker, but be able to blind longer to compensate, etc.

    Overall though I think the update looks great! When is it releasing? Or is it already in place?
  9. vermifax

    vermifax New Member

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    Mortars can kill it faster than you can heal it.
  10. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    All changes under the section "MNC Live Update System" have taken effect. Everything else will take effect when they release an update through XBL. You'll know because it'll force you to update MNC before you can play online.
  11. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Best solution yet,

    Nice job.
  12. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    He is correct.
    The update is currently in testing, then it has to go through certification.
  13. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    How long is the cert process, just out of sheer curiosity?
  14. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Sounds like a good update to me - I'm glad to see Uber listening and working hard to improve things. And I'm really happy the first DLC is going to be free - that's uncommon these days, and especially nice for a game that was so inexpensive to begin with. Three cheers for Uber!

    Looking forward to see how the balance changes play out. As a mostly-Support player, I'm pretty happy to have the assassin cloak changed. I was never sure what the point of defenses were when the assassins could basically ignore them. Obviously opinions may vary. :)

    Also interesting to see the heal/hurt gun change. Most of the posters here seemed to have skipped over that in their rush to complain about the "invincible" Support bridge troll. But slower healing will definitely affect the viability of that trick. I can tell you for sure that before a Support could sometimes, but not always, heal their turret faster than one Pro could hurt it. I'm guessing now it'll be even harder to do that, which is probably a good thing. It may read as a minor item, but I think this may end up being a fairly large nerf.

    The hack changes are probably good too. Not being able to hack rush the enemy base is probably good. And I'll be glad to not spend half-an-eternity hacking my own turrets to level 2. Although if hacking enemy turrets takes even longer now, it may not be possible anymore. It was nearly impossible to do before, I'd usually be on death's door by the end of a hack, even with juice. I guess we'll see.
  15. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    Talk about sending a message with the first patch! It's nice to see that as a result of you guys being so hands-on with the community that pretty much every issue has been addressed AND the game hasn't even been out for 3 weeks.

    Can't wait to hear more about the upcoming DLC, it's also a breath of fresh air that the first one will be free.

    Keep it up!
  16. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    It's an indeterminate amount of time, thus the reason we didn't give a specific date for the update release.
  17. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Keep up the good work! BTW, I hope you guys do open an MNC store online. I can't make it to PAX and I want 3 of those t-shirts!
  18. DarkAssault30

    DarkAssault30 New Member

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    This is, in fact, an awesome job Uber. Great work ;)
  19. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I'm glad for all the fixes to bugs like staying on fire for the whole game and whatnot but I'll have to put my name down in the list of those against the assassin cloak 'fix'.

    I make good use of my shurikens and the lunge already (which is also being nerfed :p ) so I wasn't completely reliant on the grapple but this fix really hurts a class that's already got a fairly high skill bar. The majority of assassins I've seen tend to float around the bottom of the scoreboard with lousy money scores and even worse K:D ratios. They're just fodder. Meanwhile my friend and I run an assassin duo that win the match with him or I taking MvP. Thing is, it's a struggle to pull off what we do and I know that we'd be even more of a nightmare together if we both went a class other than assassin. The only reason we both play this class is that it suits our playstyle/tastes. For example, I'm fairly sure I could rip open a base's defence even faster with an assault's' nade launcher than my usual assassin tactics and the stuff I could do with that front-grab, (one hit ring-out with less manouvering required than the assassin's backgrab? hello!), but I don't like the assault; I like the assassin.

    Meh, whatever. It's not like my points are going to change anything. I'll adapt and keep causing havoc with the assassin, but this one change (especially combined with the lunge downgrade) are going to make what can sometimes be a frustrating experience, even worse.
  20. purgatori

    purgatori New Member

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    Awesome stuff -- you guys rock!! Oh, and I'd loooove to get my hands on the pit-girl + assassin statues; are they going to be available from the online store, along with the t-shirts, etc.?

    EDIT: Is the assassin's lunge really being 'nerfed.' I thought the exact wording was 'retuned.'? I hope it's not being nerfed, as such, because assassin-players like me are fairly reliant on that move when facing off against pros with armor endorsements, whom the grapple often fails to kill in one hit.

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