I'm a Kontrol Freek...

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Sm1tty Sm1t, July 1, 2010.

  1. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Not sure how often you guys play shooters, but lately it's ALL I've been playing. Red Dead Redemption, Just Cause 2, Modern Warfare 2, etc... I have a friend (R0kL0bster) who is VERY good at MW2 and posts his videos to youtube and he mentioned that he uses FPS Freeks made by Kontrol Freek. I decided to pick up a set myself ($10) and I have to say these are absolutely awesome. They increase the height of your PS3 or Xbox 360 thumbstick's by (I think) 1/2 inch. By doing so your range of motion is increased and your aiming is more precise.

    If anyone hasn't used them or is on the fence, I HIGHLY recommend stopping in and picking them up. Another person I follow on youtube has a code snkf that will give you 10% off your purchase, too.

    My setup is that I only have one setup on my right thumbstick -- it will take about an hour to get used to them (4 or 5 games of MW2) but after that you will notice a HUGE difference. My kill/death ratio went from 1.02 to 1.43 and my accuracy has improved 6.23% according to my stats on MW2.
  2. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    They are like the weirdest thing I have seen someone put on a controller.

    Well my kill/death is 2.something with a mediocre internet connection without them so I guess I don't need them, Better internet would be just dandy though.
  3. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    I absolutely love mine. Cost is reasonable and they really DO help.
  4. XShadowStormX

    XShadowStormX New Member

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    I love how on the site it says for "A must have for GB and MLG". Is it ironic that your not supposed to play with a modded controller of any kind? I think so.
  5. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Its not considered a modded controller and its actually allowed at GB and MLG events.
  6. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    Don't they use controls that are already set up at MLG and stuff?

    I would find it a bit of a bother if everyone had to bring their own controller a connect it before you play, I would think that they would not allow personal controls because there's always the possibility that someone has a rapid-fire mod in their control or something like that.
  7. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    These little things snap on and off with no problems. If you're questioning the usefulness, spend the $10 and pick up a set.
  8. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    Pass. If I need more precise sensitivity I just turn down the sensitivity in the game, Although all modern games these days have the "hold left trigger to aim" so games are starting to have a high/low sensitivity toggle button which is good.
  9. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    I can see these being useful for the PS3 simply because of the concave surface vs. the PS3's convex joystick tops. It seems like these guys need to release some concave clip ons for the PS3 triggers too...
  10. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    I never thought of that, I don't have a PS3 but when playing on one I do notice that the joysticks are a little uncomfortable. If they made clip on grips (with not much extension on the joysticks) I would probably get a pair for the PS3 if I had one.
  11. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    If anyone is interested, I'm giving a set of FPS Freeks away for my twitter followers.
  12. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    I have a pair also. Last much longer than the grips on the sticks on the xbox controller. At first it was weird getting used to them but after like 6 or so months of owning them, my accuracy went up a ton and my k/d in games have been around 2.5 or more. <3
  13. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Same for me. I cant praise them enough.
  14. Frustration_inc

    Frustration_inc New Member

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    I have both the FPS Freeks and the Speed Freeks (Speed on left stick and FPS on right stick) I'm with you guys.. i can say enought good about them.. made the contoler more comphy and aiming much more presice... the speed freek on the left stick also aids a fair bit in makeing quick turns if someone is comming up behind you...case in point with MNC.. I play a gunner 99% of the time.. and it makes turning on an a assassin running up behind me (I listne for the humm) thats about to graple me and hitting them with slam or the gunner graple first very doable
  15. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Unless they changed from when I used to play in MLG for Halo 2/shortly after Halo 3 came out, you have to bring your own controller.
  16. Styli

    Styli New Member

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    Geotech already have that covered
  17. The_Support

    The_Support New Member

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    Hmmm....only $10, eh? I think I will get these and try them out.
  18. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    the Kontrol Freek contest was a success - had only about 10 entrants, but of the 102 followers I have, only about 30 are active anyway.

    for my next contest, I'm thinking about giving out THESE

    Anyone find those useful?
  19. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    HA! Freaking awesome. I have an old Mitsubishi big screen - it's a 50", but it's projection, so sometimes things get fuzzy. Those stickons would be damn handy. Cobra's my favorite.

    I wonder if Future Shop has those Kontrol Freeks. I need to practice with my aim in general.

    (Edit) These things are only available online. But when I went to Futureshop and nagged the manager, I got the typical 'we'll see what we can do' response. So, I ordered them online. And they not only arrived super quick for me, the difference was immediately palpable.

    I'm not gonna stereotype and say all game-players are spindly little guys with coke bottle glasses and crappy tempers that should be force-vasectomied after their sperm is stolen for potential future cloning disasters, but it still exists as a stereotype.

    I was a farm boy. I milked cows for many years as a kid. I have meatfists. No human who can palm ten eggs should be classified as having hands. I, as Marv of Sin City would say, have "Mah Mitts". Like flesh-covered goalie gloves. I guess what I'm trying to say is that no videogame controller was ever comfortable to me - except the one everyone hated, the old XBOX controllers you could build moonbases on.

    (I'd kill for an Old XBOX Sized controller, but made for the 360. If you know people, please help my gorilla fists out!)

    To the gist of things - with that extra inch or so of height, I actually felt more comfortable playing. My hands weren't cramped up from just trying to get a good angle on the controller. In short, they're fantastic. And for a guy who works in a shop (Crushed nails, crushed fingers, burnt fingers, metal slivers in the hands that only seem to hurt when I go for headshots, bumps, bruises, slices, gashes, and the eventual onset of arthritis), the fact that it keeps my hands stretched out a little reduces the cramps that being blue collar gift you with.

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