Most Underpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 25, 2010.


Most Underpowered Class?

  1. Assassin

    87 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    19 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    10 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    80 vote(s)
  5. Support

    18 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    6 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    108 vote(s)
  1. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Once you get used to spotting traps you'll rarely hit them anymore. A sniper can't grapple an assault who is flying (and you can also just fly right over their traps). Also the assault's gun is much better than the sniper's uzi.

    Honestly an assassin should only be going for one or two hit kills, so the smg isn't even an issue.
  2. Jared

    Jared New Member

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    Assassin is under powered clock sucks,assassin has only one good attack and you have to w8 15 secs to use it and they get 3 hit from any guy
  3. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Yeah, the only problem is the skill draining freeze traps, which won't allow him to grapple a sniper standing on them.
  4. Deep Winter 7

    Deep Winter 7 New Member

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    I agree that both the Tank and the Assassin have the most disadvantages. I've met plenty of good players who excel at these classes; nevertheless, they do have more disadvantages than the Support, Gunner, Sniper and Assault.

    Tanks have no midrange or instant-kills. Their Charge is cumbersome and slow. Their Jet Gun is too narrow to hit a fast moving target at close range and they pigeon shoot with their Rail Gun.

    Assassins... oy! I love the class, but when the Lag hits, it my night goes from "Having a Good Time with My Friends" to "#$% this Game!" Tonight, in fact, my friends couldn't find a single game that DIDN'T have a good host. I couldn't grapple a soul to save my life (literally). To test this, I stood behind an un-Deployed Gunner, counted to two, then attempted to Grapple him. I missed! I tried again. I missed. He then Slammed me and threw me out of the map. For 5 seconds, in nearly idle conditions, I could not grapple a target with a hitbox the size of a Mack truck!

    Assassin grapples are shotty at best, and with the finical nature of their expected lifespans, a missed grapple, especially during the slightest bit of Host lag, will just get them killed by every other class.

    I'm not going to address their weakness to the damn Sniper and his damn traps.
  5. Uncle Kulikov

    Uncle Kulikov New Member

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    Either the assassin (since there is no guarantee of an instant kill from behind or the Tank due to most of the map layouts, which are too midrange for his weapon set.
  6. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I would actually consider the Assassin to be the second most OP class in the game. I guess you simply have not learned how to play one effectively yet. Assassins are anything but weak in the hands of a skilled player.
  7. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Now that i have some more experience with the game. I feel the balance is still pretty good. The Tank which i (among a lot of others) is not so "weak" as i thought. I have seen players completely own a game with a Tank (he was juiced everytime i met him, dunno how he does that though).

    The most powerfull class is the Assassin in my opinion. But only in a very skilled player's hand (which are not my hands).
  8. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    That's exactly it, a weapon that is is beastly at medium range and even better at close range is much better than a gun that is only usable at close range.

    However, I think the jetgun can outdamage a shotgun though only because the Tank has more health than the Support, but then again, I always play with gold armor so I'm not sure if a Support with gold armor or rate of fire would make a difference. That said, the jetgun becomes totally worthless against a Support that jumps around and uses the hurt gun to endlessly siphon your health WITHOUT AIMING.

    Also, an Assault with a gold accuracy and silver rate of fire tears through just about any pro just as fast as the jet gun does based my obvervations, I can't test this thoroughly until I get some AA batteries for my second controller though =P.

    Note about website itself, anytime I type something in this text window, the scrolling button automatically shifts my screen, anyone else having this problem?

    Another note, typing this up in notepad to avoid the jumping screen I mentioned was a mistake... -_-
  9. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    until they nerf the assassins charge a charge grapple from behind is a garunteed kill. and from the front it'll take out almost all his health so u can just charge again for the finish.

    i know it works cuz when i do play assassin there is noone who survies a charge grapple
  10. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    If they nerf the assassins charge/lunge, I'm deleting this game from my hard drive.
  11. faits

    faits New Member

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    They're nerfing the dagger lunge because it was doing too much damage. The sword lunge is being left alone.
  12. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I know that. The person I quoted was talking about nerfing the lunging and grappling a tank, which I'm sure you'd need a sword for.
  13. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Hopefully they just swap the damage of the dagger lunge and sword lunge, meaning a nerf for the dagger, buff for the sword
  14. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I hadn't voted on this for a while even though I was checking the thread replies, and after some thought decided Assassin is probably the weakest class. Mainly because She doesn't have a gun. (I dont think I've ever seen anybody die by Shuriken so I'm discarding it). Whether that is something to be changed or not I leave to the Developers.

    Assassin seems to be able to get kills regardless in it's 'intended' manner so I see no biggie.
  15. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Assassin can get kills, it's just a lot harder than another class.
  16. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Maybe now this will weed out certain players from picking Assassins repaditly or them Magical All assassins teams.
  17. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Actually, the shuriken is pretty lethal. If you fire it while cloaked and have your cloak at level 3 they auto-crit for a fair chunk of damage. I can kill deployed tanks/gunners with it before they can even undeploy and I've occasionally killed careless snipers with it too, though they're a lot harder to hit :3
  18. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    Assassin. Grapple usually does 75% damage (you'd figure a knife to the forehead would do them in), knife slash usually never lands for whatever reason (I'm assuming lag or bad netcode), I keep getting freaking headshotted and grappled while cloaked, and every class can kill them quicker than they kill, making the 75% damage grapple absolutely useless because it is a suicide mission.

    Sticking to turret destruction is nice and all, but an assassin is a KILLING machine, not a support class (*cough* at the irony of that*).

    Every other class seems fine, though. Sniper kills quick and vice versa, leaving a nice balance, tanks take a lot of damage and can output a lot (although I think the minigun needs longer range than 3 feet in front of him), support has their own various uses that are really nice, and assault is fairly rounded out. Haven't played much of gunners, but they seem to be the pick for most players because I keep joining entire teams of them and winning with no problem at all.
  19. Oscar Oli

    Oscar Oli New Member

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    Tank, his deploy is only usfull when hit the money ball. In combat your target easily gets behind you. If he could go a full 360 while deployed i think that would be good.
  20. purgatori

    purgatori New Member

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    If you're playing with a little bit of lag (I'm from Australia, and am usually connecting to hosts in the US and elsewhere), then the situation becomes even more dire as an assassin player. Your grapples will often fail to connect because you're not actually standing where you think you are, and when they do connect, it's a lot harder to extricate yourself due to being at the disadvantage of lag-induced delay.

    Sometimes the above sends my frustration levels through the roof, but I still love the assassin; she's a lot of fun to play. I just think that her grapples should be a lot more lethal, and should certainly be more lethal than, say, the assault's grapples which are both easier to land (because of the dash), and usually more lethal (because of ring-out).

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