Nerfing juice could solve a lot of problems

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by michael, August 30, 2010.

  1. michael

    michael New Member

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    Juice is a great and unique part of monday night combat but I think it has caused too many problems for it to stay the way it is. The worst problem that it has caused is overtime becoming a race to the juice dispenser so you can destroy the moneyball almost instantly if you get enough people doing it.

    Many people have suggested thing such as making it impossible to buy juice during overtime completely re-working overtime, but people could buy juice before overtime and completely changing overtime seems like too much work for Uber compared to just nerfing juice instead.

    Another problem nerfing juice could solve is bases having all of their turrets destroyed by one juiced assassin or very many of their turrets being destroyed by any other class.

    I'm not sure how much it should be nerfed but please hear me out uber, becuase it could solve one of the most important issues in your great game.
  2. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Yea the assassins being able to juice and kill every turret and run away is kind of OP and a lot of the time games come down too who has bought juice more which makes sense but is sad.
  3. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Actually, I've found that over the normal course of the game juice works really well.

    It takes a LONG time to earn it just killing Pros. Bots go slightly faster. Jackbots can be a juice dispenser, but at the risk of your own safety or even your money ball.

    500 for buying juice in the first 10 minutes can mean having 1 less much needed turret in your base or one less maxed out skill to help you kill and survive.

    Any class can wreck several turrets in the normal course of the game while juiced. The price of this means they're usually surrounded by the 2-3 other Pro's when the juice ends. In almost every case if the team is even half way decent, the juicer -will- die when their juice ends.

    Normal play juicing also rarely rips such a huge chunk out of the money ball's health like it does in over time.

    The problem typically comes in over time because Pros can bypass base defenses and the need for bots entirely AND they've been super buffed by OT giving all gold endorsements. That's why a normal assault built may not do much to the money ball in regularly play, but come OT when he has a biggest possible clip, lightning fast reload, the best accuracy, rate of fire, and as much HP as he can without over heal... those 3-4 seconds he juices the ball can almost kill it solo. Same for assassins.

    On the flip side, tanks usually run with rate of fire 2-3 on, so they typically see no improvement to their money ball damage power in OT. Likewise support see no change in drain gun, and gunners see only a minor improvement thanks to not having to reload as often. Even the sniper's uzi becomes fairly potent, though still pales compared to the super buff assault sees.
  4. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Any Sniper 'in the know' won't be using their Uzi on the Moneyball. Snipers are the most broken class when it comes to Juicing and damaging the Moneyball. Balance does not seem to extend to Juiced Pros or OT for that matter.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Lets not forget a Juiced Tank alone can take out 75% of a full bar alone before he gets killed.

    Juice itself is fine but during overtime with all Gold Endorsements, Juice is a bit much.

    I played today in a private match with some buddies. A few I normally don't play with and the whole match all they said was "How long till Overtime?"

    The concept of Overtime is awesome but Juice on top of all Gold Endorsements is becoming redundant.

    Imo,after some thought, either remove all gold endorsements during OT or fix/tweak Juice during OT. Maybe the amount of damage output be dropped. I realized putting a cooldown on Juice or raising the price will not solve the problem. The problem is the godly amount of damage a juiced player can inflict to the moneyball alone.

    Overtime is a great concept but the power of juice will stacked gold endorsements ruins that concept.

    If there was one thing that needed a drastic change to MNC it would be juice in OT.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    If juice was nerfed overall, even more games would go to OT because it would just get harder to break turtles

    It would be much less of a problem in overtime if they would just not drop the balls.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Then what's the point of overtime? All gold endorsements with a 2 minute warning?

    "Breaking turtles" is not a problem, the problem is that the turtle team can easily save $500 for OT just to purchase Juice with the intent to rush the ball from the front, top level. Juice doing less damage during OT will force a "turtle team" to either play more aggressively during regulation or give the non-turtle a fighting chance once OT hits, granted they already did some damage to the moneyball.
  8. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Here is a bunch of IMHO stuff... (In My Honest Opinion)

    I think this should happen:

    -No gold endorsements at OT. This takes the personal customization out of the game come OT, it makes no sense to me... dropping shields and adding a timer alone is enough to speed up the game.
    -If there is a half-a-bar difference between the health of the two moneyballs, OT should not be entered and the team with the higher health moneyball should win. I hope i dont have to explain this, if your moneyball is a halfbar or more below the enemies moneyball, OT should not be entered to give the opposing team a chance at showing the result of their epic money saving skills for juice. Football games do not go into overtime if your winning 24-12.
    -Gold endorsed juice should not stack with the 40% you get at the start of OT, making you spawn with 75% juice. This is just rediculous, and probably a glitch.

    I think one of these should happen:

    -Juice dispensers have reload timers in and out of OT, and only 2-4 dispensers (depends on map) in middle, none at base. Juice is available, but you gotta fight for it. So you don't just instawin because you turtled up $2000 and buy juice at your base come OT.
    -Juice price is proportional to your moneyball HP, the lower the HP, the more it costs. This would help deal with the teams that go down to 1/4hp on their moneyball and pull a win outta their *** come OT since everyone has $1000+ and goes all juicy.
    Last edited: August 30, 2010
  9. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    if every one lost money per death it would stop all this crying over ot clutching plus make it a bit more challengeing =]
  10. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    I'm really starting to feel like the core problem with OT is coming from the all gold endorsements. I wonder if they can modify that without patching the game? I'd to to try the game as is, minus the super gold power up for OT and see if say... protecting your money ball from losing 10% HP per second actually feels possible when a juiced player runs in.
  11. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    im mean look at it this way you die bam 4% of your gold is gone first death... not a big chunk. 2nd death 8% no diffrence but if someone on their team is that noob that just buys juice at ot by the time they reach it their is no money for the clutch i mean hell 10 deaths deep they are looseing 40% of their gold with a max cap of 70% its not a bad idea imo makes teams fight to win veruses clutch to win
  12. Sardudekar

    Sardudekar New Member

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    It's clearly stated that the goal of the game is destroy the moneyball, not just damage it. If you have to look at it in football analogies, moneyball health shows how far down the field to scoring you've moved, not how many points you've made.

    I don't see anybody complaining that football rules are broken because a team works it's way down the field only to have the ball intercepted and run all the way back by a single player.
  13. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    If the timer ends at the end of OT, the moneyball selfdestructs anyways. Why shouldn't that happen if one team is winning by a large margin at the beginning of OT?

    No, your progress down the lane shows how far down the field to scoring you've moved, you can gain and lose yards, i dont see any moneyballs regaining health. Touching down (shooting the moneyball) gains you score.

    But football aside, OT is currently very flawed, and people are creating strategies that exploit that flaw and win games not playing the game the way it was supposed to be played.

    MNC is about pushing lanes and building towers, protecting your base while attacking theirs.

    Not turtling it out till OT and going godmode for the win since you piled up tons of cash.
  14. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Reload times would suck, now only the opponent before me gets juice and i do he wins and i lose....

    But....WT#...i always thought juice could only be bought in the middle. This changes so much for me, i cannot believe how blind i have been :(
    So you can keep juicing in the opponents base using their juice-dispenser (wherever it is....i probably wont find it anyway considering i am blind).
    Last edited: August 30, 2010
  15. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Wow, no, this would not fix anything, this would make it worse.
  16. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Uh, isn't it the same way with the annihilator?

    One dose of juice has much more potential destruction and win in it then one usage of the annihilator. I don't see why one has a cooldown and the other does not.

    And who said it was a huge cooldown? 2 dispensers with a cooldown of 3-4x the bot summon timer is hardly a huge wait.

    Just a preventative measure so that you dont have the whole enemy team grabbin juice in their base all at once comes after them turtling all game, and then you have 6 pros glowing funky colors wrecking your ball after sitting in base with their right trigger taped down all match.
  17. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Your argument only works against you. Because the annihilator has less potention destruction, it does not matter much if it's reloaded. Also timing is less important, fine, i'll wait a bit.

    But when OT starts and your opponent is just ahead of you on the juice, then he gets to go to the moneyball juiced and lose....

    3x-4x the bot-timer is 30-40 seconds.....unless the teams are not very competent, overtime does not last that long. 10 seconds can make all the difference, and i lose just because he was a second earlier at buying juice than me.....right....that's much better than what is happening now.
  18. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Yes, the annihilator has less potential destruction but it also has a timer, juice does not... anything wierd about that? And saying the annihilator doesn't matter is just plain silly. BTW, how does my argument work against me?

    So if the enemy outwits you and outperforms you and plays better then you, he wins and you lose. Yep, sounds right.

    Yeah, this would help solve the problem of the turtle metagame that is currently plagueing MNC.

    Based on the fact that you think the annihilator "doesn't matter much", and the fact that you seem pretty choked over the idea that you might have to fight for your juice...

    no, il refrain from any assumptions that may or may-not be taken as insulting... but still... :|
  19. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I said "it does not matter much that the annihilator is reloaded" exact words!
    I never said the annihilator itself does not matter.

    And what is skillfull about fighting over who buys juice first? Ok, so i buy juice 20 seconds before overtime starts (how very skillfull of me!) now the others have to wait 40 seconds (20 seconds into overtime) to get juice.
    Next match a player thinks about buying juice 25 seconds before overtime (how skillfull of him!). Ok, so now i am waiting for the 40 seconds to pass....oh darn, i kept pressing "buy juice" but since 10 other players are also trying to buy juice someone beat me to it (how extremely skillfull of him).

    I do not mean to insult you, but yes, this seems silly to me!
    It makes me think of those old C64 games where you had to press the button real fast to win a game....

    But back on topic. Nerfing juice seems like an excellent solution to me, it solves the issue of annoying deaths versus a player you can never beat (if you are not juiced) and the overtime issue.
    Juice at this points makes you what...5x as powerfull as normal? make that 1.5x as powerfull and imho a lot of problems are solved.
  20. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Uh, but it does matter if the annihilator is reloaded, use it... NOW! If the enemy team uses it, it can lead to a shield breach and even a loss. Instantly losing all your bots and hurting all your teammates and you is a pretty big hit.

    So saying "it doesn't matter much that the annihilator is reloaded" is pretty much saying the annihilator itself does not matter.

    Or maybe you could pass the juice on to the more destructive pros on your team (tanks shred while juiced) and you can go earn your juice off of bots in the meantime. Or maybe *gasp*, you and your team will have to attack the moneyball without juice *faints from shock*.

    comeon, planning ahead is an important part of the game, its why in many higher end games there is already someone standing in the annihilator button before it even recharges, plus or minus a few corpses.

    You can also use that dependance on juice to your advantage, since juice dispensers are on elevated platforms on two of the maps, i can see airstrikes being quite a good idea. Or waiting till some1 buys juice (they get a faint glow) and then assassinate them while the rest of your team wrecks the moneyball.

    Not to mention on one map (the one with 4 dispensers in the middle, Grenade III) there is an ejector in the middle.

    I think you meant to say "N64". How would it become a button mash fest? Tanks and gunners would have first dibs due to them being able to put out more with juice, one person buys juice, full out assault on base, roughly 20seconds later one person heads back and gets juice the second its recharged.

    If you have to button mash as a tank to get the juice in this circumstance, you probably have too many tanks, or a horrible team.

    If your trying to get juice when you got a tank going for it and your not a tank... Just dont do it.

    Juice should remain the way it is, as the class balance also takes juice into effect. A nerf on juice would be a direct nerf to the playstyles of every good assassin/tank/assault out there, whereas it wouldn't have as much of an effect on support/sniper/gunner as their playstyle does not actually depend on juice.

    Nerfing juice = breaking current class balance. If they nerfed juice they would have to change alot of other stuff too.

    Besides, im not gonna spend $500 on a measly 50% boost, id rather summon bots, upgrade skills, or use the annihilator.
    Last edited: August 30, 2010

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