Assassin Smoke Bombs SHOULD Counter Freeze Traps

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by DelVega, August 26, 2010.

  1. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    or to make it balanced how about the trap animation throws up a few ice spikes at random in the trap so its obvious where most enemies are in the trap as you can see them but with an already cloaked assassin you have to guess where they are stuck in it! (its a little too obvious at the moment and as they have no way of disabling the trap it does make it a little unfair).
  2. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    That is not what I meant by exceptions. You're straw manning me. I was referring to exceptions in core game mechanics. This is not a core game mechanic.

    The Assassin doesn't need to disable traps. You can let your teammates take out the Sniper with their mid-ranged weapons. So what if traps are really good against Assassins? There are other ways of foiling the Sniper's plans.

    Also, wait. I'm not sure what you want. Do you want the Assassin's smoke bomb to allow you to get out of traps, or do you want it to be able to disable traps? I'm okay with the latter, but the former is a definite no for level 3 traps, because that would be creating a mechanical exception for the smoke bomb, and it would allow the Assassin to have a get out of jail free card whenever she makes the mistake of running into a trap.
  3. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Core game mechanic? They implemented a way to update the game for a reason. Regardless of how its starts improvements are improvements. Period

    And to say an assassin doesn't "Need" to disable traps. What? lol. Thats an unsupported statement. Every class has a counter except the assassin. That is an exception and it throws off the balance.

    The topic is about balancing the game. You say assassins shouldn't get a get out of jail free card but its okay for snipers to have a free kill assassin card?

    It seems that you like playing sniper and you disapprove on another class gaining equal ground.

    AGAIN this wouldn't give the assassin the advantage. It would simply level the playing field. Which is only fair.

    If they set off the trap and are able to smoke free, their abilities are still in cool down. So they wont have a quick assassination they can pull off.

    Anyway instead of going around in circles here, the bottom line is that an assassin should ABSOLUTELY have a counter to traps. What sense does it make to be a "deadly" close range assassin if the long range sniper is better at close range then you are? lol. Non-sense admit it.
  4. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    This is not an improvement. It is an unnecessary change. And you still didn't answer my question: What are you actually asking for? The ability for smokebombs to destroy traps or the ability to smokebomb out of traps?

    No, it does not throw off balance. Game balance is allowed to be asymmetrical. If you want perfect class balance, you should remove endorsements and five of the classes and force everyone to play as Assault. I can't believe how many threads I've said this in, but this game is balanced for TEAMS, not INDIVIDUAL CLASSES. Some classes can be more effective against some classes and less effective against other classes. That's how this kind of stuff works.

    It's NOT a "free kill assassin card." Sniper trap placement is predictable, and you can jump over them. It's also possible to smokebomb jump from below the Sniper into his face or back and lunge-grapple him for the kill (assuming he's camping on a high ledge, which he probably is).

    If you repeatedly make the same mistake over and over as an Assassin by falling for traps, then you deserve to be killed over and over. Learn to adapt to your opponent.

    Now you're making assumptions about me. I actually play Assassin the most and Sniper the second-least (I play Support the least). If I were just another blind sheep, I would be supporting you because I would want a buff to my main class. However, I find it very easy to take care of Snipers, which leads me to believe that this is just another QQ thread.

    It's not leveling the playing field. Regardless of whether or not no one dies, it gives the Assassin a clear advantage. With the ability to smokebomb out of traps, she no longer has to worry about trap placement and can rush in without considering where she treads. If she doesn't get trapped, cool, she gets a grapple kill. If she does get trapped, cool, she can simply smokebomb out of it and continue on her business while the Sniper gets distracted by his detonated trap and has to refocus on the battlefield. He gets no reward for his good trap placement if Assassins fall for it. It's a lose-lose situation for the Sniper.

    Hello, I'm the Sniper. I have one close range grapple as a SKILL, an SMG which I will not have out because I'm sniping, and avoidable traps as my close range weapons.

    Hello, I'm the Assassin. I have a lunge, a grapple, a high-damage close-range weapon, a movespeed buff to chase people and position myself, invisibility to make it hard to find me coming up close, and a smoke bomb to blind everyone around me as my close range weapons.

    Yeah, the Sniper is clearly better than the Assassin at close range.
  5. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    As a person who plays an assassin as their main class, I can't tell you how annoying it is that the sniper's front grapple is stronger then mine. I'm a pretty darn good assassin too, and their's no way for me to get around it. The sniper can grapple before I smoke bomb away, and he can grapple if I do my post-face stab lunge. Even with Armor as my Gold Sponser, his front grapple will still kill me.
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    This i see as a problem, you would think the Assassin's grapple would be the strongest, as it's her main attack. But since the Sniper's front grapple is stronger is something to be looked at i would think. Some snipers will say its there way of dealing with Assassins, but thats what their traps are for. No need for a grapple, as having 2-3 traps is enough to stop an Assassin, as if your smart to stand very close to at least one of those traps, Have it behind you and no Assassin should kill you as their only means to attack you would be a font grapple, which the Sniper will win every time.
  7. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    I don't believe traps should be countered by assassins and it's my main class. However, the grapple drain is ridiculous against assassins. It effectively leaves it down to the shurikens which aren't the most reliable weapon by any means. Yes, you SHOULD be punished by being trapped..the smg and sniper and flak are still options, but the assassin should actually be capable of grappling the sniper by smoke jumping
    into the traps.
  8. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Little Known Fact- Microsoft actually put in a counter to the trap back in 2005 by implementing a green "A" button on the standard Xbox 360 controller.
  9. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    True you can just jump over them, gotta be a perfect jump though as their radius is fairly a good size, Of course if your the Assault, Tank, or Gunner is much easier to do this. With 3 traps, a typical sniper will put 2 traps to freeze players before they get to them. Then stand on one trap which will freeze say an Assassin before his grapple is on him. And then putting the Assassin's grapple on cooldown, now why should a trap save the sniper's life if all he has to do is stand directly on top of it? Try "A" jumping over that?
  10. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    You can run around it or jump over it. Don't forget that on grenade 3 and ammo mule, you can run on the outside of the bridges. If you can't get close enough to kill him, then pester him so your teammate can step in and take him out. And if he sits on top of it, you can grapple him even if you get caught in it.
  11. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    A level 3 trap will put a grapple on cooldown, hence cant grapple when frozen.
  12. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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    I always try to throw down the smoke bomb when I get trapped. Usually it'll just look like I'm breaking out of it and I'll be halfway up in the air and then suddenly I'll appear back where I was trapped, but sometimes it actually does seem to break me free, unless there's some other thing that causes that to happen, so for awhile I thought it was supposed to let me escape.
  13. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I forgot about that. Well, like I said, distract him and let your teammates finish him. Teamwork is overpowered!
  14. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    I have to admit, I often times join random games. I am a team player. Clearing lanes is a blast. But joining random public games when your friends aren't around means lots of not having a team at all.

    Yea, teamwork is great. But some times, you'll have a sniper camping inside their spawn taking out key offense components. The best person to eliminate the threat to start the push would be the assassin, but, they're more often then not, the worst to send after a sniper surrounded by traps.

    Btw, its possible to jump over A trap, but there are 3 to deal with.

    Uh.... When the trap goes off, the assassin has absolutely none off anything you just mentioned. lol.

    It's more like:

    Hello, I'm the Sniper. I have one close range grapple as a SKILL, an SMG which I may pull out when I hear your humming. Traps assassins cant destroy as my close range weapons. And a Flak grenade that I might let you play with while you sit there waiting for me to kill you.

    Raah! I'm the sneaky assassin you didn't see sneaking up to kill You. Opps. I'm sorry, I just set off one of your trap thingy's....... Uhhh....... So... Hows it going? Cool. Hey man, I cannot believe Lebron and Wade. Together! crazy! Oh wait, maybe I can switch to my shurikens and kill you standing five feet away from me before you swing that... (Golf swinging sniper rifle ends that discussion. lol)
  15. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    ^^ That made me laugh, lol, love the saying of Lebron and Dwade.

    You forgot the

    Hey.. Im an Assassin and every class can 2-shot me. And my grapple is weaker than the snipers. Even though that's my specialty, someone else's grapple is stronger than mine :(
  16. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    I agree that something needs to be done about this. Those freeze traps making it nearly impossible for a sniper to die to an assassin (assuming the sniper knows how to play his class well enough).

    Not to mention that its kinda wierd that sniper has a stronger grapple then the assassin (assuming front grapple).


    I think that they should make it so that after using a smoke bomb, you have 5 seconds of immunity to any movement inhibiting and skill reducing effects (shaveice/freezetrap/slamstun/that skill sapping summon whos name is currently eluding me). Have it replace the oh-so-useless flashbang effect if you happen to smokebomb when some tool is in grapple range and you decided to spare his life.

    By immunity, i meant prevention thereafter, meaning if you run into a shaveice/icetrap/slamstun like a tool, you cant use it as a "get out of jail free" card. You use it if you know that your next plan of action is going to include getting hit by shaveice/freezetrap/slamstun and use it as a preventative measure.
  17. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I don't really want them to make the smoke bomb do any of that, either reduce it to only 2 traps, or make the assassin able to grapple while in 3rd level trap.
  18. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Level 3 trap not reducing grapple would be a good change. I wouldn't really affect the other classes, but it would make a big difference with assassin. Particularly, it would let the assassin attempt a grapple kill on a sniper who stands on top of his traps.
  19. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Actually, I think that a few seconds of immunity would be an excellent idea.

    That way, if you're careless and you run into the trap, its to their advantage. If you're careful and you locate the traps, plan your attack and smoke just before you strike, its to your advantage.

    I think that would implement a great balance. Props to Lagoon!
  20. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R New Member

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    I actually think it's a pretty even fight at close range. An assassin can easily dash-grapple a sniper for an insta-kill, but a sniper can lay traps and do his special grapple.

    I love watching the ongoing battle between Snipers and Assassins as they both try and find ways to outwit eachother.

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