The game is getting worse. Good and Bad P2

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by nick8807, August 28, 2010.

  1. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Can I just make a post here and try to shut down the vitriol?

    1) The game is laggy. Far more laggy than other shooters such as Halo3, CoD:MW2, or TF2. This is a fact. (In before: "your connections sucks". I pay for a tier 2 highspeed connection and am a CCNA, it's not a connection issue.)

    2) There are a lot of exploits, bugs, and glitches. More than I am comfortable with, even in an $18 game (in Canada that's what they charge us for 1200pts). Uber recognizes this and hopefully will be able to do something about them soon with a patch. I would agree though that many of these should have been caught in the QA cycle (In before: "you don't know what you are talking about". I have been IT for 2 major companies, and managed QA divisions for 2 software companies.)

    3) The above two problems, while not exclusive to MNC, are greater than similar problems in other comparable titles. Attacking Uber or defending Uber is not going to resolve these issues, but it is something that needs resolving if MNC is going to continue to succeed.

    Right now all of my friends and I (that is 6 players total) have given up on MNC and are not planning on playing it until the patch is released. I expect that this is a pretty common reaction right now, with some MNC fans defending the game and having fun with it, some of us being frustrated and putting it down for other things until the patch drops, and some quitting the game entirely. Regardless of which camp you are in, these issues will continue to hurt the game's word of mouth until they are resolved (for example, I have suggested to a friend of mine that he puts off buying MNC until we see if the patch resolves the issues).


    One final note,

    If you cannot make a proper argument for your position, using logic, then please do not participate in the discussion. Attacking someone's ability, their character, etc are all poor arguments that prove nothing and just muddy the waters with hurt feelings and rhetoric. You're not helping the discussion by doing these things, you're hurting it.
  2. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    @Above poster

    1) Yes, the game is laggy. This is a serious issue that should be resolved. Uber says it will be fixed.

    2) Although I do agree that a lot of them should have been caught in QA, Uber has been really good about keeping track of them publicly.

    3) I think I have to disagree with this. I would not say that comparing the game to Halo 3, CoD, or TF2 is fair, given the developmental resources that Uber has in comparison to those of Bungie, Infinity Ward, or Valve.

    In all, obviously, I think that the bugs should be fixed, but the game is not unplayable for me. I get lag in only about one out of every five or so games.
  3. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Fair enough, and I can certainly see your argument that Uber has far less resources than Valve or Bungie.

    My point isn't that Uber needs to make an apology or something for the issues, I think they have been handling them as well as they can. My point is that if MNC wants to have some staying power, the issues need resolving fairly quickly and decisively.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    These issues have been fixed Uber is just awaiting the finalization on the patch from Microsoft.
  5. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    The game's not laggy for me. At all. It very occasionally gets bad when I've been saddled with a bad host, but it's pretty rare.
  6. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    And god does this part drive developers nuts.
  7. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    This game is amazing. It may have issues but it isn't a full retail game. It is the best $15 I ever spent. And they are working on the problems. Quit bitching, thanks.
  8. BotSpammer

    BotSpammer New Member

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    I'm just happy that in the end, we are all friends... Except with nick8807. But everyone else I still like.
  9. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R New Member

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    While I agree that games should be perfectly polished right off the bat, that is almost never the case. Like others have, already said, some of the most popular shooters have shipped with game breaking bugs, MW2 being the most prime example. Even Halo 3 had multiple balance issues fixed, most notably the melee.

    That being said, it's generally not a good idea to start off your topic by calling everyone who disagrees with you an idiot. While the events that occurred to you may be facts, whether or not we have experienced the same issues does not determine how smart or ignorant we are. While I have experienced issues with the assassin grapples registering, (adding a slight grapple radius would make it less jumpy and buggy) but when it comes to bullets, unless the game is lagging to the point at which the framerate and movement are obviously effected, (which only occurs to me around 1/20 games) I have had no such issues.

    As for the heal/hurt gun, if you can't kill a support by the time he kills you, then your skill is not up to par. Oh sorry, it must just be lag.

    I also fail to see a connection between your title and your statement. Is the lag getting worse, or is that just an attention getter?
  10. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Alright, let's take it a step at a time.

    1. Game lags. Yes it does. More than other, comparable games? I don't know about that. I play no FPS, so I can't comment. My friends do say MW2 doesn't lag that often, and I believe them. I've had a lot worse connection issues with titles like Red Dead Redemption, and let's not forget their game breaking patches. Army of Two: TFD? Can be pretty bad. Gears of War? Only played a few games but everyone and their mother was moaning about it.

    Now, I know Ao2 isn't exactly teh huge mainstream title the other two are, but those are three off the top of my head that were certainly bigger affairs than this that are pretty bad. Does Halo do it better? Maybe. TF2? Maybe. I can't comment. but the idea that this is somehow worse than games at large? False.

    It's bad, I want it fixed, I don't defend it, but we've got some dude running his mouth about how unacceptable this is because it doesn't happen in other games when it clearly does. He has a rightful grievance, but his argument is baseless.

    2. Exploits. If this level is unacceptable, then like, half the market is. Does it make it right? No. But when major publishers release broken titles, singling out Uber makes no sense. More and more games are getting day one patches, and it's rather important to be aware that big companies will get patches through faster than small ones.

    3. I think we're mostly on the same page, except I disagree that the problems are necessarily worse, considering the stability issues other games are having. I agree that Uber doesn't need to be attacked or defended, but this thread was started by someone who not only went after Uber, but took an "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude and offered an ad hominem based on someone's signature.

    The hostility and the response is mostly based on those elements, not so much because people are out to defend Uber. Looking at the board, experience with lag varies greatly, same with glitches and even host migration issues.

    Will these issues kill MNC if they don't get it fixed fast? Well, maybe. But the dev is on them and that's more than I can say for a lot of titles.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Very well put Amaranth.

    Lets not forget about Battlefield 1943 which released for Xbla (as well as PSN and PC) during the first week or so the game was basically unplayable. You would search for a room and it would take a good 5 minutes at times. Once it found a room is would have zero luck of connecting to the server. Yes, this game uses servers but still validates that fact that during the first month after release there will be unforeseen problems with lag.

    Other Xbla titles I experienced extreme lag first month are:
    Rocket Riot
    Splosion Man
    Castle Crashers
    War World
    3D Ultra Minigolf

    and that's off the top of my head. Now most of those game an no sign of lag. In due time we all will be pleased.
  12. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    And i do believe the team at UBER have apologised to many of us on a personal level @ that and as a community as a your asking for another apology on facts and bug's and glitche's that have been found,raised and are currently being fixed and appologised countless times for.
  13. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    points taken.

    My response? Meh, I still enjoy the game 80% of the time. A lot more from before I sold MW2 or Halo 3.

    Oh wow, that feels so long ago, but I played the hell out of that game despite memories of having most of my random matchmaking attempts fail.
  14. brendy

    brendy New Member

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    To the OP: You are extremely dumb and ignorant. Please do not try to talk like you know anything.

    "All my opinions are facts because I'm better than you!"

    Don't say that. It makes you look stupid. I want my minute back from reading your useless post.

    95% of the time I experience no noticeable lag. Maybe it's because I live in the midwest, but it's not my connection because my connection is terrible (I have DSL).
  15. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Magic: The Gathering DotP is still one of the most downloaded games still, despite Stainless being complete and utter idiots, breaking the game like three times through updates, bugs that have existed since day one, still has stability issues, etc.

    Lag really isn't an issue for an online card game, but it certainly has plenty of flaws. Connection issues included.

    It certainly is slipping in sales, but it's #15 on the top downloads after more than a year. Even with numerous flaws, some of which are/were pretty game breaking, it's selling like hotcakes. It's certainly not the rule, but it's worth pointing out.
  16. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    This. MNC runs better than a lot of the MP games I've played. Including MW2 and GOW2. Yes I have seen some laggy games. But few and far in between. OP, you say you get host a lot, I don't know if your even aware that on most games, the person with the best connect does NOT get picked as host. Most times it is the person with a mediocre connection.

    If you are having GAME BREAKING lag, you really should look at other would be issues. Like you, I play with a lot of people on my f-list and none of them have the problems your describing. Just the occasional lag you expect with any P2P online MP. MNC's biggest problem, imo, is keeping my party together through games.
  17. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    People on my Friend's List do experience the same game breaking lag I experience. Granted, I don't get it as often as some people seem to, but misery loves company, I guess. When you have a party of five and everyone's getting teleported all over the map, it's safe to assume that it's not just localised.
  18. Mister A

    Mister A New Member

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    the game is amazing. however, as people are getting comfortable with the game they are finding exploits. camping and taking out turrets from a safe distance. (assasin)cloak then one hit kill and then run away, rinse and repeat. assaults ring out, supports turret camping. and of course people lvl up all their stats and never build turrets,

    i only lvl up one or 2 stats a game and almost always come out on top

    why do people insist on playing like this? is it fun to stand on the bridge facing the bases on steel peel arena and shooting out the turrets over and over and over? goddam, this game can be really ******* annoying.

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