Personal Ideas

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by starwolf333, August 28, 2010.

  1. starwolf333

    starwolf333 New Member

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    Okay, so, a couple friends and I were brainstorming and considering all the ideas we came up with, I'm going to just put 'em all in one thread.

    More Teams- this is pretty self-explanitory. If nothing else, just random names, to give it a more "NFL" style feel.
    Team Sponsors- Each team could have team sponsors that have their own boosts to confer, but rather than individual pro's boosts, have bot manufacturers showcasing their best models, prototypes, or just boost normal bot performance. There are other ideas there too, stuff like skill/turret upgrade discounts, more money per kill, etc. The sponsors could be voted on by the entire team before a match, or the highest-level person on the team (the team Captain) could choose the sponsors, or each team could have preset sponsors, or whatever.

    Custom Classes-
    Genetic Manipulation- This is more of a cosmetic thing than anything. Small changes, like facial structure, skin-tone, scars, uniform decals etc. Just to make things feel a bit more personal.
    Weapon Customization- As you level up, you can get promotional deals from various sponsors that translates into differing parts for your guns, adding little tweaks, like ricochet effects for assault rifles, lighter barrels for miniguns to improve gunner movement speed while firing, things like that. Each weapon having a maximum of three parts or something.

    Game Modes-
    League Mode- Allowing for groups of players to register personal teams with rosters, that compete as a team for set periods of time, leading up to a Super Bowl type event between the top two teams.
    Campaign Mode- A single player or coop experience that would give a bit more life to the already vivid world. Stuff like locker-room scenes, interpersonal interactions between the classes off the field, etc. It could be any number of things, from a string of tutorials like the original with the Assault, just showcasing each class in its own right, or perhaps a story of how a new team with rejected clones rose through the ranks to become champions.
    Playoff Mode- Objective based, much like Halo's assault mode, where each team has to grab a neutral objective and plant it in the opposing base. Fairly straightforward, but hey, it works.

    New Class - Saboteur-
    A sort of spin off of the Assassin, the Saboteur would be a covert ops type character, with little direct firepower against pros but devastating to bots and turrets.
    Dual Pistols- Rapid fire, high ammo, low individual firepower. This would be the primary weapon to be used against pros. It would be like a more accurate version of the Sniper's SMG with a lot more ammo.
    Tesla Blaster- Chargable chain-lightning type gun that while it does minimal damage to pros, could rip through bots and turrets with ease, making even the dreaded Jackbot easily dealt with.

    (X) Detpack- Similar in workings to the Assault's bomb, though it would need some time to activate - much like the Support's Hack skill. It would be attached to either turrets, walls, or bots and detonated remotely. It would be used primarily to deal with turrets with higher levels doing more damage over a wider area.
    (Y) Cloak- Similar in execution to the Assassin's cloak, but with a shorter timer on it, that did not drain while stationary when upgraded. This way, the Saboteur could sneak into enemy bases, cloak, plant a Detpack, and get to a safe distance before detonating. Unlike the Assassin's cloak however, there would be no critical shot bonuses for the first shots to break the cloak.
    (B) Dazzle Dash- To get out of sticky situations, the Saboteur could activate an EMP pulse in his gloves to stun bots and blind pros in front of him. Unlike the Assassin's Smoke Bomb's boost to the user's jump, the Dash would send the Saboteur dashing backward to a safe distance, making him temporarily resistant to all damage while dashing back.

    And there it is. That's all I can think of at the moment, so yeah. My first post had to be a long one huh? Be gentle?
  2. EnlistedThalim

    EnlistedThalim New Member

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    I love every single one of your ideas. Especially the class, you actually put thought into it instead of just stating weapons and skills.
  3. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    class sounds pretty awesome albeit a little weak in dealing with pros unless its pistols were pretty strong
  4. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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    I like all of your ideas except for the class. It's pretty easy for any of the classes to kill turrets as it is, and your pro idea doesn't seem like it would be bringing much new to the table. Each class is supposed to be distinct and have a particular role.

    Assault, for lack of a better comparison is the Bard of the game (quick and able to do a number of different things with equal ability).
    Tank is a tank, with close quarters combat and DoT.
    Sniper is a sniper, nuff said.
    Support heals, buffs, and modifies bots and turrets.
    Gunner is the heavy hitter that can be played as an offensive threat or defensive powerhouse.
    Assassin is the stealth backstabber.

    So far most of the new pro ideas have stepped on the toes of another class. No, your idea isn't EXACTLY like any of the above mentioned, but his bomb fulfills the same role as the Assault's detonated bomb and his stealth takes away the one thing that made the Assassin unique. It's not enough that these abilities "aren't exactly" like their mirror in the respective class, but that's not enough.
  5. Styli

    Styli New Member

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    I liked most of the ideas, indeed all except for the new class for reasons stated by others.

    I particularly liked the facial/character customisation for that personal touch. Also, like the campaign idea. Not sure it'd be done in this game but here's hoping for MNC2 to be a full retail game with a kick *** campaign.

    The team ideas should be straightforward to implement and others have been saying they'd like more, so I'd be surprised if they're not added sometime soon.

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