my gunked account got banned till the 23rd cause i played 3 games in a row and by the 4th one i missed judge when i had to leave to the store and so i just left. I find there system a little retarded because they expect you not to go afk or leave out of a possible 50min match.
Yea I play it. 2 accounts, EUW and EUNE. On EUW stucked in ELO range (not hell, I dont belive in this). :ugeek:
Yeah, one leaver ruins the game. Completely. Their system is "Don't start a game unless you have time to finish it."
Add freshfuhrer I don't play often and I'm not level 30, but I've been called a liar for telling people I'm not a smurf (a few times, not too often, I have some good days some bad, good more than bad recently) Yorick, Malz, Brand and Sona are my main champs right now. Getting into Noc, Twitch and Rammus because you can only have so many casters on your team.
And when I am playing LoL, I never see subbz anymore Why don't you like MarkLs, btw? We could have such a dirty team if you'd play with him. Subbz - Morgana Clownface - Shaco Snarf - Zilean/Soraka DiabolicalD - Singed MarkLS - Ashe/Tristana
I play all the time still. I wish more people played this game to be honest. Question: How many champions do you own? I own at least 45.
I own 59 champions. Only like 300 IP away from making it 60 unless i finally decide that i need a proper AP runepage.
Next question: Who is your favorite champion of each role? Support: Janna AD Carry: Ezreal AP Carry: LeBlanc Jungler: Gangplank Top Laner: Singed