I play league of legends my name is Demote fell free to add me i can teach you how to play because I'm better then everyone. Edit: my new name is Demote not choasff7
You should temporarily add me then, snarf. Azulvandes. Subberz and I still play sometimes when I get on and remember to message him.
Um i just started play so i would like some tips like what to buy and characters to pick. Also i need friends my name is Gunked
I'm out right now but I will teach you if your on when I get home. Just play some bots games. Try some champs out and see what you like. Google solomid guides for more help.
I been playing a lot of Sivir cause i love here burst on turrets and farms pretty well and feels like a all around good pick. I have also played around with Nunu to try to learn how to Jungle correctly. i would love some early game strats with him cause usually when im jungling i end up being lower level but with the blue buff.
Gunked your free to add me if you want, and i can give you tips/ tell you what you need to improve on. Ps your jungling without masteries and runes? should avoid that not really worth it until you reach 20 .
I dont know your Summoner name, but yes i jungle with like no masteries and runes cause im a boss like that and i still get kills. :lol: im obviously playing against bots :lol:
Ooops, Name in game is Subberz i tend to play on my other account Legitqwickscoper if theres someone im giving tips to just so we get easier games, and its nice that you jungle at without your runes and masteries but because you don't have them you don't get through the jungle fast enough to usually make the best use of it compared to sharing xp in a double lane etc. P.s don't buy runes till 20 very important
Guess what i just carried Nova with my support and went like 9/0/29 and i saved him from dieing like 20 times (i was sokara, however you spell it) I play with more of yall tomorrow just send me a message. I dont know how to respond to a pm someone sent me in game so i would like to be enlightened please Edit: well i already bought 4 for Sivir cause she is my fav but i guess i wont buy anymore
Ill add all of yal when tomorrow cause my Gunked account got banned for a day :lol: my computer over heated and kept turning off but i fixed it now I made a alt account Goonked so ill send yall one right now if anyone wants to play today