How to counter good assassins?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by sokoto, August 29, 2010.

  1. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Alright so the biggest dilemma Im having in MNC is learning how to counter assassins that are actually smart. How do you stop them from clearing bot lanes, getting juice and destroying your turrets. What is the best counter and how do you stop them from doing this.
  2. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Have a tank push 1 bot lane, and have a firebase in the other one. Make sure the firebase is in a GOOD spot because shurikens will destroy it easily.
  3. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Use ejectors, if they dont have armor on, it will pretty much instantly kill them.

    Even good assassins will at times make a mistake when sneaking up on you, use that to kill them. Listen to the hum of the cloak, if you hear it, turn around and try to see if you can make out their outline.
  4. 1uke

    1uke New Member

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    Don't you dare try to find out how to counter me!!!

    nah seriously bro, knowledge is power. keep learning, you guys are already good and will only get better, look forward to more matches with you. :)
  5. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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    When they're running you can also see little dust clouds being kicked up around they're feet if you happen to be looking their way (usually you are not, unfortunately, but it can clue you on early).
  6. faits

    faits New Member

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    A while ago I was on my way out of our base on Grenade III when I saw the little dust cloud. Hit lunge, hit grapple, killed that other assassin before she could take out any of our turrets. Felt pretty good about that one, since it was just a gut reaction to seeing the dust cloud and I actually landed the kill.

    Unless you've got several people defending though, a juiced assassin who knows what they're doing is probably going to take out a good portion of your base turrets, if not all of them.

    If you can manage to get a grapple off on them, a good portion of their juice will be gone by the time the grapple is over. So even if they survive they'll probably bomb out soon after and your base will be safe (for the time being.)

    Dropping air strikes on your own turrets works (so does dropping air strikes on your own money ball if an assassin is attacking it.) Even if the air strike doesn't hit the assassin, they'll have to stop attacking, pull back, and that's just more time for their juice to run out.
  7. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Tanks pushing lanes should be able to prevent assassins from juicing up too much on bots. Tanks clear lanes faster than assassins and their spin makes it dangerous for assassins to get close.

    A good assassin is going to be rough to deal with though. You deny them the lanes, they will go for your base. You defend the base, they will farm for juice.

    Perhaps a strategy of not rebuilding turrets, but keeping the money banked and building them all quickly when you need them. This would reduce the number of targets available in your base and reduce the assassins options. Then if you diligently keep killing lanes with tanks they can't do much in your base.

    I can see your frustration since assassins have immense mobility and will always look for the weakest spot to attack. You have a momentary lapse and the assassin runs in and wipes out half your base.
  8. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    And btw, grapple or charge them if they juice up. At the very least, it keeps them at bay and if you get lucky you might ring them out.
  9. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Try making some ice turrets. The smart assassin will stay away from them and therefore will limit themselves in how they get inside your base.

    If you are playing a gunner use your slam on the assassin; the stun effect will waste most of their juice (note that this also works for enemy support characters).
  11. faits

    faits New Member

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    Ice turrets will slow down an assassin and prevent them from hiding behind a cloak, but a juiced assassin will still make fast work of a shave ice (and all the other turrets in the base too.) I'll usually try to take out shave ice turrets with shurikens if there's a vantage.
  12. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Less QQ more Pew Pew.

    Seriously though, you either kill them or they kill you. It depends on your class. I play Assault and use Bombs a lot to either take off a lot of health, blow them off the map, or other such activity. Plus I run away; Run to another team mate and your chances of success are doubled.
  13. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Having an ice turret near base entrances can severely inhibit a juiced assassin, either making them try to find another way around and possibly dieing and losing their juice, or them charging in and only killing the ice with their juice and maybe 1 other turret.

    Grappling them also wastes alot of juice time, and planting not-so-friendly explosives (icemine, airstrike, assaultbomb) on your turrets will usually stop them dead.

    Snipers are actually best at stopping a juiced sin, an icemine on the turret is pretty much an instant juice waste. Not to mention the sniper can easily follow up his mine with a OHKO grapple.

    Best map for this is Steel Peel, since the sniper can snipe the enemy base from his base, you can defend against juiced sins and prove usefull to your team at the same time.
  14. faits

    faits New Member

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    Don't think the sniper's grapple is a one hit kill on a juiced assassin.

    But putting ice traps near turrets or base entrances is a nice way to trap assassins coming in to kill turrets though. Of course, then you don't have the traps to protect yourself.
  15. Floc Army

    Floc Army New Member

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    Ice traps, Ice turrets, firebases. This is how I usually stop good assassin players. It is a huge pain especially when your team refuses to communicate and stuff. Sadly I only have one other friend who plays this and he is hardly on. :|
  16. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I usually play Support.

    Versus a bad assassin i can usually avoid a back-grapple and after the front-grapple i will kill him.

    This get worse for me as the assassin gets better.

    My kill rate versus assassins in general is probably 60/40, mostly because i kill a lot of bad assassins and get slaughtered by skillfull assassins.

    The skillfill assassins usually get me from behind or do a dash-slash followed by a front-grapple, both kill me instantly.
    The only option i have is to shotgun it in the face, but i am not that good with a shotgun.
    I think my K/D versus good assassins is like 1/10 and i consider myself an above average player.
    The assassin in skillfull hands is the worst player to face.

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