"Oh, good. You're setting up a tur.... SHAVEICE? REALLY?"

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Veras Gunn, August 29, 2010.

  1. Veras Gunn

    Veras Gunn New Member

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    Sometimes the people who play this game astound me. Time and time again, when the ****'s hit the fan and we have a breather to set up some semblance of a line of defense, people set up turrets that are entirely useless.

    A level one lazer blazer that'll be destroyed if a gunner blinks at it. A shaveice that wouldn't stop a slim in his tracks. Perhaps a longshot under the spawn point where it won't hit anything but the catwalk we just walked out of 5 seconds ago.

    I understand if someone makes that mistake once, but it happens time and time again, and people don't learn. I'm not sure if they don't know what they're doing is wrong, if they're just being stubborn in their attempt to get a protag, or if they're just griefing.

    In any case, has anyone else experienced this lapse in judgement?

    Edit: Due to what seems to be people not really comprehending what this topic about I'll try to be a bit more specific. This has nothing to do with Shaveice being useful or not. It's about inappropriate turrets being placed in the worst possible location, or at the worst possible time, or any combination of the two.
    Last edited: August 29, 2010
  2. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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  3. Veras Gunn

    Veras Gunn New Member

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    No, they're not, that's my point. They're great if you have something well established, to get other turrets get more damage in while they're slowed down. In a situation where all you have are open turret nubs they're useless. Setting up something like a shaveice turret when a level 3 lazer blazer, or a level one rockit launcher is a huge waste of money and a perfectly good turret nub. Those moments could be all that turns the tide, but they're wasted on useless turrets.
  4. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    They are good in some positions. (an example would be the back entrance in lazor razor) but building them in front of your money ball isnt a good idea. It'll see assassins yeah but it wont help much in defending.
  5. Hoffer

    Hoffer New Member

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    I don't think I've ever setup a shaveice turret once.
  6. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Ice turrets are amazing on Ammo Mule?
  7. Veras Gunn

    Veras Gunn New Member

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    And you're missing the point. A Shaveice isn't going to keep bots or Pros from attacking the moneyball, they'll just slow them down requiring outside assistance from a Pro defending the money ball. It's a minor inconvenience where as a Rockit Turret or a properly upgraded Lazer Blazer would stop bots in place, or help kill a Pro.

    There's a proper time for each turret. The time for a Shaveice or a Longshot is not when you're trying to drive enemies out of your base.
  8. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    You're missing the point. The radius on the ice turrets is ridiculous. It paints assassins. It slows everything down. The bots, the players. They're really good in the right nubs.
  9. Veras Gunn

    Veras Gunn New Member

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    That is entirely irrelevant. They might be great to paint players and bots, whatever, it's not a great turret to set down when you have no turrets on the field and dozens of bots, not to mention the entire enemy team, baring down on you.
  10. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Whatever. I really don't feel the need to defend myself. They're obviously not going to help when you're already losing.
    Last edited: August 29, 2010
  11. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    You have more time to kill the bots then. You can usually do a lot more damage than a turret. Slowing them down will help.
  12. Veras Gunn

    Veras Gunn New Member

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    That's only helpful if it's placed in a good position and if you have the time to focus on those bots. When they're next to the money ball it does not give you enough time to do anything to stop bots from jumping on the money ball.
  13. CrazyMonkeyKing

    CrazyMonkeyKing New Member

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    Shaveices can be good if placed in the correct area.
  14. nRGon

    nRGon New Member

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    Veras, you're just plain wrong. It can be good in some places. Give up trying to be right all the time and enjoy the game.

    You have just been MNC policed.
  15. Veras Gunn

    Veras Gunn New Member

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    Seriously? Again, this topic is not about if Shaveice is good or bad. The title topic is how I've felt recently during a fight where someone set up a Shaveice turret as opposed to something that would have been useful in that situation.

    This topic is about people setting up specific turrets that are not useful at that moment or in that place. A Longshot under a bridge. A level one lazer blazer that's just sitting out in the open with no one to tend to it. A shaveice when it's right next to the money ball and there's no other line of defense.
  16. CrazyMonkeyKing

    CrazyMonkeyKing New Member

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    Well it depends. If you are unable to kill pros and bots (predominantly bots) before they reach your Moneyball, a sole Shaveice turret can be largely beneficial.
  17. Veras Gunn

    Veras Gunn New Member

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    It can, but if the situation shows that that's not the issue then you're better off spending the money on something else. Chances are though, that if you have a bunch of bots in your base that are attacking your money ball then you have a bunch of pros. Your focus is likely going to be on them, not the bots. This makes that Shaveice turret less useful, and defeats that whole purpose.

    A rocket turret stops bots in their tracks, and can make short work of a group of bots. Yes it's expensive, but the Shaveice isn't cheap either. This makes a Shaveice turret situational for this occasion, in that it's only really useful if you have the freedom to commit your ammunition on them, which is only going to be a faction of a second if it's next to the money ball.

    Next to the entrance of your base, yes, it's great. You might have plenty of time to destroy them while they're slowed. If there's another turret near that shave ice turret to destroy them, then yes it's great. In the situation where you have nothing, and someone places a shaveice turret next to the moneyball a few short seconds after you just fended off 6 pros and probably twice as many robots, it's not really all that useful. THAT'S WHAT I'M GETTING AT.
  18. CrazyMonkeyKing

    CrazyMonkeyKing New Member

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    If you're getting attacked by bots and all 6 pros you're pretty much dead anyway, but yes what you say is true. If someone does build a shaveice turret, perhaps you could build a lazer blazer next to it, so it isn't entirely useless.
  19. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Next time, don't say something like this if you're going to complain that people don't "get it." Even in context, that still looks like you're specifically saying they're not good.
  20. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Shave ice turrets are incredible, the fact that you even begin to complain about someone building one in a defensive situation tells me you actually think "the best defense is a good offense". When pros and bots come to a crawl right before your eyes and all you can think is "man I wish someone else would shoot them so I don't have to" I start to question whether or not you're being serious.

    You's trollin'.

    Granted if someone built one while our team was pushing into their moneyball I'd question it, but a rocket turret wouldn't help there either. It sounds like you think turrets should be able to completely handle base defense without any aid from pros, which is quite ridiculous.

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