The game is getting worse. Good and Bad P2

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by nick8807, August 28, 2010.

  1. nick8807

    nick8807 New Member

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    This is a response to my post of The Good and Bad of MNC.

    First of to the people who disagree with me on the issues with the game you are wrong. They are not opinions they are facts. If you are not experiencing the lag I am talking about then you must have no idea what lag is. Lag is when I shoot right at a guy with a sniper rifle and I see the bullet impact him and he looses no health. Lag is when I am spraying a guy down with an assault rifle and none of the bullets register.

    To all the people who think it is my connection that is the problem you are incorrect. I play multiplayer games all the time and I am chosen quite often as host on many different games. Also how could it be my connection when every single person on my friends list experiences the same game breaking lag. If you have not seen this lag then like I said you are either not intelligent enough to detect it or you are the host of the game.

    All of this is a result of the game being rushed out the door. The game is not complete and should not have been sold yet. Updates and patches are meant to fix a game and make it better not complete it. There had to have been a very small amount of testing on this game. How can this assassin glitch slip through? How can a glitch that makes my abilities unusable be in a final product? How can I have fun in a game where assassins move so fast because of a glitch that they can not be killed. They just walk in a base and slash turrets and then they on the other side of the map instantly.

    To the people who say what should I expect from a small development team and a fifteen dollar price tag. I expect to play a finished product. Not some game rushed out to be a part of Microsofts summer of arcade. I expect everything to be the same as a full priced game just with less content. Less maps less guns. Instead I get less testing, less balancing, less thought about the customer. Good things can come from small teams and there are millions of examples out there. Take the Ariel Atom for example. A company that consist of 7 employees puts out one of the greatest automobiles on the market. Should I expect any less out of it? No in fact I almost expect more.

    Now on to more problems with the game that everyone has. This is a minor annoyance but when I am fighting against a support and all he has to do with his heal hurt gun is hold the trigger it is annoying. I understand it does not do a lot of damage but it does not matter when he does not have to aim, he just jumps around making him nearly impossible to hit while he drains my health. On top of that the game lags so much it gives him an even greater advantage.

    Another problem that just happened to me was my friend and I join a game together and one team has 4 players and the other team has 5. Instead of putting us on the 4 player team for a game of 6 vs 5 the game decides it will separate us. The only excuse for this is pure ignorance.

    To the people who said that their party gets split up in other games like Call of Duty you are also incorrect. I have played the last three games in the series alot and 99.9% it keeps the party together. The only time it does not keep it together is when the game glitches out or the join party in lobby feature in World at War.

    There are also many other problems that I don't want to bother trying to explain to ignorant people.
  2. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I'm sorry, but where do you hail from where games are perfect from the start....?

    MW2 had horrendous exploits for the longest time, Bad Company has bugs, Gears has bugs, CoD4 has bugs. No game has absolutely no bugs and never had them from the start.

    At least the devs are working on issues as swiftly as they can.
  3. nick8807

    nick8807 New Member

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    I never said any game was perfect. Might want to read the post again. Also nice signature, are you one of those assassins that goes like 1 and 19 every game and glitches? When you play Call of Duty you probably used one man army with noob tubes right? Or was it a ump marathon lightweight ninja?
  4. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Stop with the ad hominems. They're unwarranted and rude. And way to post this in the wrong forum.

    Perhaps your expectations for this were too high from the start. I personally am impressed with Monday Night Combat given the resources that Uber had.

    Also, you said that the game was not balanced, but you didn't follow up with anything else. I find the game to be fantastically balanced, and most of "balance" issues are just glitch exploits. Less thought about the customer? Uber has some of the best developer-community interaction I've seen. The novelty of the game has worn off on you, which is why you're posting this thread. That's cool. It's your opinion. Fine. I disagree with a lot of it.

    It's been TWO WEEKS. So what if Uber hasn't released a patch to fix the glitches yet? They can't do everything on demand.
    Last edited: August 28, 2010
  5. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    And yet, it doesn't really invalidate his actual point, given that those big, mainstream releases were plagued with problems, you are, by your own definition getting a smaller version of one of those releases. The balance is pretty good, though not perfect, equal to or superior to a lot of the full release, big budget titles.

    I don't think I'll bother with addressing the rest, because at this point the tendency to push your own opinions as fact reads like pure trollish crap, but I have to wonder what lover's goggles you're looking through if you think the quality of this title is somewhat disproportionate

    Assuming you really are sincere, but your response makes me doubt that.
  6. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    nick8807, if you would actually provide information on your internet connection and details about the lag instead of coughing up groundless accusations, somebody might actually be able to help you. However, since your threads' main purpose seems to be venting and insulting other players nobody will bother.
  7. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    No, but you were seriously implying other games were. Also, nice personal attack on my playstyle with absolutely no substantial rebuttal to my argument. I'll be happy to oblige you with a legitimate assassin game, if you so wish. GT is my username (Vinticus).

    Anyway, to be nice I will say that most of your problems sound like bad hosts, which every game will have every now and then.

    Also, thank you, Reaver and Amaranth.
  8. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Instead I get less testing, less balancing, less thought about the customer.

    1. Your COD games that you seem to love have 10x the development staff, and you can fly, noobtube glitch, get out of the map, wall hack, etc...but they have a finished product? You're upset that this game lags (because it was more of a success than they anticipated) and splits up parties, so they didn't test enough, but COD that has MANY MANY legitimate game breaking hacks, is a great game compared to it?

    2. Less balancing? This game is one of the most balanced games I've played since Shadowrun. Every class has a counter, and there isn't one super class out there. Stop being stupid.

    3. Less thought about the customer? When was the last time you played a pub with a developer? I played with Shadowstorm less than a week ago. When was the last time you were on a forum that the devs posted on regularly, and actually acknowledged your posts?

    Admittedly, there are some things that need to be fixed, but it seems like you're more upset for reasons unknown. You paid $15 dollars for a more finished project than MW2....accept it, and let the devs fix it for you with FREE patches now that they know what needs to be fixed.
  9. Great2seeyou

    Great2seeyou New Member

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    nick8807 it sounds like youre not able to play the game well and blame it for your inabilities. All games have lag now and then get used to it, same goes for glitches. Also assassin running glitch? What are you talking about? As far as your lag when shooting you do know you need to lead your target don't you? With all guns the bullets take time to move across a distance, just like real life. If you can't pick up on the subtleties of the game don't blame others, if you feel the need to just don't play. I'm not saying everything it perfect, but the problems are no different then any other game. After they patch the problems new problems will come. Just roll with it, adjust your game play, just relax and have some fun. (Try not being a jerk you'll live longer :) )
  10. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    Yes, lag is an issue, but the game is pretty much balanced completely and, as a fellow member pointed out, CoD had more than it's fair share of game breaking glitches/exploits with lag issues after updates, iffy host migration and balance issues and yet that title had many many times more resources than uber had at it's disposal. The uber team have been very helpful so far and cannot disagree with you more over their ignorance. They have made a brilliant game!!
  11. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    Dude, seriously, stfu. No one cares that you have more lag issues than the average player. Stop making threads, they don't contribute anything to the forum or the community. Thanks :)
  12. 1uke

    1uke New Member

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    Jesus christ get off the rag.
    it doesn't surprise me with you rage essay that you also cry about the ump in mw2 lol.....
    you are one of the many people who just aren't good at a game so you come up with excuses and insults like "try-hard".
    sorry if i am coming off as a *****, but you are bitching way, way too much.
  13. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    *Munches Popcorn*.

    Anyone else want some?
  14. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    Jesus people, you obviously don't know one of the most important rules of the internet. Don't feed the trolls.
  15. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    Hell yes. This is getting fun to watch.
  16. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    nom nom nom...CMON FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.....i dont think ive ever heard any1 cry so much with uselss,baseless alegation's PATHETIC

    Anybody wanna change's the baby's diapers? The smell of his crap is making me sick
  17. The_Support

    The_Support New Member

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    It's a new game. I find weird things happen sometimes on this game but it doesn't do anything to my gameplay other than a really bad lag or something. Just stop being so rude and have fun! This is a great game. If you don't want to play it go back to CoD. :mrgreen:
  18. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    None of the bugs/exploits are game-breaking to me. It's still a lot of fun to play. Plus it's impossible to fully test for everything that might crop up when thousands of evil XBox Live users start looking for exploits. Show a little understanding and patience, the patch will come soon enough.
  19. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    So why are others not complaining of major lag issues..... as you write it up this seems to be the biggest problem EVER. Sorry but it is not an issue.

    I am intelligent enough to notice lag and I have yet to experience lag that is extreme enough to be a game-breaker. Have you actually got the data on you connection to back this up? Have you checked your stream speed whilst playing to see if you have any dips that could cause this. I think not.

    It has taken a small company 2 years to make this game so dont tell me that this has been rushed out. How is 2 years a rush? Look into things before you say it!! Look at COD5 that had bugs galore so this game cannot be singled out as a poor output!

    How can Modern Warfare have a glitch where you can jump into a wall and hide there whilst being able to shoot people? How can you skip through half of Fallout 3's main quest by glitching the progression? Many top games have real game breaking glitches, this is not game-breaking at all. Talk about OTT.

    Again have you been shadowing the team that made this, if not then all of the above is pathetic dribble. Less testing, less balancing. So you know what testing has been done do you?
    No game comes out fully completed anymore. Most full games hae a patch within a week as the developers knowingly release games all the time with problems, as they know patches are now part of everyday gaming.

    So EVERYONE has a problem. Well, mate, I do not have this problem, and since EVERYONE means 100% of the people, that means already this statement is rubbish....Sorry to say this but could it be your skill (or lack of) as I find it easy to shoot someone who is jumping around.......hmmmmm
    And mentioning lag again, boring.

    Your only legit problem, but calling it ignorance is pathetic. This one statement made me realise that your whole post is just a load of flamed rubbish.

    Aha 99.9% it keeps the party together, so then there has been at least one time, and WITH A GLITCH at that. So your statement has basically rubbished your entire moan. If COD (made by a massive company) has a glitch then how the heck can you expect a small to to (and I quote) "I expect to play a finished product"? Well? 40 game with glitches vs 9.00 game without - how can you expect that??

    Thanks for stopping. Now do one of two things, either play the game and shut up, or remove it from your system and play something without gliches - I hear Tetris is free of bugs. Oh and I would say that the ignorant falls under your personality, not ours.

  20. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Many games do not have lag or glitches.

    I play a lot of FPS and other shooters online, and I would agree that MNC has some of the worst lag of any shooter I have played int he past few years.

    I like MNC, and I think it's great that Uber has managed such a great game with limited resources, but to say that MNC does not have numerous problems is not laggy is just incorrect.

    And to attack a player's skill because you cannot think of a real argument from facts is pathetic.

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