Most Underpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 25, 2010.


Most Underpowered Class?

  1. Assassin

    87 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    19 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    10 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    80 vote(s)
  5. Support

    18 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    6 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    108 vote(s)
  1. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I agree the fire damage over time should do a little more damage. I think it would be cool if the accuracy upgrade lengthened the tank's jet gun by a few feet, but shouldn't be changed otherwise.

    The rail gun is his secondary weapon, and as such is rather situational. It's good for finishing off a weak enemy and working on turrets but it shouldn't get beefed up. You can do quite well with it if you have the right upgrades.

    The tank has the most health, what are you smoking?

    The deploy is amazing when used properly; you might just not know how to best use it. If you have the ammo upgrade while in turret mode you can take the ball down to 25% by yourself when juiced. No other class can do that except in overtime when the ball takes extra damage.

    The rocket charge gives the tank a much needed utility power. Regardless of what you think it does work well for escaping; once you find the range it is incredibly lethal when combined with the death spin.

    I don't feel the tank is underpowered, but he is underplayed. The tank is a team player, not a rambo go out an get lots of kills in the front character. That being said most people want to rack up lots of kills (and few deaths) so they find the tank unappealing. I find the tank to be very powerful in the right hands.
  2. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    I think the tank does actually start with less HP then the gunner without armor endorsements or the passive health skill. I'll test that tonight.

    The bounce on the product grenade is pretty annoying.

    Burn damage (being set on fire, not the jet fire itself) could be better.

    The problem is, tank is completely shut down by gunner, assault, and sometimes sniper and support for half the effort that it takes to play the tank. Trying to rail pewpew is a pain compared to mortat and minigun across the level...
  3. faits

    faits New Member

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    Someone did a ton of research to determine relative health levels (and a lot of other stuff) and posted it a while back. According to them the tank and gunner both have the same base health, absent endorsements or tank's passive.

  4. RyuForce

    RyuForce New Member

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    The Tank is far from underpower. When anything gets in range of his jet gun they are highly likely to lose, with the exception of a assault and a good charge throw. Not only that his product grenades are amazing when you use them on turrets and when you need to heal, find cover, deploy and watch your health restore in faction of the time others have to wait. Charge helps you move around and damage those who try to run away.

    When juiced, everything in his way is easily destroyed. He is also very effective with a supporter healing him too.

    Use corners to your advantage and you should do amazing with him. Course he is a challenge to use on Steel Peel and I believe Ammo Mule if you wander into the open areas. Don't rush blindly and stick with bots or other players for help and you should have no problem beating pros, bots, and turrets.
  5. ALIENwolve

    ALIENwolve New Member

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    An accurate railgun user puts out ridiculous heat while the tank health makes him really hard to snipe dead. Definitely not underpowered.
  6. Gate88

    Gate88 New Member

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    Have you tried a headshot?

    A decent sniper has little problem with a tank. They have gigantic heads.
  7. ALIENwolve

    ALIENwolve New Member

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    Have you tried sniping a really erratic target using cover? It's kind of hard.
  8. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    lrn 2 aim? i love it when tanks try to railgun me when im sniping cuz i just think "free kill"
  9. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Have you tried railgunning a really erratic target using cover? It's kind of hard.
  10. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    I voted for the Tank, a ton of health doesn't mean anything when you're incredibly slow and at the same time need to be in spitting distance of anyone to be effective. The only truely unique thing about him is that he can survive an upgraded assassin's back grapple imo, his role can easily be filled in by anyone else with some decent CQC weapons or abilities.

    Also, and this is a bug note, an Assault's charge nullifies a Tank's charge when they hit eachother dead on, FIX THAT.
    Only thing I hate about the Tank's charge is that it is on a ridiculously long cooldown, it's their only real mobility considering the jetpack doesn't really help you get across the map faster. Put it on a much shorter cooldown, the Tank is SLOW in comparison to everyone else (besides the long ranged Gunner), that doesn't fit well at all for a close quarters combat class.

    As for the Rail Gun, I just think it needs to be easier to aim, the problem I have with it is that I can't hit any pros with it unless it's another Tank or a Gunner, and that's only because both of them have huge hitboxes. The damage itself for it is fine.

    I could see the Jet Gun recieving a damage boost only because I've noticed that it's damage is comparable to the Assault's assault rifle, which has a much longer range than the Jet Gun obviously.

    Not sure how Deploy could be improved to be honest, the only thing I can think of is to make the health regeneration instantly activate once you enter the mode and never stop if only to help out the Tank's survivability, but that doesn't change the fact that this is stationary skill combined with a class that need sto be mobile to survive...

    I definetly do NOT like that product grenades bounce, it's incredibly annoying when I shoot the bomb at a pro only to have it miss them by an inch and then bounce off to who knows where. Just have it explode once it hits the ground, simple.

    To the above poster, I actually got sniped on the Grenade III arena by a guy who realized the Tank is too tall to fit behind most cover, his head pokes out ever so slightly.
  11. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    first id like to say i play tank (have thousands of kills with him) and altho i agree hes underpowered u really have some flawed ideas.
    it has around a 6 second cooldown fully upgrade i beleive and it take at least half of any classes health. if u cant survive for 6 seconds(less with endorsements) after using it to get close u might wanna try a different class

    basically lrn2aim ill hit snipers twice before they realise it across grenade 3. i only wish it did slightly more damage so i could actually kill snipers not just pester them.
    the jet gun is stronger the closer u are to a target it outpowers pretty much everything (altho a dual minigun is stronger until point blank range which is lame. the shotgun is also stronger)

    i agree with this. the railgun isnt powerful enough and the range on the jetgun is too short to ever want to deploy.
    sure its hard to shoot them down at people sometimes but i like bouncing em off walls to kill people who think they are in cover
    Last edited: August 31, 2010
  12. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The tank is a lot like the TF2 pyro, except slow, a huge target, and one big solid color so he stands out more than anyone else
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Many of the really cool powers have a flaw: smoke bomb makes you visable, slam doesn't work if they are flying, airstrikes are negated by being under ledges. The tank's product grenade would be too good if it were unavoidable. If that were the case then the blind effect would need to be greatly reduced.

    At first I thought the tank was weak. Now I know that he is the master of close range combat (sorry assassins). Remember that the rail gun isn't the tank's primary weapon. It's main purpose is to harass/finish distant enemes.

    Personally I don't like his playstyle, but the tank is very powerful when used properly. A tank twirling around in your base is going to cause some serious problems. If he gets juice he can kill 75% of your ball by deploying (holy crap a deployed tank is hard to kill).
  14. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    My problem with the tank skills is that they just don't synergize well.

    It seems like throwing a product grenade then charging someone should be a good combo. But if you hit them with a Lv3, then you'll just end up knocking your target out of the extra split grenade damage and hurting yourself instead.

    He's no good at medium range, but when you charge someone to close that distance, it can just knock them back out of your range. Sometimes the ringout is nice, but sometimes it just lets them get away. Especially if the tank has a little lag, then the charge victim will sometimes seem to just disappear, and it's a pain to try to spin around and figure out where he went

    The tank is already vulnerable to headshots and airstrikes. Deploying just makes snipers and supports giggle.
  15. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Tank is better than assassin at medium range at least =/
  16. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The tank is specialized for unbeatable close ranged combat. What more do you want? Without help you'll never kill one with an assassin. Considering how many assassins I usually see that's one hell of a boon.

    The assassin is designed to take out weak or isolated targets from stealth. Once you get your sword it doesn't matter if I use a gold armor upgrade or not. The gunner is optimized for medium range combat death and the sniper obviously for long range.

    It took me a while to figure it out, but the assault's strength is his mobility. It is the only class that gets to choose the range of a fight. He has average everything except speed; the only faster opponent you will find is an assassin.

    I would trade my ridiculous melee grapple for your tank's charge attack. The only good use I have found for it is killing black jacks. A six second cooldown is too long? Have you played support recently? His level 3 hack skill has a crazy long cooldown even with gold skill recharge.
  17. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I agree with you on most, except for the sniper is pretty good at close range aswell.
  18. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Pretty good against what? Gunners, assault characters, tanks, and assassins should destroy a sniper at medium range. As traps/bombs are apparently bugged right now (you are supposed to be able to destroy them with area affects), you must avoid them.

    Sure a sniper will destroy a support a medium range without his turret, and he has a fair fight against another sniper.
  19. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Their SMG is good against assaults and assassins, they have freeze traps and flak traps, and they have a pretty strong grapple.
  20. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Except against gunners, assaults, and supports

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