Unable to leave feedback on teammates

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by 31stCenturyMatt, August 27, 2010.

  1. 31stCenturyMatt

    31stCenturyMatt New Member

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    I may be diagnosing this incorrectly, but it seems like only players on the opposite team in Crossfire are added to my Xbox Live "Recent Players" list, making it impossible to leave player feedback for people on my own team.
  2. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    So far we haven't noticed this behavior ourselves, but we'll look out for it.

    Anyone else notice this happening?
  3. 31stCenturyMatt

    31stCenturyMatt New Member

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    Thanks for the response. I'll try to pay more attention. I know that from the post game lobby I tried to give somebody a review and both the positive and negative options in the menu were grayed out. Not sure which team they were on. More recently I had a guy on my team, when the match ended I left the lobby and brought up my list of recent players and couldn't find his gamertag.

    Anyhow, I'll update if I can give you any more detail (assuming I'm not imagining the whole thing :p)
  4. faits

    faits New Member

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    I've had players not show up on my recently played list, but it seems random. I wanted to leave positive feedback on an opponent a while ago, but he didn't appear on the list. Then last night we randomly ended up on the same team, he was in my recent players list and I was able to leave feedback.

    Also, with the constant failed host migrations and the lobby closing if the lobby host quits and the sheer number of people who join lobbies and games and quit soon after, the recent players list seems to get completely refilled in about an hour of playing.

    Of course, I'm absolutely certain that players I was playing with ten minutes earlier aren't there while players it says I "last met 1 hr ago" are there.
  5. XenoS ZeroWing

    XenoS ZeroWing New Member

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    Both my friend and i have had this while playing the same matches. We have only noticed it once when i wanted to leave positive feedback and half the players were missing.
  6. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I've noticed it a couple times now, both in conjunction with someone I suspected was cheating and wanted to select "avoid." Just to point out that it doesn't just happen with friendlies.

    In one instance, there were three of us who couldn't do it to one guy.

    I don't remember all the people from today, but there were three in one game I think were on a party. I just checked one's bio on Xbox.com, and while he has a 12K GS, he has no played games, so I'm not sure it's an issue with MNC so much as perhaps someone cheating the system.
  7. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    I've noticed this repeatedly, I think it may be when a player join the game late you cannot add feedback.

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