Bots and Lanes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Imsoooometal, August 24, 2010.

  1. Imsoooometal

    Imsoooometal New Member

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    What does the community think? I understand that when you get a ton of bots moving around in one area sometimes the frames hurt a bit. But, currently, 85% or more of my games end in overtime. I know a fix for this. More bots spawning at one time...and give them more HP. That way teams have to focus on bots. Currently, the bots are kind of weak and people don't seem to spend their cash on throwing out their own bots (which are nice and strong and a pain in the butt - just the way it should be).

    Would Uber ever think about spawning MORE of the "regular" bots and giving them more HP? That way they push lanes on their own but still require player help to push. I understand that bots can be overhealed, but as a dedicated Support I can tell you that even that doesn't seem to help THAT much.
  2. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I've been slowly learning games without coordination tend to go to overtime.
  3. Imsoooometal

    Imsoooometal New Member

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    Which is 80%. I break my bank every game making sure I spawn my own bots and make turrets.
  4. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    Finally getting that into your thick skull huh?
  5. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    More and stronger bots would be cool. Overhealing Blackjacks should go faster and lend a little more durability.
  6. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I thought people were finally catching on to bot spawning. There's frequently a queue in my bases to spawn.

    But tougher basic bots might be nice. Or ones that were more harassing to pros.
  7. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    I say get rid of the slim bots and just spawn Black Jacks in their place, or make the slims more than just one shot kills. Idk, the game could use a few more bots working the lanes imo.

    Maybe have an upgrade you can pay for that will spawn more Blackjacks and slims for a set amount of time, I mean if you can buy juice, why not buy quicker bot spawning? Disable class based bots while the upgrade time is on.
  8. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Being Assault means that Slimbots/Blackjacks are the best form of Bot for getting the job done. I split my time equally between pushing the lane and Killing Pros, but I usually wait to push hard until I know that only blackjacks are spawning and that they're spawning in heavy numbers (i.e. second half of the match etc) so that they can get past turrets too.

    If new maps were to be included more lanes (3 instead of 2, 4 might be too much) would be nice to see.
  9. Epiphany

    Epiphany New Member

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    I don't think the case is making more bots spawn at random, I think that people just need to spend more time investing earnings into spawning their character specific bots, if you can get a team that puts forth their earnings into their bots and turrets than the team is unbeatable.

    My friend and I work wonders in pub matches just being support, for the first two minutes or so running around with the shot gun and healing eachother to save up coin, and then dumping it all on turrets/bots, hacking and what not.
  10. Apraxmrkn

    Apraxmrkn New Member

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    Perfect, It's all about what kind of game do u find ur self into. If u know ppl is doing teamwork, making sure the base is clear, getting rid off assassins trying to spawn kill, then buying bots and pushing little by little until u get the right amount of bots moving is the best way to go.
  11. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Ive been seeing alot of teams not caring about turrets at all... i remember one game i literally built/upgraded EVERY turret.... i didnt get my level 3 upgrades untill overtime ish. Was too focused on getting everything set up and maintained.

    Also i think people need to watch the annihilator, that is a huge game breaker, someone should always keep money ready and keep an eye on it.
  12. BotSpammer

    BotSpammer New Member

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    I constantly use the annihilator almost every game and only have about 10 kills with it. Though its helpful cuz you get lots of assists.
  13. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    Do bots get stronger as you level your pro up with abilities ?

    I try to buy bots as often as possible. problem is I mostly play Assault and I find my bot to be kind of a let down compared to some of the other classes. sometimes I'll save up like 500-600 and then switch my class to tank or support and make Bouncers or the Crawly long range gunner things. ( forgot their name )....

    A made rush of like 6 bouncers at anyone is not that easy to deal with no matter how good you are. some bases are easier to spawn faster.

    I rush charge to other side and by the time ive bought a bot i can recharge to other side and do it again and then push a lane with bots and hope for the best.

  14. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    This is just one nut case's observation, but I feel like the number of Overtime matches I've been in over the past couple days has dropped. It's just as likely a fluke of chance as a real sea-change, but it's been refreshing.

    I just played a game where a support backed me up and we swept the lanes right up to the enemy base and cleared out the turrets. That one was over well short of Overtime.

    But OT isn't the only way for a team to regain their momentum. I played a match earlier where I made the early push with another gunner, and had their moneyball down to 50% or so when I noticed an assault on the other team leading a counter-push. I respawned at our base to find a mess of turrets down. It slowed us down long enough for them to dig in and rebuild their defenses. That game went to OT, but not because either team juiced up and nuked the moneyball. In preparation for that, I'd actually deployed right on our ball to dig in for the assault.

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