Most Overpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 23, 2010.


What is the most overpowered class?

  1. Assassin

    30 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    15 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    53 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    9 vote(s)
  5. Support

    155 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    92 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    111 vote(s)
  1. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Auto-aim on the HH Gun needs adjusting too; it should not be able to bend around corners and go through objects.

    I'm also against allowing 3 Air Strikes per Support. Sure with a single Support this is not as much of an issue but I have seen 9! Air Strikes spam a base before. That is a bit excessive. Shorten the cooldown and limit the amount of Airstrikes to 1 at a time.

    The funny thing is that I feel the Firebase is not broken at all. It is only because of the HH Gun healing so quickly and without the need to reload that it seems that way.
  2. faits

    faits New Member

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    I think a lot of the votes for all of the classes are probably the result of a voter getting killed by that class a little to often.

    However, a number of people have posted in this thread to say they play AS support and think the class is overpowered.
  3. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    If you read my post you'd see that i said there was only one tank present to kill my firebase and me, the bouncer only got the firebase's attention first. It doesn't need to be 2 people, just something that my base is shooting at. Wait 'till some bots walk by and it'll be engaged for a bit. Pop in and blow it up. It's happened to me like that often.

    I use gunner as my secondary and I concur. People don't seem to realize that a) mortar is better for taking out turrets of all kinds and b) the mortar has a splash damage and splits into a few shots each, so it'll either kill the support in a few shots or deter him from sticking around and healing the firebase.

    If you're referring to me, I was talking about how hacking is NOT overpowered because the turrets that one builds in one's base can be easily taken out by a single juiced pro. My firebase is not underpowered, and while I think they can be taken out more easily than people would like to think I wouldn't be opposed to a small damage nerf on it.

    I played on steelpeel as the only support against a team with 3 of them, and while it was harder to keep up it was far from unstoppable. I would simply airstrike under the bridges or next to firebases under bridges and they'd be gone. We ended up losing because of some idiot gunners on my team that thought that it would be a good idea to walk slowly up to firebases with their miniguns :/ We could have won if they switched to mortars, ranged some turrets and forced them to get in their base. Sometimes it's all about teamwork.
  4. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    As for most Supports, they tend not to put their firebase where bots will walk by, there goes your way of dealing with firebases. Plus a Firebase should be something that will 'help' you kill your target, not kill it all by itself. The fire rate for Firebase is ridiculous. And what your said about using airstrikes to get rid of firebases.. really? The counter to a support class shouldnt be.. a support class. And yes classes can take out firebases, but as for the gunner, if the firebase is strategically places, then the gunner would have to go out of his way to kill a firebase.. not a player, which seems to be a bit extreme. While good support would just airstrike the hell out of anyone who is shooting their firebase with a mortar, because they would most likely be standing still and present an easy target. A good amount of the time.. a firebase can dish out more damage than.. a real player. amazing. For a turret that can be placed anymore on the map.
  5. RyuForce

    RyuForce New Member

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    While I think the classes are fairly balance, I do agree Support is the closes to being overpowered which to me mostly has to do with how deadly a hacked firebase is and in the right position.

    Anyway I also wanted to point out that the gunner's minigun and dual minigun seems to do far more damage overall against a firebase then the Gunner's mortar from most ranges...making it feel more like the firebase really is a non moving player.
  6. faits

    faits New Member

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    If a firebase isn't "where bots walk by" then it's not near a lane or in a base, so why do you even care about it? If a firebase is in a location where it isn't affecting a lane, ignore it until a gunner, sniper, assassin etc has some spare time to wipe it out for the $10 or the support who put it there realizes it's dumb for it to be there.
  7. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    ^ pretty much that. Also, mortar shots can be banked before they split. Gunners can wait around corners and spam mortar, and the support will either leave or die.

    As for this whole notion about the turret being another player; well it sort of is, it's the other half of the support. Every other class has a mid-long range weapon except the support, he has 2 short range weapons and one of them does dinky damage. the firebase is his longer range weapon, except that he can't actually take it with him like other classes. The upshot is that it works without him. Believe me though, it's severely retarded; I've been attacked and killed by any old class coming up to me while it was happy shooting bots or trying to take down a rockit turret on its own.

    but even if it does take 2 people to take out an entrenched support and his base, its not much different from other classes in entrenched positions;

    Snipers who set up ice traps on either side of them, sniping from good positions far away can't be assailed from distance. Those getting caught in the ice are helpless, and likely the only chance you'll get to kill the sniper is getting in close when he's instakilling someone else with his grapple. 2 people usually needed. The main counter for an entrenched sniper is usually another sniper. Is this also imbalanced?

    Gunners in a decent location above other players' bases; he'll be smart enough to keep his distance and even if someone closes his slam will knock them back and prevent an escape. If he's watching over a base likely you'll need someone to act as bait and then another to seal the kill.

    Don't even get me started on assaults in certain positions (top-left of my base in lazerazor) A careful placement of his grenade will almost always send me off the edge if I try to close. He'll wait around a corner, hit his dash grapple and send me out of the ring. Nothing I can do about it unless I have a buddy come from behind.

    These are all situations where I'd expect that a single person couldn't remove the threat. In fact, there really isn't a whole lot of situations where I think I'd be able to carry the day, except in x person randomly meets x person on the map somewhere and neither are entrenched. It's a team game afterall, most of the objectives you need to complete require that you use teamwork.

    As for the counter of a support being a support; no, the counter to firebases could possibly be an airstrike. The counter to a support is a tank. Believe me.
  8. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Why are you defending Supports to the death? Lol, i'm sure your a support whose afraid of losing their godly powers. All classes are close in being balance but the Support is a tad bit above that. A level 2+ hacked firebase can eliminate bots fairly quickly, which will give you only about 1 second of distraction time for a class to take out the firebase, which isn't enough considering the damage it dishes out From a mid-close range. And if you have to find a spot thats far enough wear it won't attack you could possibly leave you vulnerable to other factors. The range on a hacked firebase is on the 'long-range' category which is a tad bit much for a self-built turret, and that it's firebase and accuracy is crazy.
  9. faits

    faits New Member

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    Probably 90% of my play time has been assassin, with a few games here and there as support, gunner and tank. I was also the first non-dev to reply to this thread and stated plainly that my vote had gone for support being the most overpowered.
  10. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Well alright then, i take back my acquisition of calling your a Support. My apologies. And nice to see a fellow Assassin. *high five* Lol.
  11. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I love how the majority of the arguments here are by stupid first impressions of the Support from people who aren't good enough to deal with he. How about we wait a couple more weeks before we decide what is overpowered?

    This is from a rank 75 Support player, I have played the game since it came out and I understand most of the classes and how they all operate. I will be perfectly honest and say right now that the Support is the best pro in this game. Not because he can easily lead the team in kills, but because he is necessary for a team to win. Others may disagree here but a good team can be countered very easily without the supports help. If we are strictly talking kills here, the Gunner would be the best. But the point of this game is not to get the most kills so I don't see the point in complaining.

    Also just for my input, the only thing a little bit cheap about the support is the Firebase which needs to be much more fragile. The damage output is fine, I understand the kind of stress I put on the other team by putting it in their base. I am not one to have biased opinions and I only want the best for this game. I won't say this stuff to make sure my class remains the best.

    As my final note, I think you guys at Uber should add much more significance to winning rather than kill whoring so stupid arguments like this don't happen. I think you should lower the amount of money the losing team gets and adding more stuff to buy once you purchase all of the custom class slots. This way there is actual incentive to win rather than getting the best K/D.
  12. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I concur, from an 82, the only thing id say about support is the firebase, everything else can stay the same, except the firebase needs to be easier to kill, or put out less damage.
  13. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    You know what I love? How every single one of the support's advocates seem to have a blindness to just how many things the support has on his side. They seem to base entire arguments around - how you can defeat a firebase - how you can defeat the airstrikes - how you can defeat the gapshots. So? Of course I can dodge airstrikes, of course I can kill firebases, but realistically, that's HARDER than dealing with the things any other class can throw at you.

    What about the whole article? What about the firebase, the airstrikes, the gapshots, the near-free juice, the ability to hack multiple turrets which makes them massively more effective, the fact it doesn't need to go in the open or stop moving except whilst hacking at any point, and therefore is so hard to headshot.

    It's the whole thing. The airstrikes are beatable, the firebase is beatable, the gapshot is beatable - but the amount of effort and skill which you have to input to beat all of these things which are really not that difficult to do is tottally, totally improportionate. If you compare his three skills, they are near enough the three best skills in the game. THREE insta-kill splash damage thrown weapons. A layable turret which does lethal damage and can easily be put in a location which makes it almost impossible to kill for many classes. And an ability to make how many turrets at once far, far better, far stronger, far faster firing, far more range? Oh yeah, and the $100 ability to spawn a bot which will destroy turrets before it gets half way across the map. Oh yeah, and that ability to get juice without ever putting yourself in any danager - and being able to use a firebase at the same time so you aren't exactly neglecting the offensive side of your game, and with juice, you have two insta kill weapons. Oh yeah, and the aura-bot-boost.

    You know what's funny? I haven't even got to the fact he can heal, which seems to be the most irrelevant part of the supports game since it's so blatantly overpowered. I don't mind that Uber wanted to make sure the support was more important than just the healy-hacky-buildy class - but in doing so they've way, way, way overdone it. There are so many things you can do which are so effective as the support that it's hard to do all of them. It's amazing how rarely I see them actually heal these days, which is a pity.
  14. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    ^^ Good argument, i really have nothing i could say to counter that.
  15. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    I think the Tank is a bit much. I might tweak his health down a bit, and that damn "advertisement grenade" is a bit tacky. But, maybe i'm just saying that because the last time some idiot permanent juice-glitched me, he was a Tank...

    Otherwise, they're all pretty good on balance. Every class can be eliminated by another fairly easily, and likewise, every class can handle threats from most others well enough to have people enjoy the matches.
  16. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Half of what the support does is benefitting the team and not the individual player. Yes he can heal, and yes it does benefit the team which goes back my point that he is supporting and that a team simply can't work well without one. Is he the best pro? Yes he is but a lot of his abilities don't benefit himself. Most of them are for the good of the team and most high level supports learn that even if you rush and farm kills, you can't always win the game.

    Too add, you mention that it is harder to avoid the supports tools than other classes which is just ridiculous. Gunners have tools that can easily wreck small villages and also get juice really quickly. You can't avoid that ****.
  17. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Gunners don't get juiced nearly as quickly as Snipers and Support, Gunners are near unstoppable juiced, But all they have for abilities is Slam (jump over it, very avoidable), Turret (get behind them..) Grapple, dont get in melee range. Easier to avoid than a Support.
  18. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Now that bot spawning takes 10 seconds instead of 5 support lost most of its offense. Massive gap shot armies were pretty much unbeatable, but they are now a thing of the past.

    I'm 99 and I think the key to a winning team is having one or two support players. Is the class overpowered? No. Are people going to whine endlessly that it is? Yes.

    Support characters have two close range weapons and a firebase. The firebase is terrible at attacking unless it is hacked or you are standing very close to it. Every class has a method of destroying the firebase: gunners outdamage it, snipers have better range/flak, support can air strike it, etc.

    Air strikes make a distinctive sound and you just have to learn to avoid them (which is pretty easy). If you get one on your head then go under a ledge or you're dead.
  19. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Bunny Hopping Hurt Gun is a pain in the ***, period. Whether the rest of the class is particularly overpowered or not (I dont think so really, just requires a different approach), the ability to bunny hop around the place and continuously damage someone with a weapon that has an unlimited clip is difficult to argue for.
  20. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I wasn't saying anything negative about the Gunner, just giving an example to another class that can do major damage and that people seem to complain about. Tanks and Assaults also do quite a bit of damage and can help the team tremendously. The Assault rapes turrets from a comfortable distance and a tank rush can be deadly especially when aided by a Support.

    UberGunner: It's not quite that simple, Air strikes can be extremely dangerous in the right hands. It's just placement. Also Firebases are more deadly than you give them credit for. They are avoidable but it's not that easy to avoid. That is what these guys are trying to argue. I still disagree that it isn't broken or overpowered. I would say that the Support is about as deadly as a gunner or a tank, nothing more.

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