New to the forum so I don't know if this has already been asked. But does it matter how you pick sponsors. Like why does it matter why they are Silver, Gold, and Bronze?
gold is best, then silver, then bronze lets say you pick the clip size endorsement,(i dont know the actual numbers, this is an example) if you set it as gold, you would get 30 extra bullets, silver would give you 20, and bronze would give you 10. so basically, put the most necessary in the gold slot, and least in bronze
Okay thanks Raz92. I never knew that until I saw on the website it said the x1, x2, x3 thing then I was wondering which is better and does it matter that the x1, x2, and x3 are there. But now I get it. Thanks.
no problem theres also a thread with all the numbers for most of the endorsements: