Most Overpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 23, 2010.


What is the most overpowered class?

  1. Assassin

    30 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    15 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    53 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    9 vote(s)
  5. Support

    155 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    92 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    111 vote(s)
  1. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    I think more than classes being overpowered, certain aspects of classes are overpowered.

    For Support, their firebase seems a bit too durable. Positioned intelligently and healed it is incredibly difficult for most classes to take out.

    I think Assault bomb and Sniper's trap both share the problem of being a brain dead easy area denial tool that the enemy really can't do anything about. You can know they are there, but have no answer if they are strategically placed at certain chokes. I think allowing all classes to reliably destroy traps and bombs by shooting the device thrown would be a good fix for this. It would mean snipers have to be a bit more clever and unpredictable with their traps and assaults can't just use the bomb to prevent people from chasing them. As it stands the options for destroying traps and bombs just plain suck.

    Sniper's level 3 passive does too much damage to turrets from long ranges. The explosion should probably have damage fall-off for longer range shots. I feel a sniper probably shouldn't be able to take out your team's turrets from within the safety of his own team's turrets.
  2. PandaOracle

    PandaOracle New Member

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    NO the game is not balanced. Gunner is way too over powered. His mini gun destorys your help in seconds far away or not. Plus he has tons of health. He needs to be nerfed, badly.
  3. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Those long distance minigunners are probably using accuracy and rate of fire, both of which may actually be too good.
  4. DDM

    DDM New Member

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    I voted balanced because they are about as balanced as a person can get them.
    people need to keep in mind the different skill levels people are at and the minimum/ maximum skill potential of each class. If you can't shot the ground in front of you then support would be your OP class since you don't have to aim. if you are the best shot in the world and can consistantly kill ten people with nine bullets then the sniper is your OP class.
  5. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    The idea that the support is balanced amuses me, and depresses me. I don't see what people fail to understand. It is a class where it has no real weakness that it can't avoid or prevent easily, and which has the most powerful abilities by miles.

    Whether you look at it's spawnable bot, it's B attack, Y attack, or X attack, it's just the best. You can hack, and hack, and hack, it makes the turrets so, so much better - you can lay down a portable turret which in many positions is an utter nightmare for most classes to kill. You can spray out airstrikes which must be the most powerful ability in the game in pure terms of damage.

    You can also heal, get juice without actually helping your team or risking your life (and whilst juiced can near insta kill with the hurt, or shotgun from a long way off).

    It's just too much, too many things which are too effective. It's a class which can be utterly, utterly lethal without ever putting itself in any kind of danger. It's barely a support class - it's an attacking, defending and speciality triple threat.
  6. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Yeah, I honestly feel like I'm cheating when I play one. At least when I play another class I actually have to put myself in harm's way or kill players with some skill. As a Support I simply heal Blackjacks if I'm close to being juiced and watch it fill up.
  7. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    if anything gunner

    miniguns are strangley very ranged at times dont know if thats just a sponsor sometimes or what but i can say that i've died from near sniping range from deploy noobs :( thus ending some streaks

    also the crit rate from them can sometimes be ridiculous
  8. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    The only class that is over-powered is the assault. If he knows how to play his class, you will NOT beat him. You would think this would be the same for any class, but that is wrong. Only the Assault can out-gun any class, and move away fast enough when hurt. NERF.
  9. faits

    faits New Member

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    One time I thought my help got destoryed for a whole year. Turns out I was just really bored.
  10. Styli

    Styli New Member

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    I changed my vote to support. Until last night I didn't know they could sap energy while also healing. They should only be able to do one at a time. Seems all they have to do is walk into your zone protecting a Jackbot and it's hard to stop them. Plus the mini turrets they sprout are very tough. While I don't think that's an issue on it's own, I do think that it is when you combine it with my first point.

    That's all.
  11. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    Speaking as a support player;

    I can't hit anything at medium or long range if I don't have my firebase. If I meet an assault, gunner, sniper and especially tank on the map, unless I got the drop on them I'm probably dead. I have no way to close the distance quickly between myself and any other class.

    Which is almost necessary, since turrets are so weak in the first place. I've had games where the turrets I JUST built and hacked were utterly destroyed by a single juiced anything. Even without juicers pretty much all turret positions can be ranged by snipers, gunners etc. Do you press your face against rockit turrets and hold down the fire button hoping they'll be destroyed before you are?

    80% of the time a firebase can be instantly taken out by an opposing airstrike, even when under most bridges. It's one of the support's responsibilities. If you have a sucky support on your team, tell him what to do.

    Firebases aren't even close to impossible to take down. I was once in an area completely immune to airstrikes. A single bouncer bounded in and got the attention of my fierbase (any bot or pro would do though) a tank came in right after and chewed up my 2.3 in a few seconds, then killed me. If you have shitty teamwork and can't pull this basic thing off, then get better at teamwork.

    Airstrikes have to be the easiest thing to avoid ever. Even if you're on a ledge, the light form the sky and telltale noise is enough to tell you to move a few feet to your right. I've only ever been killed by them a couple times no matter what class I've played, and that was when I mistakenly thought it was in front of me and I accidentally backed up into them. Seriously, any class that isn't frozen in place should have an easy time leaving airstrikes in the dust. personally I only use it to deter people from getting near me and for taking down opposing turrets.

    Getting juice in that way gets us no money however, and might cause our team to lose since we're not being active in any other area. This is more of an argument against juice being able to do what it does rather than supports.

    Don't stand still, don't get too close and have a support on your team that's not a vegetable. That's the way to counter supports.
  12. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    I don't think that the counter to a class should be the same class, and don't you think that the firebase is a little too good? I haven't done any research but it feels like it can kill faster than an assault rifle and that shouldn't be the case for a movable auto-aim AI.
  13. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Im sure 75% of the votes are just from people who hate the class they voted for. Nothing related to how overpowered they are or anything.
  14. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Yep. Total Haters. I look at it this way. The loader boards go beyond 150K users and rankings. Yet less than 150 votes. This poll is insignificant. You give the people who can't play well an audience to moan to.

    I think I've played against you BTW. Good game.
  15. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    lol at saying we should need 2 people to take out u and ur turret
  16. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Gunners can take out turrets and the support by themselves. I do it all the time.
  17. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    And I'm 99% sure you have no facts to support that claim.

    Seriously the Support needs tweaking/adjusting, not a nerf. A few minor changes will make the class more in-line with the rest. Yes, the Support still has a few weaknesses but a good player can easily offset these.

    Also, as for one of the pervious posters talking about how underpowered their firebase is since a single Juiced player can destroy it, are you serious? A single juiced player can kill 4+ Pros with ease and you think your turret should stand a chance? Again, the logic of some of these arguements is full of fail.
  18. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Calm down, i didn't mean it as the Support not being overpowered, im actually for nerfing the Support, but seriously, you can't think all of the other classes are picked because people think they're so overpowered because they hate that class. You can't deny that a good portion of the votes are from hate. Sure a lot of people picked accordingly from 'overpoweredness' But to think that everyone picked a class they think is truly overpowered if just funny. And if you read any of other posts a lot of people said other classes with no facts to prove why they're overpowered, mostly because they probably couldn't put together a good statement to why they're overpowered. I'm for nerfing the firebase, atleast lower the fire rate. It does seem overpowered that a player turret can rip through a player with ease if placed at the right spot.
  19. bl00dyvalen7ine

    bl00dyvalen7ine New Member

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    Yes, This has happened on more than one occasion with me.

    But over all most classes are MOSTLY balanced. I would only tweek some things here and there.

    I know it was mentioned earlier but I'll mention it again, The grapple on the assult and Sniper need to be fixed or weeken the knock back. I can be at full health and have armor as my Glod and I'll be killed by the knock back not the grapple.

    but again, just a minor annoyance.

    Support is way OP though
  20. lol airstrike

    lol airstrike New Member

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    Firebase is the only thing overpowered in my opinion.

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