2nd ranked GB Team 25-5 looking for assassin

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by sokoto, August 27, 2010.

  1. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    We are looking for a dedicated assassin who is a smart player and knows how to clear bot lanes effectively,kill people, spawn gremlins, smoke nade turrets(Most important goal is to kill their bots/turrets and escort our bots), spawn gremlins and get juiced frequently.

    GT: Sokoto

    We have a guy on our team who can play assassin but were looking for someone who is dedicated/mains assassin.
  2. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Also we could use a dedicated tank who is smart and good with railgun.
  3. AnguzBeef

    AnguzBeef New Member

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    I main assassin with the main goal to clear bot lanes, juice for turret destruction, and spawn gremlins when appropriate.

    I play gold shield for tanking and destroying turrets, silver attack speed, and bronze movement.

    I am very familiar with how to most effectively play and use assassin. I do not upgrade skills, the money is better spent on juice and gremlins.

    Competitive account is: AnguzBeef
  4. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    GAH! Sokoto! I'm tempted to learn assassin just to play on your team ... alas, its my worst class.
  5. Heyitsxypher

    Heyitsxypher New Member

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    Well im a pretty good Tank my rail gun is amazing, and im a smart team player,
  6. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    I would suggest not join these kids. They take the game WAY to seriously and yell at EVERY thing. They will do a tactic (such as two assaults) and if you copy it, they will yell at you for being "bad". If you juice their money ball (which they tend to do) they will yell at you for being "bad". There just kids who need to grow up.

    No I am not saying this to get recruiting for my own team, they honestly are just annoying, for the lack of a better word, douche-bags.
    (Would also like to point out we gave them 2 of those 7 loses and ended their winning streak).
  7. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    No one cares you can stop trolling my threads, we're 2-2 so I dont know why your talking trash plus the fact that your informing this community that you beat us in a gb thats means nothing definetely proves that you take MNC more seriously then us. Anyways every loss we've had to you is because we dont have an assassin I dont know why you cant get that through your head without an assassin to clear lanes and kill turrets its nearly impossible to win. Anyways you're horrible individually so Im still confused as to why your even posting ;).
  8. tomin83r

    tomin83r New Member

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    1. u dont need a assassin to clear bot lanes even without our assassin we still manage at clearing the lanes 2.stop complaining u noooooob 3.id reccomend not joining there team that is until they acctualy relaise that u dont need an assassin to win and that there are much better teams out there not saying any names and im not sayin this to get u on are side

    also we dont take the game to seriously were just telling the community that your a abd clan and its true and the fact that ost of the team has already left dosent that say anything
  9. JavierT56

    JavierT56 New Member

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    Hey sokoto im back on MNC i was out on vacation for a while if you still need that assasin let me know :)
  10. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    And the fact that you make fun of tomin83r because he has a higher voice? (Most Brits do) Or the fact that once we beat you, you start yelling and flipping out? You're right maybe you don't take MNC seriously, but you sure take losing personally. Maybe if you weren't a complete dickhole and just said good game like any of the other respectable teams. Are you kidding me? You don't HAVE to have an assassin to clean bots, I'm sure you've seen mean clear lanes with my Death Blossom, it works almost just as well, if not better. Sure Assassins are nice, but they aren't the sol reason you lost.
    I'll stop "trolling" your threads when you stop trolling mine. If I'm a horrible why do I go positive? Last time I checked you're a fail support too. Air Strikes are not the way to go, I'm sure my support even made fun, sorry, corrected you on that. Again though, it's O.K, last time I checked, this was a team based game. That means I don't have to 1v1 that much :).
  11. boxxcarcadaver

    boxxcarcadaver New Member

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    Calm down children, it's just a game.


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