The 10 most influential players on the MNC commut onity

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Undercover_Thudercat, December 26, 2011.

  1. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    Kckzi: Revolutionized the way people play assault. (The most popular class in game)
    Shammas: Revolutionized the way people play tank. (The least popular class in game)

    Kckzi: Writes 1 guide with 4.3k views.
    Shammas: Most popular guide: 3k views.

    Kckzi: The second person to put private games together. Begged the community to try to play private games, after the first person who put private games together basically left everyone with a bad taste in their mouth, because he would stack his team and cry when his team lost.
    Shammas: The first person to try to put private games together.

    Kckzi: Keeps both GP and Destiny alive by telling the leader of GP that he won't join his new team.
    Shammas: Leader of GP who put GP back together after throwing temper tantrum that ended after realizing kckzi wouldn't join his new team.
    (Also, this happened right before FN cup signup deadline, which would have resulted in 11 teams, which would have been too few. your welcome)
    Last edited: December 27, 2011
  2. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    oh snap
  3. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    Contribute more noob
  4. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    Feedle is number one hands down. He made the game and forums fun. He had 7 teams in one clan. Imagine if feedle never existed. Remember he is THE MNC GURU.
  5. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    Dark Evil*
  6. crimsonautumn

    crimsonautumn Active Member

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    #1 on all yourr lists should be, yup you guessed it, KCKZI
    Delta formation!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: December 27, 2011
  7. grindout

    grindout Member

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    I would like to nominate myself. In all seriousness. Also I would like to mention Rhineville as he helped push the Super Sudden Death Blitz record. Also he was the only person to have an article about him I believe for the epic sig he made for Scathis. Along with him, I have had a top 10 Sudden Death Blitz record until recently (11th) for most of this games life.

    Super Sudden Death Blitz I helped 15 of the top 35 people get their records and many more in the top 100.

    2. GrindouT
    3. arbac
    7. Obsydianyte
    8. Vengeful Fiend
    9. Shinigami Eyes
    14. AmbrosiaNectar
    15. DRx NeMo
    20. ActingCobra
    21. Super Boy Meat
    24. TheBoom84
    32. GamersPlague
    33. XV Sickest
    34. JackTrips
  8. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    There you go! Who isn't throwing temper tantrums these days? All the kids are doing it! Pretty influential if you ask me...
  9. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    I want to add a few names to the barrel lovem or hatem

    Xenonox- He was the first guy to go out of his way and post vids on youtube about playing each class and certain tatics in the game. This isnt meant for private match meta or nothing but give the guy credit. He is the only mnc user on here to have an extreme fanbase next to Xcal.

    Xcalizor- This is the AVGN of mnc when the game first came out. I mean watch the guys early videos and youll see alot of old faces here and there. Alot of people looked up to this guy back then and would have never found out what the game was unless he made videos of it.

    Hudson & Oxy team- These guys pretty much ran the forums and made the bible of how people should play long before anyone else. I'm not going to say that everything they did was right but alot of people looked up to most of the players from oxy and their skills.

    Push & Grand Prize- Honestly this is the only team in mnc history i know which had the most lethal players. I mean a few times they had problems with keeping a steady support ala enforcers, ace, chronicaust etc.. but Shammas, Push, Sigmar, Miracle made this lethal combo a menace.

    Feedle&Rannek Gamefaqs- I pretty much brought most of the community from there over here in one way or another. The gamefaqs vs uber war with me and rannek was my prime.

    MLG Int./Feedle/Pineapple- Cor- Loved or hated us. We were always the underdogs and we had fun playing together. Me, MLG, Pineapple, Crimsonskull, Viking305 original team. We played gamebattles and won first round vs Einarath and Unicorn sunshines team. From then on we brought the meta of kd means nothing just kill the ball and keep it down. We spawn killed and glitched hatred in people. We made this forum funny for the times it lasted.

    Me- Lockdown- My second team which pretty much took the aspects of Cor but mainly we were all friends who played for fun. We never claimed to be the best but we played best as a team.

    Grimja - Beam- One of the biggest teams I can think of almost as big as cor in its prime. They were also one of the biggest teams who played for fun and enjoyed what they did.

    Tom&Jon- TEG- They pretty much carried over what was started back when privates first started. Combining everything into more detail and helping new players transform into better players. They were my enemies back then but I have no hard feelings towards them.

    Deadeye/Rustclan/Appoc- Teaching us the fun of trolling and raging. Without these guys Cor would have never served out hot cups of rage and lols to the community.

    Ekanaut- For leaving the game how it is now and most of us are happy with what it became. Honestly this is the best 1200 point game of its time.

    Grindout & Big Ordeal- Two of the most determined blitz players I know of. Words cant describe how much time and effort they put into becoming high on the leaderboards.

    Chaosff7- the guy was #1 on the leaderboards for a solid year. Everyone feared him in his prime and this was the gunner who tore things up. Sadly he took a break from the game but came back to try and regain his old title.

    Peachypony- One of the biggest juice chainers in the world. Once he got juice that was it.. you had to stop him or things got out of hand. Never heard the guy talk ever but was always fun to play with and against.
  10. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

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    This is a Personal To Me list. I found this forum the day that I started playing, the summer before last.

    1. NOVA - first person I played with on a regular basis. Really helped me learn / refine tank. Even though I'd only had the game for a week, I played a solid tank.
    2..Nephaerius - the leader of the only clan I ever joined, ZERG. Wonderful assassin, too, I'm convinced that he's the best at his respective class.
    3. MELevolence85 - Neph's wife. The girl who I've played more games than any, on a regular basis. Never once has deviated from tank.
    4. Randomdude02 - the guy that made me main assassin until I realised that saying I mained as an assassin was a horrible thing to admit.
    5. Shifty - Taught me how to gunner / assault / support, and was a cool guy in general. Set the bar for me, really.
    6. Deadeye - The guy that inadvertantly showed me that legendary players weren't really a big deal, and the only way to really make an awesome amount of kills with a pub team is to juice chain.
    7. TheJoshF42 - or whatever the hell his name is.
    8. Gunked - Introduced me to private matches in general.
    9. Jon#s
    10. Organous
    I would put Rustclan but I'm not sure why people think he's that great, really.
  11. gunked

    gunked New Member

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  12. skayeyeelel

    skayeyeelel New Member

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    What about skill for proving YOU DON'T NEED ARMOR ON YOUR ASSAULT In privates :) ?
  13. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    you dont need armor but it helps
  14. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    Skill if you had armor, you would go much higher up in the picks bruh.
  15. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Can I get an honorable mention at least.
  16. joker

    joker Active Member

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  17. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    drizy has a good assassin
  18. gunked

    gunked New Member

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  19. skayeyeelel

    skayeyeelel New Member

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  20. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    I can haz nomination?

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