No, the Support is NOT fine

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Pyrus Invictum, August 15, 2010.

  1. fake

    fake New Member

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    Man, I can tell how good you are at logic by this incredible sentence.
  2. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    I took your argument seriously until you called air-strikes "portable nukes".

    You have more than enough time, even with Tank, to get away from them. They don't have a massive radius, it's relatively contained. Other than the fact you see the other team's color on the ground and the loud noise it produces, I don't know how you could possibly NOT escape them.

    The firebase should only have 180 degrees of turning ability.

    The shotgun is a shotgun... You want to nerf a close-range weapon for excelling at its own range? That's ridiculous.
  3. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    agreed!!!! dont nerf the support up your skills... i for one play as a defence orientated support focusing solely on having the base up and running. Quite easily make money when i own every turret and im killing damn near every bot in the game

    then what do i do once the base is secure and well defended i move up with my firebase/airstrikes to SUPPORT my team for the final push if ppl cant understand the most simple logical way to use a support then we are all doomed!!!!

    There not OP but i can understand your grievance of trying to fight a support with 2 HG's around but then again if he is a SUPPORT class makes no sense to nerf him so he cant really support anything
  4. faits

    faits New Member

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    Once the support levels up air raid to level three, they've got a pretty big radius. Plus a skilled support can chain three together to paint an even larger area that there's no way anyone is getting out of. PLUS a support can go under a bridge or in one of the tunnels on lazerazor, throw one in there, and nobody on top is any the wiser until they're dead.

    Not to mention a well aimed toss will result in a sticky.

    Personally, I love doing all these things and hate having them done to me. Probably a good solution would be to have the air raids do damage rather than insta-killing, except in cases of a successful sticky.
  5. RedBeardRaven

    RedBeardRaven New Member

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    If you are that close to allow for a Support to "paint" a triangle around you with the airstrike than it is your own fault. Just about every class has a way out of the radius ( even on level 3 ) as long as you focus on your surroundings instead of being narrow visioned on your enemy. Plus, to be that close you should KNOWINGLY understand that Support is BEST at close range combat and his weakness is past midrange. His Airstrike works as a strategy point on 1 vs 1, which is, "get the hell away from me!" or can be used to as a last hurrah when dieing to help your team or a way to hit around a corner when someone is hiding to regain health/sneak attack. I rarely use it in the middle of a fight because of how much time it takes away from healing/shooting and I would hope that anyone would be able to get away from the Airstrike spam that some Support do.

    Side note... Seriously? This class only has 1 TRUE weapon that he can use at any time... the shotgun and some people are saying he is over powered because of the shotgun? That just sounds like people venting about being taken out from close range by a close range weapon.

    I want to also explain that I have yet to see a Support win in a 1 on 1 match with any class ( from full health ) unless they were juiced ( and I mean this without the support of his Firebase ). Everything has range against the Support class except the Assassin which has the speed ( and shurikens of course ) so there shouldn't be any problem in that area and he is NOT OP in that area.

    The only thing that I see about the Firebase that MIGHT be overpowered is the fact that it has 360 range. This is the only thing that really could be considered over powered in any way. A sniper can decimate the Firebase with a full clip of his sniper even when the Support is healing it. ( I know I have done it and had it done on me. ) An Assassin can blind the Firebase and kill any Support huddling by it then run away to shuriken it to destruction without being massively impacted. Tank can railgun it to death from a long distance, not to mention the JetEngine Gun at close range... The Gunner can take out a Firebase in no time, maybe slightly more no time with Support healing it. Assault can grenade it if no Support is around it OR just kill the Support ultra fast with his Assault Rifle and then switch to C4 for ultra funny moments. Another Support can Airstrike it and then Shotgun if they feel frisky. With that said, restricting it's range is fine by me, it could even cause the Support to stick by the Firebase more often because of how easily the Assassins could do destroy it ( even more so ) but please stop singling this class out because of how versatile it is. Support can fill many roles ( temporarily ) but all in all, it is still a weak class as compared to the heavy hitters.
  6. blurr

    blurr New Member

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    Honestly, it seems to me that it comes down to one issue.

    It seems like people who have a problem with the support, are playing the wrong game. That is, they're playing MNC, but they're playing it like it's MW2.

    This isn't MW2, you don't just run and gun and rambo all over the place. These are the players support players are killing easily.

    If you're smart, a support can't do jack to you. As any class I have no problem taking out an enemy support.

    Here's the rules:
    -Don't walk into his firebase
    -Don't grapple him by his firebase
    -Don't stand in an airstrike zone
    -Don't stay at super close range (shotgun)
    -If an airstrike is on you, get under something
    -Use mortar/grenade/bomb to take out turrets at range.
    -He can't heal himself, if he's healing someone else, take the support out first

    These simple rules make support a joke. The gnashing of teeth and wailing of hands because you can't run and gun and one-shot supports (who know how to play), is just a bad knee-jerk reaction.
  7. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The airstrikes take a long time to drop and are easily visible and audible. The shotgun is ridiculously limited by range, would you say it's unfair that the sniper can kill in 1 shot from far away? The only point I agree with is the turning radius on firebases, but I really couldn't care less because they are easily destroyed as it is.
  8. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    The difference being that a sniper needs to use skill, a support just needs to hide around a corner with his firebase and wait until you show up.

    And anyone who said the support gets wrecked at long range is either a liar or an idiot. You just run away: either now you survive to fight again, or they come after you and you can engage at closer range.
  9. faits

    faits New Member

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    If a support is engaged by, say, a gunner at medium range, unless he can get around a corner QUICK he is going to die. The support is not very fast, he can't outrun bullets.
  10. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Hahaha, grow up :lol:

    People are trolling because there are countless threads like this, with the exact same "arguments". If you can't get past a support, change your class. Switch to Support for one life, take out his firebase, and return to your original class, and don't let him place one again.

    If you keep letting him place Firebases in offensive places, then expect to be mauled

    The Airstrikes are necessary, I think. The Support has no long-range weapon, and it's also SO MUCH FUN to sticky people
  11. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    first. sometimes due to lag u wont see the airstrike radius or even will hear the sound as it blows up which makes for some really lame deaths.

    as for the firebase i have never seen it have limited turning

    the shotgun if u can aim outpowers the tanks jet gun which is complete bullshit

    also when i play support i run around with the shotgun 2 shotting gunners and whoever else gets in my way. if u cant go 1 on 1 with any class as a support u need to learn to aim
  12. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Assuming that, in the heat of battle, you have an available exit and have not exhausted your escape options, which for some classes is a single slow-to-recharge skill.

    Basically, it sounds like "in optimal conditions, that's not so bad."

    Blaming someone's awareness is nice, but rarely the whole truth.

    Seriously? It takes a lot of time to put down air strikes? Since when?

    Taking the Firebase out of the equation is already sort of problematic, because it's a key feature of the class. I mean, the Sniper isn't that deadly at a distance without his sniper rifle, but I'm hardly going to base class balance on such an obvious omission. Since the Support has two mechanics that revolver around turret use (firebase and hack), that's a pretty big omission. Perhaps not as big as Sniper-Sniper Rifle, but still.

    • Assassin: I'd like to know how this works, since it seems any support who can hit the hurt button can still do a chunk (at least, assuming absolute minimum competence) to an assassin in this instance. I'm also assuming they can't guess to aim coming back from it. Also great if the Support is literally on top of the base, but I've never seen this move work from either side of the equation, mostly due to that last part.
    • Tank: Will dominate if the Support isn't healing it. Even with Gold RoF, though, this is still kind of slow. If the Support is healing it, it becomes an issue of whose team is better. It's still pretty easy to place a turret where Snipers can't hit it, and the same goes for Tanks. I've been on boths sides of this one plenty, too, and unless you're optimised for "sniping," the exchange tends to favor the assault. Up close, it's easy enough to hit you with an air strike, since you're the biggest target in the game. When playing Support, I love it when Tanks practically giftwrap me an Airstrike kill. It's almost as kind as those Assassins who walk up to my tanks and try to facestab me.
    • Gunner: Rightfully so. Its biggest weakness is being tagged with an airstrike, but at least it's not a Tank.
    • Assault: Also a good option thanks to its mobility.
    • Support: Hard sell.

    Support's not really a weak class. The problem is, any attempt to weaken it will do too much and remove incentive to play the class.
  13. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    If they run away, push up and take control. If they leave their firebase, kill it. They can't win by hiding, that just leaves your team open to destroy their ball. If you can't win then that is a problem.
  14. fbnf 69

    fbnf 69 New Member

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    supports r perfect. the firebases own only if u get to close. stay afar and blow it up. its far cuz support has no long range weapon that he can use over and over fast
  15. Captain Awful

    Captain Awful New Member

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    Interestingly enough the counter to support is support. Whenever a team goes four supports two gunners, I can easily hold them off with one support and max air strike.
  16. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    1) You shouldn't still be in a match where audio and video clues are not showing up.

    2) Key word: "should".

    3) The shotgun is a shotgun. It excels at that range. My question is why are you in the range where it overpowers it? Back up, shoot that support. He can't two-shot you with his shotgun unless he's really close. You should be able to murder any support with the Jet Gun anyways.
  17. RedBeardRaven

    RedBeardRaven New Member

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    It's not about "blaming" someone's awareness or not. We are discussing whether the Support is Over Powered or not. ( First and foremost I think he is fine the way he is ) For those classes that have the "slow-to-recharge skill" they seem to have jump jets on their back for a reason. If they seriously CANNOT get out of the radius on a horizontal axis than there is always the vertical axis which I know the Tank and Gunner have without a recharge time. To be honest, the only classes without a Dash or Jump+ feature is the Support and Sniper and both should know better in the first place.

    I was meaning why take the moment to hit the B button ( against a Pro ) when typically you should be either a) running away b) healing a fellow Pro or c) attacking with your Shotgun since they are so close. The only reason that I would throw an Airstrike is sort of like a "warning" to get the hell away or to give myself some time to get behind cover or bait them into the range of my Firebase.

    Yes I know it is problematic and that is why I was targeting the Support player specifically to point out that his best asset is the Firebase. Some people are trying to nerfbat this specifically and I find it ridiculous. Wouldn't you feel the same way about the Sniper? ( since you brought him up ) Nerfbat that sniper rifle, these snipers keep getting kills from long distance and we can't have that!

    The Assassin can generally blind the Firebase FIRST so they can go after the Support SECOND. This allows for minimal damage when targeting BOTH. Primarily when I play Assassin and I see the duo I go after the Support first unless the Firebase is extremely low on health or targeting another bot or Pro.

    The rest is spot on unless I misread your comments about the other classes except the Support. It is a hard sell but true nonetheless. His Airstrike is his only option against the Firebase unless the Firebase has NO defense around it and you can hide behind cover and just drain it. Again, I too am with the fact that the Support is fine the way he is and don't think anything needs any nerfing for it will just make the class less optimal in general.

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