Uber live Monday August 30th, 4PM PST Post your questions!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 25, 2010.

  1. rich merry

    rich merry New Member

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    So when is support going to get his own side scrolling platformer spin off? :D

    When the bugs get fixed are you going to take off the offenders from the leaderboards (the top 150 last time i checked)?

    EDIT:my bad, i wasn't clear, i was meaning the blitz leaderboards, nothing to do with the crossfire

    I would think more characters is out of the question but what about some more bots/turrets?

    will we see/hear more of Michel Canter?
    Last edited: August 27, 2010
  2. OoPpEe1985

    OoPpEe1985 New Member

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    Bomberman Live, Worms, Castle Crashers and Alien Hominid are 4 games off the top of my head that have DLC and are Arcade games.

    Ummm I am in the top 150 and have NOT did any "offending" aside from playing this game so damn much.
  3. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Why does the gunner have terrible upgrades for half of his skills?

    Turret level 3 & grapple 2-3 are the skills in question.

    The grapple level 3 was probably intended to kill tanks at close range, but considering 95% of people don't play tank this skill is just crap. The grapple animation is so long, you could have just used your miniguns on the tank and killed him.
  4. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Is the assassin right bumper attack going to be on a cooldown? As a followup have you considered putting the left trigger grapple on the same cooldown as the right bumper attack?
  5. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Is proper positioning supposed to be an issue with long shot turrets, or are they not working properly?

    Is steel peel arena designed to prevent gap shots from working at long ranges? Is steel peel arena designed so that long shot turrets are supposed to be near worthless?

    Will turrets ever be changed so they shoot back once shot? It seems as though it would really make for a nice balance change.

    Will still peel ever be re-balanced so that you can't snipe the turrets from your base as a sniper? Will you consider a long distance damage nerf to the rifle vs turrets at long range (aka from your base)? Currently this map requires 1 support character to stand around and heal the turrets. Is that supposed to be fun?

    Will we ever see more turret nubs? Due to the severe lack of range, most turrets do almost nothing unless they are hacked.

    Can we get a change to rocket turrets to justify their cost over laser blazers? I don't think laser blazers need a change; namely I am suggesting we allow level 2-3 rocket turrets to see & shoot invisible assassins. *And perhaps have a little longer base range...please?*
    Last edited: August 27, 2010
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    UberGunner you know there is an edit button, correct? No need to post three times in a row.
  7. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Yea, but I was grouping my questions by relevance so they would be easier to answer (I have many).

    Is the support's turret supposed to be healed when you pick it up? It seems a bit cheap to pick up a 90% dead turret so you can just throw it back down at full health.
  8. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I read that bombs and traps are supposed to be able to destroyed by area affect attacks. I have tried over and over again to destroy traps/bombs but I have never been able to do so.

    Yesterday I spent an entire clip shooting at an assault's bomb while he waited patiently for me to run over it. The bomb didn't blow up. Are you sure this feature is working properly? No one I've spoken to has ever destroyed a bomb or a trap by shooting at them.

    WOOKiEKiLL New Member

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    Dude you have your lockerroom which tracks everything pretty much. Your career tracks your kills and other stats per class, plus there are leaderboards as well. Not trying to sound like a ****, but you really should have noticed these things.
  10. atomic

    atomic New Member

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    how are you planning on fixing the gameplay issues that OT has brought?
  11. JerCKY

    JerCKY New Member

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    Will there ever be any more classes added?

    Friend request sent!
  12. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Any chance on making the game a little more competitive? Rewarding skill over gay tactics? I find it slightly insane that I can play as assault, spawn buzzers, taunt, do nothing else.. and be in the lead at the end of the game.
  13. hatemakerr

    hatemakerr New Member

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    For the tower defense mode, any chance there's a way we can draw out a plan - possibly on a minimap? It's so hard playing with randoms when they don't know where to go. Using some organization or leadership would be nice.
  14. JerCKY

    JerCKY New Member

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    By tower defense mode, do you mean Blitz? Or is there a new mode coming out that I haven't heard about?
  15. Jungos60

    Jungos60 New Member

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    sended friend request
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I actually have a question I'd like to throw down for now...

    What are you guys thoughts on Overtime? How did it come about and what do you think it adds to the game?
  17. 31stCenturyMatt

    31stCenturyMatt New Member

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    (I didn't read the whole thread, sorry if this has already been mentioned)

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer to my first question, but based on other threads I've found, a definitive answer would be welcome:

    *Is there any difference between a Jackbot and a Jackbot XL?
    *Is it currently possible to overheal a Jackbot (XL)?
    *Is it supposed to be possible?

  18. PigletB12

    PigletB12 New Member

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    I know there will most likely be new crossfire maps. But my question is:

    Will you guys plan on making any new maps or more modes for blitz? Me and my girlfriend have a blast playing blitz while I'm not playing crossfire. It is just getting a little old on the same map.

    Also, can we expect more things to do with our money besides buying pro tags and custom classes?

    Character customization? Maybe new skins for pros?

    MNC Store, when will it be up? Can you guys give an estimate? I'm dying to get my hands on some MNC merchandise!

    I'm sure you guys have heard these questions a thousand times, and I understand how busy you guys must be, but thanks for making such a great game. It's great to have such great support from you devs.
  19. abobadom

    abobadom New Member

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    i hope so!!! lol
  20. WOOKiEKiLL

    WOOKiEKiLL New Member

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    My friend actually came up with a cool idea of having Pit Girl as an unlockable class. Unfortunately that's where his genius ended. But I've given it some thought and came up with a fairly balanced idea in spirit with the game. She could have a Money Gun(doesn't actually drain your money, but shoots coins at pros) and a Wrench for her secondary. For her skills she'd have Bacon Kiss(gives pros a 5 sec bacon boost), Bullseye Bomb(Release tiny mascots that explode when they hit enemies), Pit Grapple(Do the splits and whack a pro in the crotch with her wrench), and her grey skill would give critical shots and some extra speed rather than health.
    I know every single person on this board will hate me for this but I would love to see Pit-Girl happen and a quick way to make that happen....instead of just new maps make a DLC for classes/character mods. Make Pit-Girl like a 100-160 MS point download and I have a feeling it'll become the top DLC in about a week. Really hope the devs see this post, I'd love to talk about this.

    -PS Keep an eye out for MNC art by WOOKiE. It'l be coming shortly.-

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